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Tony D

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Everything posted by Tony D

  1. "I'm still waiting for you to give me some chinese high quality brand names that I can start buying tools from by the way." King Tony
  2. "NOBODY else but Sunbelt would have thought "Hey, that's a pretty good idea! Let's do THAT!" in the intervening 40 years. " Never said that, sometimes your attitude is...poor. That's the most charitable I can be at this point. Never said it, you're just plain being an ass misstating it like that.
  3. What the "Jap" is speaking about is explaining the three things that you do to inicrease the steering angle in regards to the rack and tie rods. 1)You get more steering angle with the washers initially by allowing a lengthened rack movement. 2) By shortening the tie rod, with the increased turnability of the rack (it now goes slightly MORE turns from center after the spacer is in there -- they show this at the end of the video) BTW, it allows slightly more rotation of the wheel to get it 'straighter' out of the rack. This goes hand-in-hand with is altering the knuckle stop on the lower suspension arm to allow more angle to be advantageously used with the shorter tie rod with spacers installed is used, in conjunction with the spacer the diagram is telling you to make sure not to clearance too much or you can go over-center and LOCK the wheel in place under load! He's saying to get it 'in line' but make sure it can't go further! When the steering unloads it's possible the tie rod could 'kick' back out suddenly and restore control to the driver... or not. Not good with steering components. It's like laying over those bicycle wheels on the front end of a dragster---same sort of thing. 3)Last mod is to use heim joints to accommodate the additional angle on the steering tie rods. They are diagramming the normal tie rod would be put into a bind due to the movement of the lower portion of the macpherson strut's steering knuckle. Last thing they show is clearancing the lower control arm and various chassis components so there is no conflict at full compression or during track use. Because the wheel turns more now, there may be rubbing issues that have to be addressed and clearanced. Maybe I speak enough 'jap' to figure that video out.
  4. It's not a ZX-R wing, since the ZX-R didn't have a rear wiper for one thing...
  5. what kind of spoiler are you using under there? Is it a g-nose specific airdam, or a generic one you installed with some adaptations? (Got the top half of a nice G-Nose, no bottom tho...at least not as in as nice shape as that top half...)
  6. Let's eat grandpa. Some rare parts you got there for sure!
  7. My 76 was, and it was only 350 turbocharged horsepower, so I ran sans muffler as I didn't think the noise was objectionably while cruising. The CHP thought otherwise, hence the 'box under the seat' revelation after seeing that solution on cars much lower than mine. On a 2+2 it becomes easier as you have more room too tuck a glasspack muffler in the tunnel near the tranny, so only the pipe needs to exit, if you put one of those flowmaster shorties on there after a glasspack it's not loud at all. And now that I know the CHP is SUPPOSED to test me from BEHIND the vehicle and that my fixit ticket was total B.S.... I don't know whose idea it was to run an 800F pipe next to 16 gallons of gas (20+ in the case of the S130), but I didn't think it was the bestus idea in the world. And with the muffler gone out back, it opens up QUITE a bit of room for a Surge Tank, dual fuel pumps, and all that other stuff that is a PITA to find a place for in an S30 (or an S130 for that matter!) Sooooo what was that you were saying about street driven again? My 76 made the expansion joints on US23 without an issue. Took I696 and I275 through Novi and off 12 mile without a hitch. My bro thought FOR SURE I would 'loose your exhaust when you come to Michigan in that low thing'...it worked fine, and did so all across the USA and back, too! now, admittedly I didn't take it fishing like he does with his Altima, but I had as much clearance on a lowered 280 with that muffler side-exit than he did on his Altima. And I with that setup you NEVER have to worry about backing into a snowbank in February and filling my muffler with water to freeze solid when I visit MA and PA in Kingsford...
  8. CRAP! It has been confirmed, I was about 20 minutes from CS Wantanabe. It's right around the corner from the Factory where I visit every three months. Okamura-San has drawn the proper conclusion from my inquiring e-mail: "this goes on visit list for next arrival?"
  9. "I said that because the company is in the usa it holds the china factory to usa standards and therefore the chinese tool is made in usa quality." You are making the ASSUMPTION that 'USA standards' are somehow inherently HIGHER AND SUPERIOR than Chiinese Standards. You then REINFORCE this with the follow up statement that there 'may' be cheap US companies, and a backhand comment that Chinese companies MAY have quality on their own. China is not a Race, but Chinese is, and who populates China? Chinese? Be they Han, or any ethnic subdivision, they are lumped together as an ethnic subgroup differentiated from the children of the sun, the Japanese...another place where 'cheap' once was the stereotype and to this day racist stereotypes still exist (you hear it all the time in the midwest: "Cheap Jap Crap") By simple substitution, "Cheap Chinese Crap" is similar, if not exactly the same... The presence of a USA brand name on a chinese produced tool as john c stated above means nothing of substance, not better, not worse, just reality. There is no inherent superiority of standards just because it's 'specified' by some guy in america. That is the undercurrent of your post. You just don't see it. It's there. Same as it was in 1984 when the UAW would buy a Corolla, and the local members would buy a whack with a baseball bat for $20 to 'Whack The Jap Crap"...arguably a superior product for it's intended market (one which Detroit did not even supply product for) but because it was from Japan....it was bad! All the windows on the Isuzu P'ups at the Isuzu dealer would be shot out over memorial day...the Chevy LUV's on the lot across the street were untouched. SAME TRUCK! SAME PLANT. Same mentality, different product. Didn't understand it then, don't understand it now.
  10. Yeah Tim, I know. I'm not going too argue the point, there's just a time when you stop arguing and let people say/believe what they want. Profile the cam? What's that? It doesn't LOOK like a VW cam, it's got a different ramp coming and going, it must be assymetric. What can you do? Let them believe what they want.
  11. Yeah, those Electramotive racers of the 80's were definitely at the top of the list of 'uncoolest ZX's ever made'...
  12. News to me, then it would be Delta Sunbelt and Isky. Other stuff I've seen is old tech bumpstick profile. If Delta knocked something off, it would be Racer Brown if it was the 70's. They were the only one selling asymetric grinds for the L Series then. Isky didn't go assymetric till the early 80's.
  13. the engineer I met in shanghai has such a system on his Z32, and had electronically brought along all t he manuals for me to review... Unfortunately I had to leave before I got them. I'm going back end of the month, or I'm going to press him t o e-mail them to me. his midrange acceleration has jumped quite a bit, his comment was (as I theorized before I knew someonne actually MADE one) was that he e could keep 17psi all the way off launch, where before he had surge issues. In his words it was 'total PID control just like our machines' what do you get when you have two gearhead engineers working at a centrifugal compressor manufacturer who have a penchant for turbocharged nissans? "Conspirators"
  14. cut a box under t he seat, put your second muffler there...pipe turns doown or goes straight out near the rocker panel. It's been done. The box solves the low problem and muffler issue. wrap muffler with heat blanket and p ut a proper heat shield. Very populr in japan with the driver on the other side...
  15. Yep, quench pad only really works with flat-tops. All this does is raise the CR and give you the same detonation prone chamber as an N42 that has been shaved to get 9.XX C.R.
  16. Sexting? Post photos of me, I DARE you honey!
  17. Six Stages of Separation Man! Years ago working in SLC, was buying some parts at a computer store...later someone went 'poof' in the parking lot. Later, the SLC Holiday Inn on Redwood and North Temple was full, so was the Red Lion, so I ended up in a fleabag hotel in downtown. Same floor as some previous 'infamous' inhabitant...culpable in the prior nefarious act of 'poofing' someone at a computer store just down the street... Working in Butte Montana during 'the seige'... went up to see the fracas but couldn't get close enough to see anything. Later, working in SLC, and hearing said shed was to be transported using taxparyers dollars to Sac'to for the trial witnessed the aformentioned shed on a flat bed on it's way. A short time later, was working in Sac'to and lodged in the Holiday Inn where I got a nice view of the BACK of the Federal Courthouse. One morning before leaving for the jobsite during the trial period actually saw the former shed inhabitant being 'escorted' into the building. I made it a point to get back and saw him 'escorted' out as well. It became kind of a hoot not to leave before Ted entered the building, and to make sure I could get back to the Hotel in time to see him carted off each evening. Did I ever mention my 'point making' time of teenage rebellion where I lived in a Red Ball Packing Crate in the back yard? I could live in a shed. I have a beard, hoodies, like Chuck Norris "Good Guys Wear Black" Edition sunglasses, and have not 30,000 words but 37,000 posts to refer to as a 'manifesto'... It only seems natural I should accumulate the rest of the items, it seems preordained what my next step should be.
  18. Well I already know to keep my spare diesel drums in a different container than the fertilizer... I just didn't realize the AS41 Grinding should be in an altogether different location than them as well! Next thing I know, you're going to tell me collecting airbag initiators is a bad idea as well!
  19. 8mm is -5, 10mm is -6, EFI line is 12mm, -7. 5/16", 3/8", 7/16" -4 is as close as -6, and -8 is as close as anything on the funky EFI feed line on the tank outlet. Vapor cannister is covered within the last two weeks postings.
  20. BTW, in the first example, the 4.6 looks 'ideal.' The 5.0 looks to need a 'smaller' setup. The 1.6, on the other hand, would benefit from the boosting of wheel speed and active venting to move the curve to the right, and as such would have plenty of reserve. This control scheme would allow what normally would be a 'poor or marginal' selection to operate pretty well in fact, and with a smaller A/R hot side still retain deecent boost threshold.
  21. Your edited post is correct, I think you got it. In theory each of the engines could have the same turbo but in reality each would require quite a bit different turbo to match it for the PR eventually required. The application of the compressor becomes less critical when you have a control system that will allow you to 'fudge' some of the variables. The advent of the 'hybrid' turbo (and I mean a late 180 HP compressor wheel on an early 63-64 Corvair hot side) to get more boost lower in the RPM range has made simple wastegate control a compromise at best. The advent of super efficient compressor profiles has allowed a hybrid to crank serious flow numbers at lower and lower boost thresholds---unfortunately the surge line limits their suitability in lower-flow applications. The active venting control method effectively allows you to run much higher pressures at those lower rpm ranges for better acceleration. It also would allow you to size the compressor for peak efficiency and flow at MAXIMUM horsepower and rpm levels (Big Phils Setup) without the midrange surge issues inherent in the old paradigm of 'bigger hot side to slow the flow down low'... Traditionally big compressors ALWAYS had a higher boost threshold becuase using wastegate only control that is what they HAD to use! You make a peaky engine. By actively venting flow down low, you recover driveability because you can then use what would be considered a 'normal' hotside A/R (0.63 as Phil originally had, as opposed to the 0.82 he had to resort to eventually). The paradigm of 'backpressure in the manifold' has to also be rethought as even at over 500HP, the stock manifold and 0.63 A/R hot side on JeffP's engine was still equal to the intake manifold boost pressure at peak HP and peak RPM (7000). The old saw that 'you need the bigger A/R to breathe on the top end' seems to be less an issue now that turbine wheels have been redesigned as well. The big news is that now it may be possible for a guy with a 'stockish' engine to bolt on a GT35R with a hot side A/R of 0.48, and get full boost as it would in a stock turbo application (2000 to 2500rpms as opposed to 3400 rpms) and then use that to his advantage. For guys like JeffP with a ported head, he could run that 0.48 to drop his boost threshold even lower, and get even more power under the curve for low speed drivability! Back to work, just checking in!
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