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Everything posted by Poundz9oh9

  1. Well, I've thought about this too and I came up with the idea of another engine swap. LS1 in a 96 Cavalier I thought about this while working on my wifes car one day (96 Cavy of course). It would take a lot of work and modification to the body and what not but I think I can do it. Besides, I'll already have the car and by the time I get done with the Z, the motor in her car will be shot. And, I figured, what else would I do with my spare time. But then again, who ever really FINISHES their Z?????
  2. Ok, this is my fellow HybridZ side: Man that sux, glad you came out ok. Like everybody else said, the damage doesn't look all THAT bad though. Should be able to fix it, with a little time. Now for my "other" side : Not to sound like an a$$, but how fast were you going? Must have been up there pretty good if you can't even mention it in the forum. On, a wet road at that! (assuming the roads were wet, and not just right at the entrance to the tunnel) It kills me how kids, completely overestimate their driving abilities and cars, putting the safety of everybody around them in jeopardy because of a complete lack of mature judgement. Luckily, the only casualty was the car.....THIS TIME. Hopefully the car will be down long enough for you to have time to re-think about how long you want to live and what you think other peoples lives are worth. Ok, I'm done ranting. Good luck on the rebuild!
  3. I've heard that it might, but I also heard that if you only use them on one side it's ok. Maybe I'll just stick to rubber until I tear one apart.
  4. OK, well the chick in the pic is cute......... better?
  5. Tim, you da man.... thanks for the info. (edit) ok, maybe I'm dumb..... got anything with a pic next to a part number
  6. Looking for some pics or a GREAT description from those who know exactly what they looked like. I have two complete sets of V8 motor mount adapters and transmission mounts (utilizing the stock brackets). I know it's not JTR, and I'm pretty sure they're not MSA, but I don't know if they're homemade stuff or Scarab style (never actually seen Scarab style as far as I know). If you can help me out, I'd appreciate it.
  7. In urethane? I've been looking and can't seem to find a solid answer as to if they're even available. Have anybody found/used them?
  8. That car looks familiar..... Where are you located?
  9. Hey Dale, thanks for the heads up, (and so quick too!!! )but damn. I couldn't see myself cutting up a brand new one. It'll be going into a 71 so I know it'll have to be trimmed. I just don't think I'm ready to cut one that expensive up. Thanks again. ........and the search goes on..........
  10. Ok, I posted a classified ad on a part I'm looking for and need some help. I just know that the new ad format gets less attention than it used to and figured I'd try this. http://hybridz.org/nuke/modules.php?op=modload&name=zClassifieds&file=detail&cat=84&de=545 Please don't nuke me for posting this here.....
  11. Well, glad to see that my stomach still holds up fine. Pretty gory pics though.
  12. What's wrong with the sound of the engine?? It's got a soothing sound all of it's own...
  13. So, what about the F40 style MSA wing???? Ricey?????
  14. Hey Dale, there's more pics in my photo album on page 8 of the user galleries. If that's not enough, I got a couple more I'll upload to the album. Quik240z, I've posted in the Chevy V8 forum in before. This just didn't seem "technical" enough for that side of the house, that's all. Don't wanna P/O the admin's
  15. Well, I'm hoping to only have it down for only about three weeks. I already have 99% of the stuff I need for the swap in the garage. I'm buying a pressure washer this week for the engine bay/undercarriage treatment. The only other stuff I'm doing in conjunction with the swap is switching out all the guages in the dash to Autometer ones. Other than that, there's no money right no for the "while I'm at it" syndrome. Ultimately I definately want it done (the swap, not the car) for the Z car show in Charlotte in Aug. Seems possible enough, but I'm also in the middle of buying a house too, soooo .......... swap AND moving in the same month... Like I said before, wish me luck guys
  16. And after 8 hours (working off and on) this is what we got Beautiful sight isn't it. And the best part............... .......The motor was sold before it was even pulled. Oh, and that reminds me.....I just got back delivering the motor to the area of Mikelley's ol' stompin ground. That HAS to be the worst place on the planet to drive (foreign countries excluded)!!! 5 hours up, and about 9 back. BLAH!!! And on top of that, I gotta tell my dad that I left his engine hoist at my father-in-laws (2 hour drive) because I had to get the trailer back sooner than I could get the engine hoist back. Oh, well.... Now I guess it's time for the real work to be started....Wish me luck guys. The "while I'm at it" bug has already bit me too....
  17. Duuuuuuuuuuude!!! I can't believe you guys don't remember this guy, he's only part of the greatest cartoon ever!!! How old are you guys anyway j/k His name is Bluestreak, check it out http://www.2005boards.com/showthread.php?t=47634 <<<<Has the transformer movie on DVD which I'm sad to say poor Bluestreak doesn't make it to the end. Actually, he gets taken out pretty early. Yeah, I'm a dork -- I know
  18. What did you paint it with? Is it a rattle can job??
  19. Well, I'd say from a reliability standpoint, go with the Honda. But then again leases usually aren't held held long enough for even a Neon to go bad. I'd say go for the most visually appealing. RX-8 Baby!!!
  20. Well, I can definately say that it's somewhere in the switch. It did it again last night while I was driving. All, I did was shut off the lights thedn turn them back on again. I'm pretty sure that it's in the connection. I'll pull it all apart again and clean the connectors really good. If that doesn't help, I'll have to say the switch is toast and is either going to get worse, or will be like this the rest of the life of the car. Anybody got an extra switch they want to get rid of????
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