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Everything posted by psdenno

  1. Consider how to get to the spare tire before you do too much welding. Dennis
  2. I bought my '71 new off the showroom floor. At the time, the Z was so popular that there was a nine month waiting list. It was possible to buy your way to the top of the list, which is what I did. I had just returned from a year and a half overseas and needed wheels. I paid about $700 over sticker to buy the only Z in stock. Paying over the sticker price was generally unheard of in those days. But, the Z was hot and it was all about supply and demand. That same Z sits in my driveway as I write this. I suppose that extra $700 amortized over the last 38 year works out to about $1.60 a month. I can live with that. Dennis
  3. My opinion: Delete the message. The sender's use of generic terms like "item" and "product" indicates the email is a one size fits all for spamming people who are offering a variety of things for sale. Of course you could always jerk him around by sending fake account information, but it's probably not worth the effort. Dennis
  4. Clever solution! I wonder how difficult it will be to remove the door panel without bending or breaking it as you try to get the Velcro to let go. Keep us posted on how it works for you. Dennis
  5. I need the early style seat adjustment rails for the driver and passenger seats on a '71 240Z. PM me with price shipped to 92262 (SoCal) - pictures appreciated. Dennis
  6. The Air Force offers some of the "safer" military career opportunities. However, always remember that the way you can tell when a recruiter is lying to you is that you can see his/her lips moving. They may promise an aircraft maintenance or motor pool job, but you will end up in a career field where they need a warm body - not necessarily what was promised. I speak from experience. I spent 20 years in an as an officer in an AF career field that I didn't know even existed when I signed on the line. The good part is that now I get a nice retirement check and a few other benefits. Don't get in over your head on school loans. Check schools to see about their job placement services and record for grads. Talk to someone who has gone through a similar program and get their insight. Most schools will connect you with someone near you so you can ask questions. Good luck on your career choice. Don't be afraid to change your mind and try something else if you find it's not as fun or rewarding as you hoped it would be. You're making a decision at a young age that will impact the next 45 years of your life. It's the same big scary world my son, also going into Senior year, is getting ready to tackle. Keep us posted on how it goes. Dennis
  7. If you're going to do a background check and character analysis on every potential buyer, I doubt that you'll ever sell your Z. Enjoy your car and the story of "the one that got away". Dennis
  8. You don't consider it gambling? That's probably your first mistake. People who consistently win at poker (which is gambling BTW) are good at several skills including psychology, reading body language, mentally keeping track of cards & odds, and bluffing. Knowing when to "hold 'em" and when to "fold 'em" doesn't hurt either. If you're going to gamble (poker is gambling) you have to be mentally and financially prepared to lose and not whine about it. Don't play with more than you can afford to lose. Don't spend the rent, grocery money, or college fund on poker. Did I mention that poker is gambling? People would be playing it in church basements, instead of Bingo, if it wasn't. Dennis
  9. And let's not forget to rant about subject/verb agreement while we're on the topic. Dennis
  10. Have you thought about just looking at the staff listing that's printed in just about every magazine? Generally, there is a phone number listed for all staff positions and frequently an email address. Then you do a little "cold calling". Make sure you have your proposal organized and a presentation packet ready to fax or mail. Have fun! Dennis
  11. Be nice. Remember, she's someone's daughter. Let's just hope she never becomes someone's mother. Dennis
  12. Interest is closely related to price - how about a "ball park" figure? Dennis
  13. A little Bondo. a little rattle can spray, a little insurance, and you're good as new and back on the street! Dennis
  14. When my water pump & fan took out my radiator a very long time ago, it was a good excuse to get a larger radiator. Stock radiators are often marginal when new, so minus 10% isn't going to be an improvement. Dennis
  15. There has been discussion elsewhere on these bumpers. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34912&highlight=stainless+steel+bumpers Dennis
  16. I haven't noticed you mentioning any lesson learned from this adventure - or a reordering of your priorities. You might want to consider putting "car insurance" higher on your priority list than "internet access". Driving uninsured is just a very bad choice. So far, you seem to be getting off "lucky". What's your plan after all of this is sorted out? Dennis
  17. I went through the same decision process. My mechanic said to just bypass the heater rather than go to the expense of paying him to do the job. Then, I thought about the times I used the extra circulation of the heater system to keep the radiator from overheating in stop & go freeway traffic on really hot SoCal days. I stayed with the factory set up and considered the expense to be money well spent. Dennis
  18. It appears that 50 may be the "new" 80. Time to de-stress, I think I'll take the Z for a spin. Dennis
  19. psdenno

    Picture 3

    From the album: BMW Seats in a Z

  20. psdenno

    Picture 1

    From the album: BMW Seats in a Z

  21. psdenno

    BMW seat

    From the album: BMW Seats in a Z

  22. psdenno

    BMW Seats in a Z

  23. I run 215/60/15 tires on my Rewinds. I went through the same Forum questioning process before I got them and got a half a dozen different answers on correct tire size. After mounting, I had a slight rub on the front when turning - tire to valance. I replaced the stock metal valance with a slight lip spoiler/valance made of fiberglass from MSA. I figured I could trim it easily as needed. As it was, no trimming was needed and two years later life is still good. No problems with sidewall rub front or back. Dennis
  24. I'm impressed! Most of us think about a project like this for a couple years and then take another year, or so, to make it happen. You determined what to do and then did it. I'm sure the finished project will be slick. Dennis
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