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    Near: Laurens, South Carolina, United States

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  1. The JTR headers are Sandersons and they will work great had a set on my car before the longtubes and gave them to a buddy of mine. Tex 300 when in sept are you coming through?? Several of us are going to the 1/2 mile shootout mid sept if you want to join us.
  2. Tex300's trans cross member is not from hawks. Hawks cross member is tucked up more. Bottom line--- You need a weld in mount for these cars !!! with the amount of hp some of us are putting out any rigidity we can add is a huge plus. And unfortunately you need to weld to add strength
  3. No drilling with the hawks kit but there is welding involved and Bruces kit is made in the USA not China lol
  4. Ok guys here's the deal steering clearance is not an issue. The shaft has to be removed to install the ds header. As far as rack clearance the production mounts are designed to clear a 10% od crank pulley for supercharger applications sooooo a standard pulley clears w lots of room to spare and Bruces hood shuts w the magnacharger w no issues.. These mounts were built to position the engine in the best location possible. Lets face the facts the JCI tranny mount is not the best option with mosf S30 cars having floorpan issues. In a nutshell this is just a more modern option that does not take up as much room as anything else available. Very Cool design IMO.
  5. I do know the headers are a work of art and work and fit great on 280's. Engine mounts are very clean and set the motor in the correct location. I just had my car corner balanced and aligned and it was virtually 50/50 front to rear
  6. I would recommend the HAWKS 3rd gen mounts he has headers and anything LS that you will need and his mounts are sexier than the other mounts that are available. The LQ4 6.0 is fine but as mentioned intake will need to be changed.
  7. I bought the Arizona frt and rr kits and hands down the best investment you'll make for your car!!! Huge difference in braking worked flawless at our last track day
  8. You simply remove your lower control arm nut and it then threads into. The lower portion of the mount. Very clean and simple
  9. Off topic a little but mirrors are u running??? Nice 69 also . I have a fathom green 69 Z also.
  10. Yes we talked about the longtubes. They are on my car so you can get an idea how they fit and look. What time dinyoh guys get there??
  11. I dont think my smartphone is very smart sometimes
  12. i think i contacted you about a set of tires/wheels you had listed on craigslist ?? I will be at the cars and coffee show this Saturday weather permitting in my LS6 280Z if you want to come look.
  13. its either LS1 /LS2 Corvette look and see if it has a throttle cqnle or dbw hrottle. its not a Z06 motor w automatic flexplate
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