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Everything posted by peej410

  1. mike, do u know of anyone whos made their own motor mounts? im making my own mostly because i want to be able to drop out the whole front subframe without removing the motor for future suspension mods..... this way id be able to lower the inner suspension pivot points to keep bumpsteer to a minimum i cant see any downsides to the way i want to make it, chime in if you can think of any
  2. im using mounts off of a 71 pickup the bolt is like 3 inches long but its 1/2 diameter. i just took measurements yesterday using a bunch of points so i can extrapolate the point in space where the chevy motor will sit so as to make my mounts which will sit atop my custom framerails.
  3. what do you mean by motor mount distance, do you want the distance between the two holes in the subframe towers? do u want the distance on the block itself? if u have a 66 nova i believe that the way the motor mounts bolt to the subframe uses a 1/2 bolt that goes through the clamshell this is different from the Z that uses a stud that sticks out of the motor mount and bolts to the subframe, let me know what measurement u need and ill get it for you - pete
  4. you are correct, i guess i over looked that part
  5. congrats, i already celebrated i am durnk goodnite
  6. well in that case, bust on the rookie as much as possible good luck on your exam and just remember. if you dont do good.. u might just have alot of extra time to work on the Z car jk im sure you will do great if youve put the effort in
  7. http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/6212/diffswap/diffswap.htm thats pretty much all u need to know, next time try searching you will come up with a wealth of information
  8. go to http://www.modern-motorsports.com i used the 4x4 vented setup. ross was very easy to deal with and we kept in touch through the whole process.. i was able to source my own rotors and calipers very inexpensively brand new. if youd like some info on my sources shoot me an email or a pm -pete
  9. not to be rude but next time search around before buying your wheels so you know they will fit for sure ive spent about 2 weeks trying to figure this out and ive sorta narrowed it down. good luck... post pics when you are done !
  10. i can get custom stealies for my car at 15inches for 55 bucks a piece whatever width bolt pattern or whatever i need. i did a bunch of searching and found no definate answer on what i can run, im going to take some measurements in a little bit. i want to run 8 inch wheels all around these are intended to be a temporary wheel setup for me untill i can afford larger wheels but i still want to get the most rubber under there possible, i just need to know what offset and backspacing i can run. i will be upgrading to coilovers but not for a few months and i need these wheels now... i have ross C's 4x4 upgrade upfront and intend to use his rear disk upgrade in back. what have you guys run ? and what are my limits for a stock fendered Z. thanks in advance - pete
  11. alright ill go check it in the morning im way too tired right now.. thanks very much !!!!
  12. thanks, now i need to find out what lines do what in my brake distribution block, i think the previous owner mixed up the lines which i think may have facilitated the accident that i had that ensued all this work.
  13. alright im pretty sure that my stock distribution block is routed wrong, im trying to put all new hard lines in after stripping the engine bay and underbody of my Z could someone tell me the order of which line goes where from the distribution block on the inner driverside fender of a 72 240? i did a bunch of searching and i read through all my manuals but i cant just find a diagram. looking at the way my block is setup and where the previous owner ran the lines it looks like he mixed up the one for the rear brakes and one of the front brakes, a year ago i crashed my Z partially due to my own negligence and partially due to the fact that my Z pulled hard right when stomping on the brakes even though neither caliper was frozen. if anyone could help me id appreciate it very much, thanks in advance - pete
  14. what do you guys think? new floors framerails suspension and brakes my first build ever
  15. thought you guys might like to see this http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=155667#155667
  16. the progression may 1st 2002 may 5th 2002 may 14th 2003 may 15th 2003 1 year 10 days and 23 hours progression thanks to pete paraska and ross corrigan and not to mention scottie gnz and all the rest of you i couldnt of done it without you. im going to repost this in paint and body under a new topic , but i wanted to make sure all of you guys got the chance to see it too i cant wait till this things done -pete
  17. my friend just mentioned something after reading this that i thought was funny, i asked him if he thought my Z was a hotrod and he said no, its more like an asian hung like a black man ahahahahaha. no racism intended ...
  18. yeah but saying i have a mouserod makes it sound like i have small reproductive equipment, ratrod sounds soo much cooler, and mines a rat because im taking no time to make the exterior pretty.... for now
  19. yes i did full subframes' date=' i dont fancy them much i coulda done a better job had i waited for some more experience but live and learn, the steering coloum looks further because the frame rail is actually half an inch narrower. i dont quite understand what u mean by console??? and my only fab experience comes from this car and this car alone.. i actually got a job working at a fab shop because of the skills ive aquired from this project and i am hoping to go into business for myself in the long term because i really love this sorta thing. theres no time like the present. man i wish i had all that in my garage, i have sheet rock but its not insulated i have one fan and a really old garage heater that makes more smell than heat i have that single craftsman box the mig and lots of cutting tools like a sawzall ....
  20. three years? my goal is two months till its rolling after that i dont know how long itll take to make it sickly fast but we will see. if i sell my maxima i will have 8500 to play with, things could get interesting very fast
  21. alright its all painted and done woohooo , now to let it cure, of course it stopped raining as soon as i finished painting
  22. alright cool, i havent painted the por 15, right now its raining here so i bet its the perfect day to paint it wooohoo
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