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Everything posted by jacob80

  1. Plugs are some NGK Iridiums, not sure of the P/N. Last night I attempted to start the car, and it did start, and then when it died, the fuel pump ran momentarily (as it should) but then did a reset and looped the reset process twice, it was definitly freaking out! Luckily it stopped after the two resets, but just another sign of weird happenings with this megasquirt.
  2. Hey guys, 82 L28ET automatic motor. Looking for an alternative to the stock oil distribution block so I can utilitize an autometer sender and convert my turbo oil line to AN all while utilitizing the stock sender as well to send a signal to the stock gauge on the dash. Let me know if you guys know anything, thanks!
  3. Pretty decent price, but obviously see how stiff he is on the price. I just picked up my L28ET from an 82 for $375, and I can turn the motor by the pulley with my hands. Not even sure of the mileage on this one either!
  4. Hey guys, Searched, but couldn't find much about porting intake and exhaust manifolds. I definitely know I want to at least port match my exhaust manifold, but I would also like to port it out, along with the intake manifold, but I thought I remember reading somewhere that the intake doesn't have much meat on it. Is intake porting possible? Exhaust? What is your guys' take on this? I'm looking for 350whp with an HY35. Thanks!
  5. I find this a little weird. Right at this point, my idle started changing and my AFR graph looks like "hills" and the idle kept dipping, then catching up, then dipping, then catching up, but for what reason? There was no change, all enrichments were still present, what happened? It looks like it was idling great before the designated point. I do notice it began to occur after a spike.
  6. Another thing to note...during this event, it looked like megasquirt was putting out pulse widths of ~16ms and absolutely saturating my plugs with fuel, wet when I pulled them out.
  7. Running low impedence bosch 440cc injectors, I believe we're utlitizing a built-in flyback board, but have never really been sure. Here is my board (before swapping my ignition module): Here is my MSQ: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hjnzgyz2jgz/Moby's Settings (DO NOT OVERWRITE).msq These are our injectors: http://www.fuelinjector.citymaker.com/catalog/item/4511825/4545870.htm We do not have inline resistors installed for the injectors. I was told that if we have a fly back board installed, we did not need inline resistors, instead use PWM. Let me know if it looks like we have a flyback board, I have overlooked that and not really checked, but we have run this car before without injectors overheating.
  8. Yeah I have a resistor, guess I'll just cut the wire off one end and jumper it. I really hope this is my issue, most bizarre thing ever. I'll keep you updated, in the meantime, I'll take any suggestions. Thanks!
  9. Looks like I need to jumper something on the board, I wonder if a regular piece of wire would work as a jumper.
  10. Oh dear, I'm going to have fun with this one. Honestly, I changed nothing with the wiring, but maybe a ground came loose? I may pull the battery and cables and triple check everything because I've been having starter troubles as well. Ahhh I love it. Any other possibilities?
  11. Exactly. This is probably a contributor to the big picture. Look at this. How bizarre are these readings! This is right when it goes lean and takes a dump on me: Notice how throttle position is not changed, but it just leans out and commits suicide. Also, the SecL is completely resetting right before this occurs. SecL behaivor: 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,0,1,RESET (red vertical line),0,1,.....
  12. And I just found the little SecL gauge at the bottom of the page, looks like it momentarily resets, but continues ticking. 203, 204, BLIP, 205. The datalog is above if you need to look at it in real time. Thanks!
  13. Looks at the inconsistancy of this whole log itself. What is SecL? I have barometric correction disabled if that helps any. Should the battery be varying by much at all?
  14. Okay, hopefully this is what you want to see. Here is a full screenshot. Notice in the bottom left corner it says "Mark 001 Reset..." Sorry its hard to see.
  15. The fuel pressure regulator is a brand spankin new aeromotive, and I did consider not having any gas because the car was VERY low, and I went down to the gas station and put two gallons in, but it didn't help. The gauge on the rail seems to be reading a consistant 35 psi. The only thing I was messing with last night was the AFR tables, VE table, and autotune, which was all reverted back when I switched back over to Moby's settings (which I do not edit) and still had the problem, even after cleaning my plugs. How do I enable a voltage reading in megalogviewer? Thats what you want, right?
  16. Here is my MSQ: http://www.mediafire.com/?hjnzgyz2jgz Now that I think about it, I've also noticed that megasquirt has been doing these "resets" while the car is running. Its almost as if the power gets cut just for a split second. Look at this datalog: http://www.mediafire.com/?zmi3jlnydjt Look at how everything is all over the place, and look at this spike! Here's another one from this datalog, damn I never noticed the spike in the log! http://www.mediafire.com/file/jnwehwmxzuj/1-11-10-2.xls Is something within the megasquirt going bad? Never really experienced this problem, and I do notice it when the car is running and I"m looking at megatune, because the gauges will reset momentarily, but it continues to run.
  17. Well I've had my car idling and running pretty dang decent on moby's settings...something else is going on here, and I'm not even sure where to begin on this one.
  18. Yeah, it works, but anyways. I suppose I'll have to use a transistor or something to reload my firmware, not sure why it would go bonkers out of nowhere like this.
  19. I use a torch, works well, is this no a good way to clean them? Seems to always work for me.
  20. Rich, very. I went back to moby's settings and I have not experienced a rich behaivor like this until now. How do I reload my firmware? Do I have to jumper R6 to do it?
  21. I have it hooked up to the stim right now, everything seems operational. What else?
  22. Hey guys, Not happy, at all. Well I've gotten over my ignition thing, which I am very appreciative for, but its just one freaking thing after another. I'm tuning my car, everything seems to be going great, I'm excited. Then, all the sudden the car starts getting really lean at idle out of NOWHERE after idling for a while and dies. Hmm...this is odd, maybe its normal. Start it, everything seems fine. Does it..AGAIN. What the hell? Turn the motor over...doesn't want to start, pump the gas and it starts but it running like absolute crap, something is going seriously wrong. Datalog. I have to datalog this and show it to the guys on HybridZ. Its as if I'm losing electrical power. The WEIRDEST thing about this is that after I'm hitting the gas, trying to keep it going, it dies as if the gas has ZERO effect and the megasquirt goes static, bezerk. I would desribe it as going "static." After it dies, the high pressure fuel pump stays on and the gauges within megatune lock where they are. This is NOT right. Do you guys have ANY idea what I'm experiencing? I changed nothing whatsoever. I even loaded Moby's map back onto the computer with no success, just the same damn problem. This is SO frustrating, I can't even describe. I just want to get my car right and enjoy it, and I've tried to do everything right. Thanks for the help guys, here's my datalog, sorry if I'm being a little rude, I'm just realllly upset. Datalog: http://www.mediafire.com/?jngznm5knqf
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