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Everything posted by dhp123166

  1. Electromagnetic pulse from your exploding alternator wiping out your on board electronics?
  2. I have the heater block that mounts under the dash with the control levers included...
  3. But to finish the original dash pot issue, I don't think mine ever worked because when I checked the actuation before removal, the rod inside the vacuum pot only made contact with the throttle when it was at the top (or bottom) of its' stroke, that is when the throttle was already closed. Hijack; Other vehicles like Porsche, SAAB, Volvo and BMW use Bosch fuel injection. I was at the junkyard and saw a Porsche with an air regulator on it but neglected to pull it as mine was working. Was being the operative word; as mine sprung a leak and started sucking oil I just replaced it with a ZX regulator which I sealed up with fresh glue. My point is I am wondering what the latest years of vehicles which came equipped with these Bosch air regulators (10-20 years old vs. 30 years old might make a difference).
  4. I was going to the junkyard for something else. I was just wondering what the heck that thing does. Thanks anyway...
  5. What exactly is an antistall dash pot supposed to do? Why do they never seem to be connected to the vacuum system like they are supposed to? Oh well, off to the junkyard...
  6. I have repros and the passenger side has just cracked because I used too thick of weatherstripping. The one you want (drivers side) has a small crack by the top most hole. What is it worth to ya or better yet how much for yours?
  7. Thanks for the the reminder on that wrong fuel line. You are the 2nd guy to remind me. The first was the awesome Mike of Sunwest Z down here in Ventura. I figure I just got two passes and I better fix this s***. It's fixed and now I am safe. And done. I called up the shop that put this crap on and "gently" reminded the mechanic that I was still alive. There was no reason for them to put it on, what I had on was fine. The following is not addressed to BRAAP; As far as my "Ronald McDonald" engine bay, I like Big Macs and so do you. It stands in contrast to the rest of my car which is flat black with shaved holes, welded seams and an Amish plainness and utility. Under the hood says to me "Welcome to Tijuana Senor, you come to party?" Anyway, this obsession is finally done with me. Thanks for Hybridz and thanks for you!!!
  8. Anyone who gets their feelings hurt online should probably be euthanized. BTW, That air hose is natural gas line; it's metal, never needs to be replaced.
  9. That's the best part; the feeling of satisfaction that this project which has taken up way too much of my time, is for the most part, done enough for me. All now is just maintenance and repair of normal wear and tear. I am done caring. Best Regards, Daniel
  10. I like my Autozone silicone, I've never had a problem with it. I have always had problems with rubber airlines. After one year, forget it it's gone. The fuel line is something that a retard smog repairman put on for some reason and I am just waiting for it to leak to replace it. So I guess I am not done. Just done enough so that I can return to real life instead of working on a furshlugginer car all the time. Good luck!!!
  11. I think he said poorly running engine. I get it.
  12. If you have a malfunctioning air regulator, the oil will be pulled up out of the breather tube in the valve cover where it will travel down your air tubes for insertion into your throttle body where it will be blown back into your engine for combustion...
  13. I know when I keep doing the "wrong" thing, I should not be surprised when all I receive is the "wrong" results. That's just common sense...
  14. I would settle for a CF dash cap. A few years back, MSA were debating bringing one to market but I guess they decided against it. I get to save my money...
  15. Oh man I feel for you. I have dug myself into some holes but you got yourself a lulu. I was under the impression that the magenta hose goes from the manifold to the carbon cannister. I am pretty sure a PCV valve is necessary for operation but I could be wrong. Your air hose schematic just looks...wrong. Maybe drop $50.00 on a service manual specific to your vehicles year and start from scratch. Good luck...
  16. As a 280z owner I have often wondered if MSA ever had any plans to make the fusible link covers in carbon fiber. The plastic ones get brittle and shred in a few years. I'm not sure if CF is any more durable but maybe it is. Think big and start small whaddaya think???
  17. I wasn't gonna weigh in but what the hey. There is another option to having HID lights on ones vehicle: HID driving lights. I have been thinking about doing an HID headlight conversion for years. I have watched the price drop and was very close to doing it earlier this year. I bought some PIAA Xtreme white headlight bulbs and they are bright but just not bright enough. I am also extremely apprehensive about messing with my stock headlights. All these HID companies are advertising something like a "98 %" success rate of a good product which in my mind is still a 2% failure rate. Something happens on the road at night, my headlights f*** up then where am I? If it ain't broken don't fix it. Then I was at Kragen and lo and behold there is a company which makes 4" and 7" completely enclosed one piece off road lights. I bought some 4" ones. They look trick and the amperage draw is so low I don't even need to use relays. Their use is entirely discretionary so I can use them only when I need them. They throw light everywhere and I can see everything for hundreds of feet. As far as blinding others, I have been getting blinded/ distracted for years by suburbanites in duallies running HID headlights and driving lights. I got over it and so will others, if the use of these lights makes me a bad person than I am so very sorry. Yes their use is illegal but so is retrofitting HID headlights. I got pulled over a couple weeks ago for speeding and the policeman did not say anything about my lights. Who knows better than the police? On a side note I have had drivers in opposing traffic flash their headlights at me, indicating excessive brightness maybe twenty times. 17 out of 20 of these drivers have been HID owners. What are they really saying, "No one can be brighter than me in my Beemer. " ? Have a great day.
  18. Been a while. I was at the junkyard today farting around looking at electrical items on all different cars. Volvo's use Bosch fuel injection components. I found some flexible boots for injector plugs that bend more readily than the stock or aftermarket Nissan ones. Not sure of the year of the donor vehicle. There was also a three point "spring loaded" or "detachable" plug along the firewall that I replaced my TPS plug with and it works like a charm. There was a six point plug with the same "instant detach" connected to what I think was the air sensor and I was gonna grab it but I forgot if my cars AFM was six or seven point... No more flying metal clips!!! No more lost metal clips...
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