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The love of JDM

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Everything posted by The love of JDM

  1. Thank you Sir. The ATI is also really good. Im running a/c but having the option for a/c removal is good for those who dont want to run it.
  2. Heres another.. http://shop.rawbrokerage.com/product.sc?categoryId=20&productId=219
  3. I have no experiance in helping you out but that is a really cool idea and something I would be interested in down the rd after everything was bench tested and #'s ect if you decided to sell something like that.
  4. I have everything except the tranny (was just sold) click link in sig. or p/m if still looking for.
  5. Great thread, really peaked my brain on doing a swap in 240 72'
  6. Not a bad idea, could also be used to mark rare items or parts worth some money.
  7. Yeah thats what I had to do with the last post, just put the new pic up but wondering if that might be a problem for others to know whats been sold/or pending.
  8. I made a listing to part out my 280zx but for some reason I cant edit the first post to update it when parts have been sold or new photos to be linked. Thanx Admin/mods.
  9. I know this is an early thread but what type of s13 steering wheel are you looking for? Stock with or without cruise control.
  10. Awwww that sucks! I keep mine all inside, even tho inside it still gets pretty cold.
  11. I used to be a car audio installer for a long time. Ive seen the good bad and the ugly of the car audio market. I personally have used Infinity, Polk Audio, Boston Acustic's, Fosgate, JL Audio, Kenwood, Sony, Pioneer, Clarion. Im prolly forgetting some others. However, sometimes higher priced parts doesnt always mean its the best. (my .02) It also depends on the application as well as what its being used for.
  12. Wow that sucks. I was about to order a few sets from B/D but like said above, maybe they will be easier in the warmer season.
  13. Im sorry to say but that turbo is bigger than you
  14. Thats what happens I suppose. Im not exactly sure what I'll be doing with the 240z, maybe a night roller and cruise the strip like they used to do back in the 70's and out in a field on a Sunday afternoon but of course everythings gonna be refreshed and all the suspension is key to staying on the black top
  15. Dang you had me fooled lol but sweet idea to make them out of tooth picks! Not sure if I could help you on improvements tho.
  16. Very cool, also pretty sweet to take them at a Civil War field.
  17. I know what you mean! Do you happen to go to Commerce by any chance? Just asking cause Sugar Hil isnt far from there and with a speed trap, I thought you may have.
  18. Awsome Arn that would be cool. No, I havent checked at the headlights them selfs, will do that tomorrow and let you know. And no, I never saw the clock work, I suppose its a common issue?
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