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Posts posted by 660Z

  1. I thought the same thing about those pictures. They were too upclose and personal for my taste. Complaining about someone is one thing but tresspassing makes you just as bad.


    As for the redneck it sounds to me like he`s a impulsive drunk that doesn`t think things through.



  2. Hi thanks for the feedback! I am going to go through the permit prosses soon just waiting to see what my bonus check will be before I start. Have to get a lines and grades survey first that going to be $1000 right there!..ouch! I spoke to a lady at the permits office over the phone about the trench and she didn`t know but i`ll ask again when I get all my blueprints and paperwork together. Just trying to see what im in for before hand...Mark

  3. Hi all!


    In the next few months I plan on building a (wood framed) unattached 24x24 two car garage in my backyard. Does anyone know how deep I have to dig a trench for a cinderblock foundation? Im planning on building the walls 4-5 inches above grade for a cement floor to be poured at a much later date.


    Thanks Mark

  4. There`s a lot of scaming out there! She might not even be a she. There`s a flower service he could use. Very professional!!!! flowers Have him send her flowers and get her picture reciving them THEN he will know she`s real. Better to lose $50 than to lose $450. He can also check this site russian scams chances are if she`s a scam he`ll find her picture and SAME letters on there. And if she says she dosen`t have a phone and her address isn`t complete with zipcodes than it`s a scam. This web site can also lead you to an honest service.


    Im just saying be careful!!! and think (with your head...er brain) I know two Russian women I met last year. (I wrote a post about them at the time)And still keep in contact with them Email and calling Russia. And I agree with everyone Russain women are very very intriging ..Cute and very smart making it easy for us to stop thinking! ...Mark

  5. Hi all!


    Im planning on running slicks this year and am having trouble finding CV shafts ( out bidded by $1.00 on Ebay..LOL) anyway I was wondering if the r180 U-jointed halfshafts are the same as the r200 ones? becaulse I have a set of those in case my r200 ones break.


    I found a 83 280zx 2+2 with a r180 and cv`s...Is there any way of adapting these to work with the r200?


    Also would anyone like to sell a pair of r200 CV halfshafts...thanks mark

  6. Anyone ever run a Predator carb? From what I understand they work pretty good. I briefly had a used one but was young and dumb and adjusted EVERYTHING wrong..lol they put out 380 up to 930cfm working off of engine demand. It`s over 5inches tall guess it won`t fit onder a z hood. Im looking at it for a 440 chrysler Im building that will need every bit of that 930cfm ( no the motor isn`t for my Z -- I wish)


    How are they for the street?


    Thanks Mark

  7. Im just wondering what i would have to do to get my ac to work again....i belive everything next to the blower motor is still there including the two cut hoses,and nothing of the ac is in the engine compartment. can i use any r12 ac parts from other makes or can i only use datsun parts.


    and where does those ac hoses route thru the firewall? i see no openings..in fact if it wasn`t for them and the reostate/temp knob on the side of the console i wouldn`t even think it once had ac......thanks Mark

  8. first of all if you have the THICK shifter cable- junk it...it`s a piece of s**t...they stretch,bind and break...buy the skinny replacement cable they last what seem like forever and streches very little under extreme use!!!


    what i do (i haven`t really read the other post so if im repeating ..sorry) is put the shifter and trany in "N" and adjust so the pin is free floating...go to park check for free float if it moves but isn`t free float make small adjustments...same for 1st gear..now you should be ok....just like setting up an old muncie small adjustments...mark

  9. my first 4sp was out of a 84 firebird 305....it was a super t-10 the last year they made them.it had a 3:43 1st gear which made it feel like a trucks granny gear behind any motor with more grunt than a 305...it really sucked for performance! it lasted 2yrs before i blew the cluster gear...manual gear ratios go like this...the higher the ratio the weaker the trans!!!...the trans is ok until you find somthing better but like everything automotive in the late70`s early 80`s they suck and are nowhere near as strong as they`er 60`s early 70`s counterparts....mark

  10. anyone use this? i want to keep my stock hood latch in it`s stock location for the sbc and im looking for alternitives....i remember a timing cover years ago that moves the sbc distributor up front...anyone know who makes these?


    anyone use the MSD low profile dist with the hood latch?


    anyone know of a basic DIS system for around 500? the ones ive found are in the 1200 range and that`s more than i want to spend.....thanks mark

  11. what 15 rubels = 47 cents eek2.gif ...know wonder she said there not worth buying when i offered to buy them off of her...and to think i gave her $6.25 in extra states coins i had laying around...oh well it`s worth it to me.


    sorry these girls won`t be on russian girls gone wild....but i did see things im sure i wasn`t ment to see :D

  12. spent my vacation on the outerbanks in N.C this week with my friends famliy and 2 Russian girls, that were here working for the summer.they spoke english very well and had no trouble holding a conversation.they`re both strick christains so nothing happend frown.gif

    they`re both cute..Masha 20 looks more European than russian and Sveta 24 looks Swedish with blonde hair and blue eyes.Both are very very smart and are full-time students in Vladimere (near Moscow)they take education very seriously, working during the day and studying late into the night 24/7.I tried to learn their language but it was all Russian to me :D I got a 5 rubel coin and a 10 rubel note from Sveta (im still trying to figure out what they say :D )

    And man these girls are thin! but not too thin.nice T@A 2thumbs.gif they eat soup a lot in russia and it shows!I must say it was a very nice week indeed......mark

  13. i agree it wouldn`t be ideal for autocrossing,but since i have a dragracing mind it`s sounds ideal for the 1/4 mile.the TCI powerglide works basicly like pete said a stock PG has a valve that regulates line pressure via the throttle linkage.TCI`s PG with modified valvebody turns that valve into a valve that "dumps the line pressure resulting in a clutch like action" just mount your slave cyl to the bellhousing so it moves the lever a 1/2" back. hook up your clutch pedel (yes the one dangleing in mid air for you auto guys)and your good to go.oh and you need either a coupling or a non functional tourqe converter (isn`t that what pete said?)...as far as it being streetable they say you can smoothly drive it onto your trailer....mmmmmm where`s that pressure valve in a turbo350??????...


    pete! you should seriously think about making up that shifter that sounds like a winner to me...chrysler should have made a shifter like that instead of the autostick what a joke that is. that`s not like driving a stick like they advertise....i say call up pete he`s got one made of cardboard (just don`t get it wet)....mark

  14. thanks for the imput guys...yes scottie that is what im trying to correct or at least lessen..back in the day my nova had great weight transfer i had it launching with 14" street tires 22" tall! with no traction devices at all!!...a little traction loss and no wheel hop...the big secret was rear leaf springs (2-3yrs old) WORN OUT shocks i mean when i finally changed them the passenger side had no resistance...i ran no front swaybar for a while and later added one but it made no differance...and at the time it was mid 12`s...added 125 shot NOS and slicks to prove a point to some mustang guys and put air under the left front tire and gained a little over a second.


    anyway my theory for my 240 is...im wasting useful energy in wasted weight transfer remember my springs and shocks are shot...going over a micron of dust puts the front on the stoppers..and i think holding the front end down would force the rear down harder at a more even or level rate speading the energy across the rear..see in my rambleings about my nova what made everything work so well is the suspension forced the framestops on both sides of the axle tubes and all that force and body weight transfered to the launch...but the body on my independant rear isn`t doing that granted im getting 1.8 60`s walking out on DR`s but i think it could do better....watch the big boys i guess pro mods? or "worlds fastest steet cars" they are as low and flat as possable..very rigid on their launch.....i just don`t know how to safely keep the frontend down since they have no upper A arms...mark


    p.s. scottie im with you all the way on your launch when i do the suspension i`ll look like a copy cat to yours...im just thinking outside the box while i have the chance.

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