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The love of JDM

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Everything posted by The love of JDM

  1. Check your compression and boost leaks.... stock sr red tops typically are 205hp at the flywheel. s14 sr's are a tad more Compression should be around 160 for each cyl I made 202hp 198ft tq on full stock motor with lightend flywheel s14 fuel pump and greddy fmic, type rs BOV 3" pipes, series II redtop with timing retarded. 3" full straight exhaust with test pipe.
  2. Pretty modern looks nice, the rest of the interior in black would set it off.
  3. That sucks, have had it happen before. Got to be carefull.
  4. Thats a bet, more info the better. Esp. correct info Oh and if anyones looking for some KADE, Ive got some stuff just p/m me.
  5. Thats because the kade' and sr's use same stock mounting systems in s13's and s14's, so an aftermarket setup for the z would work for both
  6. Im not exactly sure but I have 2 lower s13 intake mani's if you might be interested in, for bench work.
  7. Uhg!! That sounds nuts with my Bose headset esp. at the end haha!
  8. Wow, what a nice clean car it was. Good luck with the claim, I never thought about getting Hagerty insurrance but now I will once the cars are completed. Save the classic's
  9. My personal view on bad typing/text... Im glad I didn't have to deal with people talking like that when I was in High School or even before. Suppose I was one of the lucky ones. In this day and age its pretty pathetic, my personal view: Its slowly turning into a 3rd world Country on a dusty road with no end in sight. Hope for the best and expect the worst.
  10. Looks pretty cool, can you do one for the 240z or are they the same?
  11. There is high heat dynamat that can be used for under hoods and of course the firewall sections. Looks nice ozzinc
  12. So sad to see it stripped like that. Sometimes its even worse to see it in that condition rather than never at all. Ive been there so I know how it feels. Good luck with the re-build.
  13. Dont be, glad you're making progress. Given me ideas
  14. Sad but I concure with the s30 remark
  15. Im content to what ever the rules may be. I do find it interesting that threads can be deleted. If they were to be deleted does the post count go down after the fact?
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