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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. That's a big wood wrench right there. I think I saw that guy on some TV special. His whole family was cheering for him as he pushed one block up a ramp and over the edge so it would stand on end. Pretty crazy.
  2. Yeah, great advice. If you're going to speed like a madman, you better do it when there's a bunch of other cars nearby...
  3. It seems like making it restricted would hurt it quite a bit at the top end, but I don't see it helping much on the low end if at all. I don't know much about those quick spool valves but it seems kinda gimmicky.
  4. Ah quite the opposite. They only cite you if you don't stop. The cop even said that it's basically a formality and there's no good reason to have to go to the scales, but because I didn't stop I got a ticket. On the way back I stopped and the place was a ghost town so I just went on through. There wasn't even anybody waving me on or anything. The whole thing seemed super necessary. But I suppose if you don't stop to receive the citation either... Then you're in a whole other ball game, one that a u-haul probably can't handle.
  5. I doubt they'll agree with you on that one. They're looking for a lot more than just maybe the occasional technical nugget. I get the idea that we want to keep the site more educational and have less garbage to weed through and broken english to decipher, but, as you seem to be hinting, like many principles this one is perhaps taken too far, because trading gabs and jabs doesn't really degrade the technical data stored here, it's still a great knowledge base besides. And like everybody always says, "use the search." Perhaps just don't search the Area 51 section for megasquirt guides Anyway, that's a totally different topic, one that's probably been beaten into the ground already.
  6. Ouch. I've never filed a complaint against a cop because I figured it would probably do no good. Just fall on deaf ears since they watch out for their own. I think the first time I lost faith in them for protection one summer afternoon was when I was 12-13, my friend and I got beat up by some highschool kids and they stole my bike, so we called the cops but they never showed up. If we broke a window they would have swarmed in .2 seconds.
  7. Alpine, AHAH! Got you now! I didn't think boost controllers were that big and also had preset stations... Nice monitor though. I've always imagined doing that and having a glass cockpit so to speak. The fitment is pretty cheesy though, like an after thought because the hole is too wide yet not tall enough. I always thought of doing leather dash, but leather everything? I just altogether hate the interior. Good job on the exterior though, I'm not really a fan of black on red but I can appreciate. Like the smoked tail lights. What do you mean, it's just a little rb25. ;p Okay, I'm done hijacking.
  8. Yeah nobody wants to weed through all the "people" on bookface. It's like one step up from chat roulette
  9. Hey how 'bout those non-technical aspects of z cars huh? They're pretty neat. They're very z car related, which is great, but not in a technical way, so it's cool. "We got hammered" "just lost my job..." "It's 86F outside, and I'm smoking a brisket." "Favourite chick song video clip" Haters gonna hate.
  10. We know how much you like stereos, so we put a stereo next to your stereo so you can listen to stereos while you listen to stereos! But seriously, why does this guy have two of them? Having it on the left could free up space, but I would be annoyed by having to lean around the wheel to see it. I imagine one day making my own mold for a z dash that keeps the standard a/c panel, but incorporates more gauge holes up top. The three there are a good look but why not improve on it by making it 5 across? Or stacking them? Of course he ruined the cluster look with a single hood that doesn't match the other two, and swapped the a/c panel for some kind of tv...
  11. Perhaps he could tell how much you wanted them? Many people will try to read you and give different prices to everybody. It's like going to the swap meet, I don't exactly get to lowball when I'm the only one there wearing a watch. If you want a good price you gotta look like a local. Some people just can't expect to sell anything though. I see so many like that on ebay. I'll realize I recognize a car from like six months earlier and find out that the guy has been relisting it over and over each week for the same price without a single bid.
  12. Safety isn't much of a concern. I've never had an at fault accident. I've never had a speeding ticket or any other real ticket either, I'm just plagued by the absurd ones. Wrong place wrong time I suppose. The car choice couldn't really be helped on the last one. Since the cop obviously posts up by the scales, u-hauls are probably his bread and butter. The people that get caught and fined for things the most are the ones that are the most innocent it seems, naive maybe, and didn't know better. As for the other ticket, I was walking soooo, my clothes aren't that out of style are they? I'm sure the real reason was that it was after dark, which means he probably thought he would score with something better like drunkenness or some sort of possession. But when his mission fails he realized I was just an innocent guy walking down the street minding my own business, he went back to his lame excuse for stopping me and went with it. Another factor must have been the fact that it was a slow night because sure enough two other cops showed up as if the one needed assistance, and they all hung out for a while chatting it up. The only other ticket I got while driving was one for expired registration. Actually, strike that it wasn't expired. I recently renewed it and hadn't gotten the sticker in the mail yet (I ended up having to go to the DMV because it never came). The cop that came out of the bushes behind the on ramp really didn't want to check my registration like he thought I was bluffing but I insisted so he reluctantly went to his bike with a great whiny sigh, and came back saying okay it's current, but you still need to have the right sticker so I'm giving you a fix-it ticket. It's sad that people will go as far as to pick their car based on blending in. Giving up our freedoms in an attempt to get picked on less by the bullies that rule over us... And yes they do have a quota, it's a fact. I know several cops. Quota. Some of them give out all their tickets for the day at like 9am, then head to a fire station to fall asleep on a lazyboy in front of the tv. So if it's 11 already and you're getting pulled over, you know that cop is really pissed to be there in the first place. I feel like we will never meet the few good cops because they're off actually doing their jobs. The problem is that there are so few of them that we have to hire more to keep up. It's like we need one more good cop so we hire ten and nine of them are either tailgating you trying to make you nervous or asleep somewhere. Speaking of tailgating, I know a guy that was being tailgated by a cop for a mile once so he thought he was being soft stopped and started to pull over to the side. Then the cop put on his lights and came up, eventually giving the guy a ticket because it was a no stopping zone. Genius. Oh I could go on all day about outrageous moving violations.
  13. Yeah I thought that was a good deduction too, but I guess it just doesn't look as good close up. Get a picture that's more than 2 pixels.
  14. You know a storm is crazy when snow lands on the underside of things.
  15. Oh yeah it's way more fun when you aren't sure what goes where. That's what the women just don't get, we throw out the instructions because we like the adventure! When I take nuts and bolts off, I get them all into a pile, and later I just have to sort through them based on how many of each rust color there are and how dirty they are/what kind of dirt it is. Not sure how to do it with new hardware though. Good luck!
  16. Sorry I was herp derping at bloz up not you. I've never really been one to abuse the law on purpose, not for lack of wanting to, but I just know I have terrible luck and would get into all kinds of trouble. This is especially one of those situations where I didn't need to be "taught a lesson" by getting an outrageous ticket to start doing the right thing. If I had known about it, I would have done as I was told regardless, I'm not in the business of trying to get away with stupid things like that. I won't even cross the double yellow lines to get out of the carpool lane, I'll just have to live with missing my exit and backtracking, because I know I'd be the one guy that gets caught even though I see other people get away with it constantly. And of course part of it is that I just don't like it when other people are reckless like that, I certainly don't want to turn into one of them.
  17. I will seriously consider that next time. I was about to snap anyway, refuse to sign it and let him take me away. Sure my week would be ruined but might as well make it a little harder for him to get away with it. Well put, my point exactly. What happened to the days where you were let off with a warning? I did everything in my power to correct my mistake and follow the law, but his end game was clearly to give me a ticket for something frivolous. Mal-intent was the key. Laws are supposed to protect the innocent, not imprison us. He knew I had no mal-intent, yet he did not care or have any mercy. Perhaps you don't understand because you're perfect and you've never broken a law in your life, but for those of us imperfect people out there, it seems that these days it's getting really hard not to. I mean who doesn't get a little worried when they even see a cop nearby? I know (within a reasonable doubt) that I'm not doing anything wrong but I still worry that he's going to pull me over for something, that he'll find something I'm doing wrong that I didn't even know about. And this is one case where that worry is warranted, not just paranoia. I'm not here to say cops shouldn't have become cops or that we don't need them at all, but they should seriously do it for the right reason. That reason seems to be less and less apparent as time goes. In God We Trust, First Do No Harm, To Protect And Serve, will our children have any clue what these phrases mean? It's becoming quite often hypocritical if you ask me. I'm fine with education, I wouldn't hold anything against anybody for trying to teach me something to my own benefit. If and when I get pulled over I'm as apologetic as I can be, I'm just unlucky enough to keep getting pulled over by cops that had the compassion trained out of them. Yes, this isn't the first time. About six months ago I also got a j-walking ticket while crossing the street inside the crosswalk lines when the light was green, now explain to me why I deserved that one. I think the ticket was about $175, and in Long Beach, it says on it that if you go to court and lose the case, not only do you have to pay the ticket, but you have to pay a $300 court fee. How's that for bullying? Scared me out of contesting something that was clearly unjust because I knew I couldn't afford the damages if the judge was as hardened as the cop that gave it to me. And no I've never seen the sign about rentals going to scales before, probably too busy trying not to pile up the 101 any further. But as I told the cop, that was literally my first time ever renting one of those things and was apparently uneducated. I did see it on the way back though now that my eyes were peeled. Significantly smaller and also in a different color than every other highway sign I can think of. Not to mention the bizarre placement, nowhere near the actual scales, just on it's own little wood post somewhere. Forgive me for not being superman.
  18. I've asked several people about this and so far nobody knew, even a few cops! And when you look online it seems to be under much debate because the law is apparently kind of vague. Basically any hired truck intended for transport of goods must stop. Doesn't have to be commercial, the driver doesn't even have to be commercial or paid to move, and I guess what's in the truck doesn't even have to be for sale. In fact, it doesn't even have to be the current purpose, because it only matters that the vehicle was intended primarily for hire. But the law is so vague that if you look up the u-haul handbook, even they are vague about it, simply saying that they don't know if you should stop so you better do so just in case. So I got a ticket going to Ventura in the smallest box truck they rent. It wasn't dual axle or pulling a trailer or required anything but a regular class C license or anything. If it had been the open bed version apparently it wouldn't qualify. Also, it was completely empty. I told the cop I would drive back around and even offered to open it and show him, but he wasn't having it. He even said that they don't really check you or weigh you or anything, you just have to drive through so they can wave you on. No warnings or anything. And the ticket nowadays doesn't even give you a court date. The only option on it is to pay the $235 fine, if you want to protest you have to go to the county office and request a hearing. To top it off, if you want to go the traffic school route, you have to pay an extra $60 on the fine, this doesn't include the cost of the traffic school itself mind you, it's just an added bonus for the county if you intend to go that route. Yeah, I'm really looking forward to the direction America is going in our future. Makes me want to have kids real bad.
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