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Everything posted by PanzerAce

  1. Well, I'm glad someone pointed me at this thread when I asked about a turbo/TT setup on a set of triple mikuni carbs. Tony, it ok if I pick apart your brains through email?
  2. before you do that, open up the distributor and clean and dry it out, you could be getting arcing in there. That could potentially solve the problem.
  3. Awesome, there is one about 5 miles from me, and another 3 up and down hwy-99
  4. that irks me, since I just replaced the flasher. Guess I'll just buy a new one when I get some other Z parts online, swap that in, and if it still doesn't work then, track down the switch.
  5. Actually, there are a ton of Z cars in the central valley, if you are looking for something specific, I can check the stuff local to me for you...
  6. There is also an '83 280ZX at the same location. http://merced.craigslist.org/car/517400913.html
  7. Just saw an ad on craigslist, HLS30-00464. http://merced.craigslist.org/car/537262387.html It is local to me (well, 22 miles or so, but close enough for a quick drive over in my Z ), so if you aren't in the central valley and want it checked out, let me know.
  8. This is going to be a stupid question, but how do you guys find pick and pulls?
  9. if you are going to be pulling the engine anyway, might as well drop in a L28et and get some real power out of it
  10. yah, he said that he didn't really have a guide for it, and that its one of things you kind of need to watch and learn from someone, but there isn't anyone in the area AFAIK. I'll give a shop I know tomorrow to see if they know anyone that is good with mikunis in the area.
  11. any way to check them short of replacing them?
  12. So I recently (a week ago), got a 240Z with a 3.0L rebello in it. I was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction to get a manual of some kind for how to tune and maintain the triple mikuni carbs that are on there, since so far I haven't been able to find something, and all the shops basically say that you have to learn by watching someone do it Also, for when I eventually want more power, has any-body ever turbo charged a carb setup on here? If at all possible I want to avoid getting an entirely new head, since I would also have to deal with WAY more electronics if I just went with a P90... thanks guys
  13. psh, you think that is nice, take a look at the hood prop rod.
  14. hmm, thats weird. I'm not thinking it is the bulbs, just cause the hazards work fine (they run on the same bulbs as the directionals, right?). Which little bulbs behind the tach are you referring to (I haven't really poked around back there enough yet), are you just referring to the ones that light up the tach when you turn the lights on? Thanks.
  15. Considering that my hazards work properly and my directionals just stay on constantly, I don't think that is the situation. Of course, this would be easier if the factory shop manual told you were the hazard flasher unit was so I could test that one in place of the directionals
  16. RB25DET is what I would vote for. You can get good power for not much, and that much power isn't going to be pushing the limits as much as in a SR. Also, a 26 is WAY to much money IMHO for what you get. Plus, how can you say no when the install looks this good if it is done right:
  17. Well, there is power, as the lights are atleast coming on, but they stay constant. Driver's side you say? I'll check that out. Anyone have a manual on tuning Mikuni carbs as well? Or for that matter a Mikuni that they don't want/need anymore that I can play around with to figure out how it works?
  18. Where is the flasher unit for the hazard lights? my directional blinkers don't flash, and I want to test with a working unit before I go out and buy a new one, in case it ends up being the switch. Thanks Oh, and what repair manuals do you guys use? I have a copy of the FSM, but to be honest, it sucks. oh, its a '73 240 btw.
  19. arg...anyone know where the emergency flasher unit is actually located? I can hear it somewhere under the passenger dash, but it is a rat's nest in there, and I couldn't find it with my flashlight. I need to see if my turn flasher is the flasher unit or the switch itself that is busted :-/
  20. It was dynod when the engine was installed at about 210, and that was when the dyno hadn't been fully calibrated and was reading low. I'll probably dyno it sometime during the summer after I fix stuff up for a new number.
  21. Looks like a good starting point. I feel your pain about college. I'm starting spring semester in a week and I just quit my job, so anything on my Z other than just tuning/minor replacements is going to have to hold off. Which means the rear of the interior keeps looking bad :/
  22. yah, I'm not going to be running it that long. as for blue, how much did the paint job in your sig cost, cause me likey
  23. Well, I just got my '73 240Z. I'm going to be DDing it. Mostly because I'm 20 and it is my only car Should be interesting with a 3.0 Rebello in it
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