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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. "alcholic redneck a*****e" FTL I tend to agree. I've known plenty of people to get pointless tickets like that. Just recently a bunch of my buddies all got tickets for open beers because they were standing outside a starbucks near a van in which there were open beers. They didn't have anything to do with the van, didn't know the owner of the van, weren't anywhere near the owner of the van, were completely sober, the only catch seemed to be that the cop had yet to meet his quota for the day. My problem with this statistic is that it's just that. Okay the first 10,000 arguably could have had it coming to them, but as for the other 3000 they did nothing wrong and they still got shafted by reality. Yeah 3,000 isn't a very high statistic when compared to 300,000,000, but consider this: the 9/11 innocent death toll was 2,977. How much of an uproar that caused and how much a single event changed the country, and we lose more than that each year to our own kind yet we don't call drunk driving a terrorist act. Just some perspective. The law comes into play because obviously personal responsibility isn't enough these days. Whether it's a decent person completely dumping every last bit of their common sense and foresight the second they take that first shot, or someone with tough guy syndrome that thinks, and must prove, that he can outsmart any chemical inhibitor he floods his brain with -- I don't get it either. All I know is I almost get assassinated by one of them often enough on my way to work that it seems almost inevitable. But talk about a catch 22, the very thing that makes you unsafe to drive is the thing that keeps you from realizing it. Failing enforcement of the drinking and driving laws are the real problem here. That is, it's the only factor we can really control. We can't seem to fix the perpetrators -- and I suspect that Richard might be partially correct about the vehicle safety standards coming into play. The death toll may have cut in half over the course of 20 years, but it could easily be a post hoc that this company is using to pat their own backs. It's certainly not that the laws aren't a good idea or just pointless, it's that they are apparently ineffective. This doesn't mean we should do away with them completely (assuredly that would be a disaster); we need to retool them to start catching more of the right people and less of the innocent! If putting a breathalyzer in every car in america will save 3,000 innocent people each year and save taxpayer dollars on frivolous law enforcement (as well as citizens the frivolous tickets), then we should put it on the ballot. Hell, maybe the bac should be lowered if everyone agrees that .08 doesn't cut it for at least the 75 percentile human because like Jon pointed out not everyone reacts the same way. I don't know what .08 feels like though, and I tend to believe that 99% of the accidents are caused by people well over the limit, while the other people are just flirting with DWI v. DUI. It's also silly that someone can get a DUI for being .01 simply because the cop had the gut feeling that he could pull the person over for something. And for a truck driver, the limit here is .04 -- I'm not sure if that means big rigs require twice the mental capacity to drive or if they are just capable of twice the damage and therefore we have to be twice as careful...
  2. Wouldn't a multipass radiator be the most conventional fix, rather than trying to use two smaller radiators etc.? It essentially multiplies the aspect ratio and the fluid stirs as it changes direction.
  3. I might be able to get out that way, it's not all that far from long beach
  4. Awe figures the rb26 fly is the heaviest one they make (probably for awd though?). Also the most expensive. :/ Is it worth $500 to save 5lbs? I've never been sure just how much benefit a lighter fly adds. They say the engineer each one to be optimal like if it were lighter than that it would actually have more negative effects, but that seems like more of a sales pitch than anything. I haven't heard of the two piece aluminum ones coming apart either. JGY has two piece for $300 and they're only 10.5lbs!
  5. Tell them if they can't fix the engine they just bought it!
  6. Agreed, in fact if you read the cl ad, the very reason he states that he is selling it all is because the shops that used them couldn't work with him and his customers on timely delivery. It might not be a very good business practice to use unreliable shops and sell the parts before you have inventory, but that hardly makes him a scammer. And like 723 said, this isn't about the parts he makes, how can a scam even be related to the molds he is selling? If you don't think they are workable, then don't buy them. You shouldn't trust the description in an ad on cl by default anyway, that's why you go see the item and make an accurate judgment. Don't have massive molds shipped to you, don't buy a z from jamaica, you get the idea.
  7. I think he was asking for a good one. Wouldn't buying a new aftermarket one be justifiable since this service costs almost as much as they do and doesn't leave it as light in the end?
  8. Good show Watson! Also the CL ad says "My website some of you might be familiar with… http://www.zforceproductions.com" which could definitely be a clue. Copyright? You must mean patented. Which parts are from reaction research, just the ferrari stuff? It's not that a mold only lasts so long, it's that you have to care for it, and yeah some of these molds don't look like they've been cared for--sitting out in the sun/rain etc. Most are probably neglected for the sheer fact that the parts they make aren't very desirable anyway, but others would definitely be worth looking at. You could probably get them cheaper than asking because I doubt there will be a whole lot of serious interest.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if enco, huot, chicago-latrobe, maybe even irwin and craftsman tools were all made in the same factory. I've ordered from ATS and Browntool which both say "made in usa" but their tools are mostly unmarked mystery brands. All I know is the boxes they come in look identical. I like the craftsman and irwin cobalt sets, you can get them on the internet for less. Resharpening them works if you use the tool properly, but they never last as long the second time, so I don't think it's worth it. The titanium ones will go dull real quick after the coating wears off. I've had a cobalt index for a few years and so far it's proven itself. You can always get a full set now and then a small set down the line with the common sizes for spares and replacements. I think Norseman is a good brand of drill bits, that's pretty much all they make in fact. If you use a press properly you shouldn't have a problem (don't use keyless chucks). The flats are more for convenience though to make it fool proof. A round bit should drill more true and if you clamp it down hard enough it will break before spinning. Spinning a bit can ruin it anyway. I don't really car for the bits with the pilot at the end either, but to each his own.
  10. You're too honest dude, makes for a real easy target, but don't take it personal, that's just the nature of Al Gore's series of tubes. Indeed, the drop in pressure is way more significant than what minute cooling it gets from the warm air around it. The more bends and length the greater the drop, of course I used cast elbows to make mine fit so who am I to cast the first stone as well. Note that it's also difficult to tune an engine which does not run. Kudos on the xp macbook, but, WHY?? The car does look sexy, even if it's like those tamiya models where the wheels are glued on and nothing moves. Alright, I'm done, you've been great.
  11. I don't think craftsman's policy covers that sort of thing because bits are considered disposable after being worn out like saw blades, shop knives, etc. You probably only need carbide or titanium if you're regularly drilling hardened and stainless steel, in which case you should also use a cutting oil. That type would probably be a higher angle too and unsuitable for soft metals and wood. I'm not sure if titanium is all that great or not but it seems like simply using a harder metal than what you're drilling would keep it sharp longer, I wouldn't bother with diamond coated bits though. Unless he's really crazy about his tools, it's probably just best to get a cobalt set at best and plan on replacing it in five years. Even if they're super sharp there's no stopping him from breaking or losing a few over time.
  12. A typical "full" set would be like 1/64" to 1/2", or #1 to #60 (then even A to Z and metric). There are of course smaller sets like 13pc, 21pc, 29pc, etc. with just more common sizes and you could get a full drill index from 1/64" to Z, but who gets that for regular garage work? If you want them to last longer for sheet metal you should probably get a cobalt set instead of regular HSS or even carbide, but it can get pretty pricey.
  13. I'm pretty sure a wheelie bar wouldn't do anything for a fwd car...
  14. I'll do you one better! http://www.break.com/index/awesome-f1-simulator.html
  15. Wowsers. Why a sentra I wonder (or any fwd car for that matter imo). I've seen some neons that are faster but that's still ridiculous.
  16. Yeah I thought the guy with the camera really had some guts for sitting in the child spot with probably just a lab belt. Either that or he's just as much of a buffoon as the driver. Who would document this??
  17. Well that's nothing to be proud of. If you've averaged two accidents per year then you should probably not drive at all. Public transport isn't as bad as it used to be. It's like bj said, drive like everyone is out to get you. More often than not a not-at-fault accident just means legally you weren't liable even though clearly you played your part (it takes two to tango). There are even no-fault accidents for situations where the law is too gray to determine who made the bigger mistake. Try quadruple post!
  18. I couldn't bear to watch that far into it. But seriously.
  19. Big brother?? What like monitor your speed and have a printer built right into your dash so every time you go over the limit your own car faxes you a fine? How about cops just pull people over for good reason instead. I've always thought that it would make more sense for the price of a ticket to reflect your income. I always see rich people weaving in and out of the carpool lane etc. because it's not that big of a deal to them, whereas a poor person has good reason to be afraid to leave their house because they might get dinged on something minuscule.
  20. 420PS?? They don't look like they're going very fast. The shaky camera makes it much more thrilling though, like blair witch status. They were probably stoked to pass those guys who were taking the course to actually learn to drive it the proper way. If there's one thing gran turismo taught me it's that you can never take a course well enough until you memorize it. That and if you soup up a miata you can win a lot of money in b-spec
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