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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. Thanks for the opinion Davy. What exactly is the difference between the JTR and Scarab style conversion. I know the Scarab is and older way of doing things and the engine sits higher(?) and not as far back(?) as with the JTR style. Am I correct? Marcus
  2. Ok, here's the deal. I'm soooooooo in the market for a car like this. It has everything (well almost) that I want in a Hybrid Z. I just want some general opinions on this car. I emailed the guy and he said that there's about 500 miles on the motor and he's never used the juice on it (far fetched - I know). Does anybody know this car? I just want some opinions. It seems to me like a decent deal -- as of right now. We'll see what the bid-nazis do to it though. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&category=6187&item=2460292978&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBWA%3AIT Thanks in advance, your opinions are appreciated! Marcus
  3. yeah, he emailed me to tell me he just decided not to sell it. This was after I asked for detailed info on the motor and install (shady). Like I said I was gonna have dad go look at it for me since he's twice the mechanic I'll ever be, but I would have paid him cash if everything looked good. Oh well, maybe it's for the better. I guess I'll stick to plan A, just as soon as I get one
  4. Yeah I'd be there looking at it now if I was in NC. But I won't be back there until mid March because of some military training I'm doing in the great frozen state of Missouri. Trying to get a hold of my dad to go look at it for me but he's not answering
  5. so does it look like JTR, Scarab or custom to you guys????
  6. so does it look like JTR, Scarab or custom to you guys????
  7. very interested!!! How many prepaid orders have you received, and what kind of turn around are we looking at?
  8. ok - decided to go with some rivets --- pics soon to follow -- thanks guys
  9. Hey guys, I just got some brackets done for a flush mounted type mirror bracket and don't think I can bring myself to drilling the chrome trim around my door frame. I've heard that people have used that 3M double sided tape to hold body kits and the like and was wondering if you guys thought that I could use it for mounting my mirrors? If it sounds like it'll work, where could I find the stuff too. Would it be at the local auto parts house or do I need to find a specialty shop. All help is greatly appreciated.
  10. Is there really that big of an advantage to have the vented rotors as opposed to stock anyway?
  11. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=6763&item=2449675864
  12. Hey Moby, I'd be willing to bet money that the connection was made because of some dumba$$ "eyewitness" told them that this girl got into a car that looked like your wifes..........
  13. Hey Carrman, Just from a law enforcement perspective, I'm curious to know what you want the cops to do to investigate your loss?? There's really not much to go on usually. "I parked my car here last night and now it's gone" is what we usually get. Aside from checking the known locations of car thieves, or car dumping grounds when the thieves are done with it, there's really nothing to do unless the car just happens to be in one piece and is being driven around town by the guy who took it, AND he just happens to draw enough attention to himself by doing something stupid like speeding. Other than that, thats about all that we can do. Or maybe you'd like the cops to devote endless manhours to finding your car rather than responding to domestic violence calls, missing childeren calls or triggered alarms at your local businesses. Sorry, I'm ranting, but this is kind of a sore spot. We get that alot and it really is a thankless job and nobody wants us around until they need us. Don't get me wrong, I feel for you and your loss. But my point is, there's a lot of things we can do for the community, but there are also a lot of things we cannot do. So just bare with us and rest assured for the most part they are doing what they can for you and your community.
  14. In my experience, the guys that won't talk about the cars have been embarrassed to say anything about the motors because they're bone stock. All the money that was spent on the cars went into the body kits, rims and stereo equipment.
  15. How can I tell if my 71 has an updated (ie..ZX) master cylinder? I've looked for pics, but can't seem to find any that would help me determine if the master cylinder has been upgraded. TIA
  16. Hey Mike, 2 bolt block (if I'm not mistaken)-- never been bored.
  17. Ok guys, here's the deal. I've been planning the SBC swap for a few months now and have started getting the parts together and doing the research. Now for the opinion part. My dad has an 81' 350 in his motorhome that's never been bored or rebuilt. I think he said that the way the motor is set up is only rated at 160 hp. Now, I know that's completely unacceptable (to me anyway), and he'll give it to me for free. Now, my question is... would it be worth the time and effort to rebuild that engine, or should I go crate motor. I've found a crate motor online that's all new parts in a turnkey assy, for around 5 grand (430hp/425tq). How much would it cost to get about the same hp if I just rebuild my dad's motor? Anybody with any input let me hear it. It'll be greatly appreciated..........
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2417292693
  19. hmmmmm, ok.... now do you think it could be listed as a different part number because of the tinting at the top is different or do you think it's really a different shape all together??
  20. someone has a little toooooooo much time on their hands! But cool nevertheless....
  21. Hey guys, will an 83 zx windshield swap into 1st gen? I have unlimited parts access to two complete 83 zx's and want to know if it's worth it to go pull a windshield....... TIA, Marcus
  22. Ok, heres the problem. One of the freeze plugs on my freshly rebuilt (less than 2000 miles or so) L24 apprears to be leaking. Not so bad that it's dripping or anything but theres a little anti-freeze residue on the freeze plug itself and some spray on the underside of the hood. I'm sure it sprayed a little at road temp and pressure. Can the freeze plugs simply be tapped in a little further or should I just go out and get a new set?
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