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Everything posted by dhp123166

  1. Thanks!!! I'm way ahead of me on that air regulator!!! It's been spraypainted black and that's gonna be good enough...although, I pulled one off of the intake which I just had done, And it's just sitting in my garage, And I am not going to put the intake on until my next day off, And I was not going to work on the car today, But, aw crap... Thanks alot man!!!
  2. Found problem. Fixed problem. Created other problem. Will fix new problem. It's not really a problem because I created it by having too many after market electrical guages cut into the stock lighting harness so one of my headlights is dim. I'll make right what I did and the problem should be resolved. My harnesses were fine until I started f***ing with them!!!!
  3. I know it doesn't look like it, but the heat shield is actually gunmetal gray. it kind of has a shimmer to it under the right conditions. I cut off the unused bungs and ground down around them with a cutoff wheel and grinding disc, and did some finer grinding with a Dremel Mototool. I took it to a guy to weld the holes with aluminum. Then I took it to a shop that does polishing and coating and they did all the tedious stuff (in a short amount of time I might add). They had many options for finish coating including hot coat and clear ceramic. They are able to tint the clear only the primary colors come out "too candy" for my tastes and I was thinking an anodized looking finish might look sweet. I think it came out according to my expectations with the exception of that one tiny hole which was a hole in the weld. I tried to talk the guy down in price but he would not go for it. I guess they could have called me and I would have taken it back to the welder to have him do it right but they did not. F*** it, it's good enough...
  4. My engine bay is all kind of black, red, and silver. It has been shaved, welded, polished and coated with tinted clear ceramic. I just washed it out because I can't imagine aluminum dust to be good for an engine. Within the next week I will have a non EGR N-42 intake available for sale. Thanks...
  5. It looks trick, polished and lightly tinted red. I'll post pictures under a new thread when my wife shows me how to use her camera...
  6. Wasn't the problem, now looking for something else...
  7. After trying to track one down from Nissan a cursory search found me on a site called "Z Specialties Inc." They have the Ignition relay upgrade for $54.95. I'm gonne replace it...
  8. I don't mind paying for a job well done, especially when it comes to something tedious like hand polishing...
  9. Wow, that looks badass!!! I will definitely post pix when it's done. The guys at the shop said to wait some time before mounting because the ceramic coating takes a while to cure...
  10. I have a '76 280z. The ignition relay has been bypassed (I think) to an aftermarket relay under the hood. It starts and runs fine. When keyed off the dash instrumentation stays on. The left turn signal lamp indicator does not work. I jury rigged something where if the headlight fusible link is detached, the dash instrumentation shuts off. I am thinking the ignition relay is bad since it controls other functions as well as starting/ stopping. Finding one might be a problem, I searched other posts and found the numbers but I called Nissan and they show it as an "Inhibitor Switch' for $28.47... Probably the wrong one... Like I said it is somewhat minor because I have worked around it for so long, but it would be nice to fix... Thanks.
  11. If I obey the laws they'll leave me alone too...
  12. I shaved and welded it, now it is at the shop for polishing and coating with a light red tinted ceramic coating. Ready next Thursday...
  13. I live in California and we are in a budget shortfall right now so the state needs every bit of cash it can get. It's just business and the Officer was doing me a favor because the stress and strain of another crappy day at work was manifesting itself as reckless driving. Thank God I was not going faster... As far as tint goes I thought I could have a "20" or "35" grade of tint. I was wrong. I like tint and it keeps the car cool with me minus my a.c. Oh well, I probably will just go clear so I don't have to deal with it again...
  14. I just want to peel the stuff off!!! But I can't because I am addicted to being meticulous and thorough!!! AHHHHH God help me!!!
  15. 67 in a 55. Opening up on a lonely country road after a day of s*** at work... Not reckless but enough for a fat ticket. Thank God for traffic school. And the officer did not get me for my "offroad only" HID driving lights... I'm thankful for the little things...
  16. ...Speeding (big surprise) and he nailed me for my front door window tint which is illegal in California but it is just a fixit. Now any sane person would just peel the tint off the mounted windows and clean up the underlying glass and be done in 1/2 hour... I just happen to have an extra set of windows which are tint free. So while sleeping I come up with the plan to take the doors apart, take the tinted glass out, mount the clear glass, (we all know how much fun that is) put the doors almost back together, go get the violation signed off, come home, take the doors apart, take the clear glass out, mount the tinted glass, put the doors completely back together, and try not to get another ticket... Ah jiminy christmas...
  17. I think I am gonna shave my intake (when it gets here) and take it to this shop called Xtreme Performance Heat Coatings where they will polish it and finish it with a clear ceramic coating, all for $200.00. They can also tint the coating so that it looks anodized; red, black, blue etc. I am leaning towards red at this point. It's really going to look hot...
  18. In America, it's only a crime if you get caught...
  19. I apologize to those that may have taken offense. I did not need to throw in the "I'm bored" comment. Next time I'll be a little more thorough in my explanation so that there is no confusion as to the desired response. Best Regards, Daniel P.
  20. I am really not sure what I am doing yet. I just bought another N-42, non EGR. I am definitely shaving it and have received alot of suggestions as to finishes... Anodized might look bitchin'...
  21. A polished intake finished with that ZOOP's or ZOOB's aluminum wheel protector?
  22. Guides= the cast holes on the manifold which the rod sips into. There's probably another name for it. On another note, how much would you charge for a shaved N42 non-EGR manifold which is ready for finishing? This would include a core trade in on my part of the same manifold (once I took it off my car). Thanks...
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