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Everything posted by josh817

  1. Indeed good sir. Hahahaha 14 x 8 Supra wheels. I think I can do a 225 if I really wanted to but I'm worried about any rubbing. Also, horrible news. Usually I'd just take the insurance hit of like $10 more or whatever but as always, the severity of the ticket does matter. 15mph or more counts as reckless driving she said and they can drop you for that. So... Looks like I will be doing defer adjudication and pray that they won't make me pay all right there... or should I do an attorney? Edit: Haha Radial 14 not R compound. I'm sure I would have just stuck to the ground like a tick with R compound!
  2. Haha yah I know. I don't know anything about tires. I just go by the rule of thumb you get what you paid for and I paid $110 for a a new set of summit 205's on the rear. Haha Like I said though! 90mph on the over pass and now wobbling or understeer!
  3. John has built up rage. If he attended the same highschool as I did, I'd report into the anonymous tip services for troubled people.
  4. I still have strong opinions towards what 1 fast z says... unless this is something unique to the L motors (which I having a feeling that it is), I don't follow the whole you can't sleeve all the cylinders because the block will be too weak idea. Triumph TR3 motors (tractor motors) are sleeved on all 4 cylinders. The sleeves are not welded in. In fact, if you take the head off, they will fall out if you turn the block upside down. Usually we put little washers that look like ears on the head studs and then screw a nut down. This way the cylinders don't slide out while jockeying it around without a head. I'd have to go back to the shop and look at a spare motor to see if they're wet or dry sleeves. All I know is that when we go to replace them we actually have to go to a tractor outlet store. Haha Oh and don't forget to mention that their 4 cylinder motors are a 3 main bottom end, so the bottom end isn't even as stout as our Datsun stuff. Dad even did some sort of "monster motor" (their monsters aren't like ours ) and overbored the sleeves by 1/4 inch and that motor still runs just fine. Kicks the ass of the supercharged TR4 we built for someone else too... I know I'm most likely going to be wrong when I say this but block rigidity seems like it would be compromised only at the bottom end if you sleeve because the combustion is now taking place well... in the sleeve, and not the cylinder itself. Even if your machine shop had to weld them in, it shouldn't take much labor if they're good. The place we use welds up combustion chambers in no time, clean resurface and a magnaflux test, ready to go.
  5. Well I blame you Big-Phile and Chris! Honestly I'm not making this up, that day when I was coming onto the ramp I was thinking about that Cowtown track day at MSR that you made a video of and I was like "Hey they said something about 'R compound' tires". At that current time I remembered that my cheap tires had like an R14 on them and I was like well.. they're $50 tires so they can't be anything special, lets try this out anyway. 4th gear, going on the overpass, 90mph tires squealing but no understeer just yet. It was perfect! Thats not how I got my ticket though! I was merging in with traffic and I guess the right hand lane was flowing quicker than I thought. My speedometer tends to read 5mph too fast so I set it at 70mph (with the impression that I'm REALLY doing 65). I go into the left hand lane to pass someone and bring it to like 75-ish. Cop is sitting there right on the left hand shoulder so I was like eeesh. Long story short, I guess the speedo is only 5mph too fast when I'm doing like 0-45mph and then it comes back to normal. Now that I have this big ticket I've calmed myself down. I'll only do 70mph max on a regular 60mph highway and I only drive like a burglar on the twisty back roads and stuff. I must say its rather nice to cruise at 2300RPM in 5th gear rather than 3000RPM. I'm wanting a 4.38 diff anyway because I realize doing 145+mph on highway 6 isn't necessary. Actually, it gets quite scary so with a 4.38, theoretically I can still do like 150-160 @7000RPM but I wouldn't maintain an RPM that high for that long just to go stupid fast. I'm setting the rev limiter to 6500 or 7000, there isn't anything up there for me to use. Thanks Big-Phil and Chris for mentioning R compound tires and making me want to see if I have such a thing. Oh and get this, he was like hey this is a nice car blah blah blah. He was a pretty cool cop but he asked if it ran well and I just looked at him. Sometimes too well, Officer... Then I contemplated how exactly I was going to pull out off the shoulder and back onto 65mph traffic without looking like I'm off to cause more trouble and without spraying rocks and **** all over his car. Haha By the way, Big-Phil or anyone that is in Texas, do we have that NC thing that 240hoke was talking about? I have All State insurance I do believe. I'll call on Monday I suppose.
  6. Eh I don't even want to deal with court though if I'm to be honest. Dad got a ticket for a no right on red, which they say "failure to stop" on the ticket. He found it to be absolutely ludicrous especially since that light never use to be no right on red, and he did the necessary precautions for a right on red which would be to stop, look, and yield. All in all he said that the whole court thing was pretty much him stating his position which I guess would be no contest and then the judge just looked at his record and told him what to do, he got away with $90 ticket and no defensive driving and it didn't go on his record. This would piss me off because Texas state law says that if I do defer adjudication then by law people under 25 must take the defensive driving, and then the judge can do like community service or whatever. I wouldn't do community service since I have school and work, so that basically leaves me with paying a full ticket, a defensive driving course, and court fees, but I get a clean record. I feel that paying just the regular $230 ticket in full and ignoring the court fees would be best, and just do defensive driving next year at my own pace. For financial sake though, it would be best if I kept expenditures as low as possible. The other thing that pisses me off is that from the stories I hear, no one gets to explain the context of the situation. My honest opinion is that yah I broke the law so just do what needs to be done, but part of me would feel better if someone understood that I was trying to get to my sisters wedding, and that my grandpa was there for that day before he went back to New Jersey and he's like 87 years old so you know... spend as much time as you can with him before he leaves since it may be the last time. I'd much rather just have the date set back so I don't have to worry about monthly payments and being late by like... a day or something silly. As for the actual ticket stub, I'm not really sure how it even works. My first ticket said come into the station and tell them what you want to do by such and such time. I went in, said defensive driving, they said ok you have 90 days you can pay now or pay when you send in the certification. With this, it says I need to show up to court any time before/on August 28. How does the police officer attend the court if I can show up any day between now and the 28th? Or is it like my first ticket where I tell them what I want to do by August 28 and if I choose court they give me a scheduled time, if I choose to pay it they make me do it right there?
  7. Well I received my second ticket last week. The first ticket was taken care of by defensive driving so it doesn't even show up. VERY cool, love the idea, everyone should do that if they offer it. Here in Texas you can do one defensive driving course every 12 months to dismiss a ticket. The police officer who pulled me over didn't even see it on his in car screen thing. I do mine online for like $35 and then they give you a $15 coupon through email for a second visit. Anyway, its been only like 7 months since I did my course last so out of the 3 options, that one is out. 3 options being: 1. Take course, pay for course but pay less of a ticket ($230 dropped to $120 + course fee) 2. Pay regular fines and take the "hit" on your record 3. Defer adjudication, knowing my luck the judge will say pay the regular fines and take the course to get it off your record. So thats regular ticket + course fee + maybe court fee. *Regular ticket for my speeding would be $230* The way I have my money split up: 1. College 2. Car Parts 3. Gas The Z funds itself by selling stuff I don't use, but since its my first year of college, my Z funds went to books leaving me with roughly $100. This is fine because once I'm finished with a motor I'm building at the shop, I should retrieve my $400 parts fund. However this ticket is due on the 28th, school starts the 24th. I don't want to ask to borrow money... Does Texas/most cities/city of Hurst have some sort of payment plan or maybe a delayed ticket payment system? It would be highly convenient for those highschool or college students that are barely making it by. To avoid all sorts of extra bull**** fees I've decided I want to just pay the ticket and take the hit. In 2010 I can do another online course and have a clean slate, Mom assures me that the insurance won't sky rocket for a teenager with a single ticket. :redface:Thanks guys. Be careful on the ramp from Davis/Highway 26 onto 820 south.
  8. I like 2 door better, but its nice! I think an old skyline is higher on the cool scale but finding a 510 in Texas sounds much easier. Sounds brilliant. Since the motherland is like the main place to further explore the boundaries of the L engines (general summary of what TonyD explained), is it safe to say that they also get nice big carbs easier...? Perhaps sometimes even cheaper? :/ That would make me angry. PS, I have extra fun: I also love these other sounds. :] Lucky for you I will provide a link. Well... not really lucky, but if you're lazy. Does one get such a sound with a fancy header/exhaust system or does a tone like that come from parts and materials used when building the motor? I think I posted something similar to this once before... which would explain why I think maybe its the headers.. Yah know what I mean: You guys enjoy.
  9. Gear it high baby, we want that torque and high current draw. Battery life, don't bother.
  10. I'm going to guess not too much psi but a ton of volume.
  11. I do believe there was a guy with like an orange camaro that used a train supercharger on his motor. EDIT: And yes, it ran for a few seconds before he blew the head gaskets.
  12. Wow I feel like a huge failure. I had forgotten that I clicked a link and went to a different forum. I was scrolling through the users who posted and saw a ton with thousands of posts and names I didn't recognize. It took me 5 minutes to honestly figure out that I wasn't on hybridz. >.> myah
  13. How many more train jokes can we get? haha I see some dudes who video tape trains and know them by their number. I've never understood the passion for trains, or tractors.
  14. Blue jeans... nice. Mom, Uncle Jimmy and Uncle Tony... Nice. She's going to be pissed when she finds out that I put that picture up... Nice.
  15. Wish her, Kyle, all the brides maids, and all the groomsmen (I guess thats me? Stand over on the side?) goodluck! Today is the big day. Going in the Z! What else would I really go in. I'll have pictures tonight.
  16. No, I left it in the microwave for mom. Novelty items and women.... Chocolate, lollipops, cookies, what next?
  17. Hah. Sister is getting married tomorrow, so she had her bachelorette party last night. Ever seen that comedy sketch with Ron White, how he mentioned women and their novelty food toys... Well they had themselves little penis cookies. She brought one home, couldn't help myself. I've been waiting for a big brother just for this sort of thing.
  18. Should I edit that? :/ I don't want to get owned. I will. I use to sign "the book" a lot in 6th grade. It appears I'm a trouble maker on HybridZ. This does not surprise me one bit.
  19. Dude how does that even happen...? Hernia of the butt would be uh... EDIT: I'll put the number of letters in stars and let you go find out on urban dictionary **** ****. Don't answer my first question and don't ask what a **** **** is. For our own good. Edit: alright thats annoying, its posting my stuff a billion times.
  20. One day she'll forget her spankies. That was in some movie, put novel thoughts into my head when I was 11. To add something useful to this thread, does a hernia like stick out from the muscles? I heard from a friend that as baby he would have them and it would pop out and you could see it. Sounds like it sucks. Luckily it didn't happen to you.
  21. I want to be one of those V07 whores. It'll pay off one day.
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