Personally I would either leave the stock antenna on or shave it off and use autoloc's hidden antenna system. Lets you put it anywhere in the car. Scroll down just a tad and you'll see it.
Ive had no experiance with "hammerite" but if it fills in pits then thats cool. Or you could use spot filler since its very easy to spread and smooth out and cheap, then just coat as normal.
HAHA first gen preludes. Nice. So would they be at autobac's or upgarage by any chance? 2 of my friends go to Japan every 2 months and might be able to locate them for me. Still keeping my options open but thank you much for you're assistance.
I dont get why you dont want to fix the issues. Theres been far worse out there thats been saved. With the amount of play time and owning it you should keep her!
Pulled this last week. Had no problems even with the shifter still attached. Just watch the steering column and power steering lines and you're good to go.
Thanx for all the views on this guys, going to at least pull the tails and panel and think it over.
Gumbyz13 - Do you have any photos that show more of those paticular tails?
Rick1750 - P/M sent about those