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Everything posted by JKDGabe

  1. Welcome! They won't let me just say "welcome", it's too short a message...
  2. Sparky, that was great! 2126, no, I'm not gonna chastize you but it's 65 miles to work. I used to ride a bike almost everywhere I went, didn't get a license 'til I was 18 and a vehicle 'til I was 20. Got a bad back now though, can't even take my motorcycle for very much time. Probably sell that this spring/summer. Thanks though... Edit: Magnum, the racing bikes really are easy to cover ground on. I always had fun on my bike and like he said, it will get you in shape!
  3. Just looked on autotrader.com and found quite a few BMW's in my range. Perhaps somebody could help me with the basic differences between the styles such as 318 & 325 etc. I think the 3, 5 and 7 series mostly correlate to the size? Also, how many miles do they last on average? I know, I know, how long is a string right? Pick an average, if there is one. Most of the ones I'm finding have ~200k.
  4. Thanks to all. Rust. I can't find one that doesn't need work (in my price range) and can't bear to own a Z that looks bad. Besides, for a car that's mostly gonna be a commuter I'd like something a little younger than 30 yrs old. I'd love to have a TDI Jetta! There's only a handful in TX in my price range and I can't find any of 'em for sale. They're all in CA or the frozen wasteland of the northeast it seems like. It's so hard to trust people nowadays to tell the truth about what they're selling unless you can inspect it.
  5. http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42615 Here's the url... I've never know WND to be unreliable in the past but there's a first time for everything I guess.
  6. Posted: January 30, 2005 1:00 a.m. Eastern © 2005 WorldNetDaily.com A provision in the German welfare system is forcing out-of-work women to chose between taking jobs in the sex industry or losing their unemployment benefits. Once one of the most generous systems in Europe, Germany's unemployment program has been reformed to require those out of work to take jobs for which they are qualified, or lose benefits. In the case of women, females below the age of 55 who have been out of work for a year or more must take any available job offered. The full legalization of prostitution two years ago – with brothel owners now paying taxes and employee health insurance – has created an awkward situation at German job centers where employers can access the official government database of those seeking work, reports the London Telegraph. One 25-year-old waitress, an unemployed information technology professional, had indicated a willingness to work in a bar at night and had past experience working in a cafe. A potential employer, finding her profile promising, contacted the job center about hiring her. Only after the young woman called to inquire about the job did she learn the employer was a brothel. When she refused the position, she was threatened with cuts to her unemployment benefits. Centers that do not penalize job seekers who refuse offered positions are subject to lawsuits by the employers. "There is now nothing in the law to stop women from being sent into the sex industry," says Merchthild Garweg, a Hamburg lawyer. "The new regulations say that working in the sex industry is not immoral any more, and so jobs cannot be turned down without a risk to benefits." Garweg notes that women who have past experience as telemarketers or call service workers have been offered positions with telephone-sex services. New laws permit sex-oriented employers to advertise in the job centers and provide for the suing of job centers that refuse to accept their ads. When the German government crafted the recent welfare reforms, brothels were initially considered for exclusion, but they were believed too difficult to distinguish from bars. Their inquiries for potential workers are treated no differently than those from grocery stores or schools. "Why shouldn't I look for employees through the job center when I pay my taxes just like anybody else?" asked one central Berlin brothel owner who has been using the local database to find prospective workers. The German experience closely follows that of the Netherlands, according to the Coalition Against Trafficking in Women. Following the 2000 legalization of prostitution by the Dutch and the registration of prostitutes, brothels began using official job centers to find new employees. Garwig believes pressure on job centers to meet employment targets is only going to make the current situation worse. "They are already prepared to push women into jobs related to sexual services, but which don't count as prostitution," she says. "Now that prostitution is no longer considered by the law to be immoral, there is really nothing but the goodwill of the job centers to stop them from pushing women into jobs they don't want to do." Last year, the German federal government announced that it would be fining employers that failed to hire trainees – a measure to be applied to brothels as well as other employers. Brothels failing to hire one apprentice for every 15 employees will be fined for failing to promote the sex industry. Germany legalized prostitution in 2002 in the belief it would slow down the trafficking in women and reduce the role of organized crime in the profession. Instead, government is expanding the sex industry by guaranteeing a steady stream of new recruits, some willing and some not.
  7. Hmm, that sounds nice. How's the maintenance costs on those though?
  8. I need a car. I'm sick of commuting in the truck and I need to put it in the barn and work on it anyway. I want either a diesel or sportscar. Diesel for the grease/biodiesel aspect but if I can't find that I wanna have some fun! Requirements A: 25 mpg hwy B: manual trans. C: rear wheel drive D: rust free! If not, it better be old and cheap I'll have about 3k to spend. I'm thinking early '90's stang. I'd get a 240sx but the popularity of those has driven the price past what I think they're worth. Gimme some idea's...
  9. Nope. What they need to know is that everyone around them is armed at least as well as they are. England threatens them with jail time, what good does that do? An armed society is a polite society.
  10. http://www.acxunlimited.com/ls1swap.htm
  11. You guys can get together now and set up a template based on what we've discussed, no need for pics obviously. Those who are interested should speak now or forever hold your peace!
  12. I can take care of the printing and shipping but I'm almost as artistic as a rock so design will be left up to others. I like the 1 big, 2-3 little + short bio idea. 2006 is the way to go... I guess a mod/admin could sticky a new thread for submissions and later one for the poll itself. We do need to vote ahead of time to ship the calendars by december.
  13. How to choose? Popular vote from HybridZ members who've been registered X amount of time. I like the idea of one large glossy pic with several other smaller ones below it which can be other angles or progress documentation. I've got to go to work, it's in y'alls hands now!
  14. I've been seeing ads all over for different forum's calendars and thought it would be a good idea for us. We (my family) have a few thousand printed up each year so I could handle the printing/fulfillment aspect if we come up with a design. I'll have to submit the design before I can relay price. Am I all alone on this?
  15. Tony, you're right, we need to lighten up. But the fact remains that if he had searched he would have found everything this thread contains. That depends on what year/model the donor car is. I have read more than a few threads about an L28ET spanking the "stock" 350. Also, it's not cheap/easy to turbo/supercharge a 350 in a Z. (Whether or not it's cheap may simply be in my mind but I don't think anybody would say it's easy) As the old saying goes, "you want it fast, cheap and reliable? Pick two and call me back." MCTomTom, take your time and read, read and read some more and when you decide what you want I'm sure you'll find plenty of help from HybridZ'ers. Remember, nothing in life worth having comes easy.
  16. That could be moisture... how long did you let it flash off after wiping it down? Might be thinner.
  17. If it comes with a warranty that's not too bad. You might try asking in the drivetrain forum...
  18. Looks nice. What brand scope? I had to right click, copy/paste the properties of the red x's to see anything.
  19. Am I a dreamer? I guess that's all I am now... just watched the Z get hauled off a few minutes ago. At least you guys have Z's... The secret to saving money is to pay yourself first. You'll always work hard to pay creditors so PAY YOURSELF FIRST! The vast majority of people can cut back somewhere, just look hard enough and give it time to add up.
  20. Mike and David have excellent points. The best officers that I've known had lots of life experience and knew what it was like to be an ordinary (read: not law enforcement) person and thus weren't hardnosed jerks.
  21. I used to do it and we charged $85 per hour. Whether or not it warps depends on things such as: size of sand, amount of air pressure, distance from nozzle, thickness of steel and the shape of the part being blasted. We often refused to do large flat surfaces as it's nearly impossible to do without warping. We also made the customer strip the parts... you may get a good discount by doing that.
  22. Ehhh, I hate hotmail. Send 'em to gabe at mikenew .net, sorry for the trouble.
  23. Pics to jkdgabe at hotmail please.
  24. You want full or part time? Work with your hands or sit behind a desk? Keep in mind that 90% of the worlds millionaires made it in real estate.
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