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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. Good stuff. Have you been in the business long? I'm learning to hate mold making with a passion.
  2. The throttle plate of course. I don't think it has anything to do with how long the valve is open but whatever.
  3. Is there a particular reason you chose that location for the bov? I've heard that the closer to the gate the better. Plus it might be opening too soon before the cooler because the pressure probably drops 1-2 by the time it gets to the end of the line, or did you compensate for that?
  4. I'm not usually a fan of mods like that (never liked the g-nose and most crazy air dams just go way too far and look like ricer) but this one could actually come out nice. Hard to visualize, but it's looking tasteful so far. The headlight buckets don't really fit at all but part of me just wants to say who cares.
  5. I don't see how it could be an issue with the pedal or linkage. My guess would be an a/f issue. Perhaps bad injectors? Consistent fuel pressure doesn't necessarily mean you're getting consistent fuel into the cylinders.
  6. Naw it's not weird or anything, I just learned to use the search pretty well lest I be perpetually chastised.
  7. I feel like the seller has to meet the buyer's terms. If he doesn't want to accept your preferred method of payment, then he can find another sucker willing to throw caution into the wind. Everybody gets a raw deal sometime, that doesn't justify putting the kibosh on a whole method of payment. I know how you feel, but at the same time you can't judge one transaction based off of previous ones anymore than he can. Just my opinion. How long it takes depends on the method of shipping, but it seems there's quite a margin of error so I always allow at least a week. The best relief for impatience is to pay the extra buck for tracking from USPS. If it went FedEx then he should have given you that automatically. If it went UPS then that's your problem right there.
  8. You're probably just being impatient, not that being too lazy to respond promptly is acceptable though. That said, I wouldn't send a money order to anyone.
  9. I thought it was anything outside the US, due to our higher "safety" regulations. It would be cheaper to get yours professionally filled and chromed than to order some whole new ones that might not even be perfect shape anyway.
  10. Just set them on top of some graphing paper or something to establish scale and they can be dimensioned based off of the photo. Now where did I put that bootleg copy of vectorworks?
  11. Look at the bright side, if you order more than 12...
  12. Wood is at least three times as heavy as fiberglass...
  13. I wouldn't use wood or metal. You can use foam but it doesn't need to be very dense. It would probably be easier and cheaper just to use cardboard. That said, the extra glass weight would be negligible, there's no reason to overcomplicate the process.
  14. Yeah when I took out those perches I was like, "What the crap are these?" Looks like you answered your own question. Very well done, I think I'd like to try something similar. Perhaps I'm missing something but in Jack's solution, what keeps the strut centered on the bearing? It seems like it's just sitting on the bottom surface and is free to float around since the bearing ID is significantly larger than the rod that goes through it. In fact the washers look like they are free to float around a bit as well. Mine came like his though where there is significant wall thickness on the hats and two giant washers for each so I'm assuming this is what TTT proposes for installation. Is everything just supposed to be centered by the D hole?
  15. I was trying to figure that out myself but gave up. I was hoping for his sake that it was just a reflection, but that does look like an AN fitting at the end. It would probably sell for more if it was marketed as such. Someone should ask what the car is supposed to be and see how offended the owner gets Does anyone know what the deal is with a trophy for "TOP 2" by the way? The important thing is that the logos are all genuine. It's got a genuine horn button (not operational) on the steering wheel (not genuine).
  16. My "reputation" was 12 for like a year. Now it's 11. FML. :P

  17. I wouldn't be so sure about the workmanship. Smooth lines can be deceiving on small pictures like that, you have to look closely at all the edges where parts meet. It doesn't look like the hood lines up all that well, the blinkers are clearly an afterthought, There's something funky going on with the mounting of the rear window, the side skirts seem to show the parting line because they weren't feathered in, and after all that molding work the rear spoiler is a stick on. The interior isn't any better. He has one of those cheap dash half caps, and the gauges don't even match.
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