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Everything posted by getoffmyinternet

  1. I'm actually surprised to see cloth. Not the best layup technique but not as bad as I thought they would be.
  2. I never thought that it was loaded. It doesn't seem like you could load them backwards even if you were dumb enough to, it has to be somewhat foolproof. Would they even feed through without being fired? I don't know a whole lot about these things. P.S. I'm thinking that if the guy at 10 fired on him they'd all be in the same "boat." Ah? AH??
  3. I like the urethane airdams, the fiberglass ones seem to enjoy exploding on you if they tap something. I had one that looked like they took a plastic one or a cheesy glass shell and backed it with boat cloth, making it over half inch thick, and it snapped in two when I scraped the ground coming out of a driveway. My car resonates a little at about 80, but I suspect it's the wheel hubs or the rims don't want to stay balanced. I've seen it before where a car will vibrate like crazy at a certain speed and after a tire change the problem disappears. At high speeds a tiny misalignment could turn into a pretty significant unbalance. Does anyone know of hatch louvers causing buffeting at high speeds? I bet they create a decent amount of turbulence behind the car, although since I got them my mileage hasn't noticeably gone down.
  4. Well I'd suspect he's definitely doing it for the looks...
  5. Glass replicar? It's all sheet metal! Even the dash is the hard stuff. I suspect the car is at least foot shorter than the real one though. He squished the hood and headlights a little, which isn't really a bad thing.
  6. Yeah it's like 76F out there right now. And with the time changed back finally it's a beach day till like 6 o'clock
  7. I would like that very much. Wondering about how they compare to the picture he has on his website. Also he told me last week he has one set left I can pick up but he hasn't responded since. Not the most punctual guy all around. I want to see them and hopefully buy them, but I'm not paying full price if they look beat up or anything.
  8. Who would wear ammo around their neck like that with the points jabbing into you?? These guys really do suck at life.
  9. I think it's where the salt actually falls from the sky in chunks so that the car rusts even faster than normal. Also it's really cold, like way way below 68.
  10. Noice! Pontighini FTW! That guy has spent a hell of a lot of time with an english wheel. Wish it said how long that took, and how much the car weighs now.
  11. Oh did he say he upped the size? That would obviously make the speedo unreliable... That's a nice calculator though. I like the chart at the bottom with compatible tires. I wish it would approximate the tread width, but that's neither here nor there.
  12. LOL totally. I usually go "show me your genitals" or "buh-weet sings". Although the snl guys who did the you-know-what in a box are funny too. Sorry for the hijack. But seriously, you guys asked for this Back on note, I've wanted a ninja for years but can't get myself to spend the money. It was partly because I wanted to save money on gas when the prices looked like they were going to hit 4 bucks a gallon and they said it would be 10 by next year, but lately it's fairly stable around 3 in CA. I would like to know if they are indeed comfortable. I've never ridden a crotch rocket before, how does it compare to say a dual sport bike? My second option would be an xr400. I was planning on buying a 90s one, but I fell in love with the latest model that has the consolidated headlights, the previous years looked kinda overly bugeyed imo. The new bikes are pretty sexy and the price seems reasonable.
  13. That too I suppose. And simply tire pressure at a given temp. I would actually measure the tire though rather than take the tire "size" into a calculation. Roll the car an measure, the farther you roll the better. I'm sure my autometer speedo is pretty accurate because it has you drive a mile to calibrate, and I think the specs on it are like +-2 at top end.
  14. So the ford maf is a direct replacement? Seems like by that time you'd be going standalone anyway though.
  15. Dang I always remembered that as Mel Gibson. I guess the punisheresque theme is pretty common all around. Does anyone remember the movie where the guy has the cup gun? I'm still thinking it was Mel playing a narc who doesn't play by the rules. I know that's not narrowing it down much.
  16. Take it easy chencho! This conversation is way hot. Is 10 miles off at 120 really not that much for the stock speedo, what kind of calibration error do they have? I mean if it's about the tires, then we're talking like 2" smaller than what it's calibrated for. Either way, the exact speed is moot.
  17. You sure it's necessary for general honing, not just boring? Honing doesn't remove much material, at least it shouldn't, just enough to get the cross hatch. Boring the engine removes a lot more material and thus requires a torque plate to make sure the bore is dead nuts. P.S. Torque plates are engine and bore specific. Edit: If they are boring the engine over, then they will use a torque plate to hone the last few thousandths to achieve the final size.
  18. Q45. Isn't the wiring different though? I was worried the stock ecu wouldn't be compatible with different mafs.
  19. Some household copper wire or welding rod if you want to be able to bend it into the general shape for a better mock up. Otherwise if you have a long flexible rule like machinists use. Or a strap tape like tailors use so you don't have to measure the string or worry about it stretching.
  20. Definitely the cup gun. I believe Mel Gibson did that in a movie once, it worked pretty well for him I think. That was rhetorical, of course it did, it's freaking Mel Gibson. I think the movie was called Give Me Back My Family
  21. That's exactly what the water charge does. It turns some of the thermal energy inside the cylinder into pressure energy when it evaporates and expands. I wouldn't look at the alcohol as adding power like nitrous or anything, it's simply recovering (stabilizing) some power due to the fact that water isn't combustible because the water is displacing some of the fuel, basically lowering the volatility and BTU's of the mixture. You're not stealing oxygen from the gasoline because the idea is that if you're adding alcohol, the plan is already to add air. You can't really get more power without more air, adding water/alcohol or methanol would not add power alone, they are just a means to an end. Think of the primary goal as adding more air (increasing the volumetric efficiency), and then the obstacles you must overcome when doing so, which lead to water injection as a possible solution for some of them (ie. it's all a balancing act.) Getting bigger fuel injectors won't even do anything unless you're introducing more air somehow to go with it. Otherwise you're either choking off the larger injectors, or flooding the engine. Most of the other mods you do to the engine (bottom end) are attempts at increasing the thermal efficiency, which also increases power by having less wasted energy (after all the engine is simply a device for converting heat energy into mechanical energy). Alcohol is also used in some aviation applications as anti-ice on propellers, carb inlets, and windshields at relatively higher altitudes, but I digress. I don't think the radial engines run very much boost to begin with, but they are such high displacement that a tiny increase in pressure would be a significant increase in volume. Supercharging basically just recovered some of the loss in pressure due to altitude increases (raised the critical altitude of the engine), so even though they were boosting, the manifold pressure probably never exceeded sea level. They weren't the easiest things to cool when under such high loads however. One pathetic attempt at cooling was the rotary radial (the entire engine spun around a fixed crankshaft). So as far as I see it, supercharging means more power and more heat to an already high power high heat engine, thus water injection is utilized to help reduce that side effect.
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