Hey guys,
Not happy, at all. Well I've gotten over my ignition thing, which I am very appreciative for, but its just one freaking thing after another. I'm tuning my car, everything seems to be going great, I'm excited. Then, all the sudden the car starts getting really lean at idle out of NOWHERE after idling for a while and dies. Hmm...this is odd, maybe its normal. Start it, everything seems fine. Does it..AGAIN. What the hell? Turn the motor over...doesn't want to start, pump the gas and it starts but it running like absolute crap, something is going seriously wrong. Datalog. I have to datalog this and show it to the guys on HybridZ. Its as if I'm losing electrical power. The WEIRDEST thing about this is that after I'm hitting the gas, trying to keep it going, it dies as if the gas has ZERO effect and the megasquirt goes static, bezerk. I would desribe it as going "static." After it dies, the high pressure fuel pump stays on and the gauges within megatune lock where they are. This is NOT right. Do you guys have ANY idea what I'm experiencing? I changed nothing whatsoever. I even loaded Moby's map back onto the computer with no success, just the same damn problem. This is SO frustrating, I can't even describe. I just want to get my car right and enjoy it, and I've tried to do everything right. Thanks for the help guys, here's my datalog, sorry if I'm being a little rude, I'm just realllly upset. Datalog: