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Everything posted by zguy95135

  1. our computer is pretty fast. 512 mb and 80 gig of ram too bad it doesnt have a decent graphics card
  2. im pretty sure that you could use them with a set of honda to Z adaptors. i like em too, they would look good in black
  3. these mag-lite Axis wheels look like similar to the ones on3go posted earlier
  4. if I was the last guy I would have stayed under the truck! badass
  5. i made a lot of progress on my Z. too bad it wont be on the road for another 2 months . i put on the manifolds, most of the wiring, radiator, belts, lights, airdam, and thats about it
  6. Ive had my seats for a while now and they already had hole drilled in the bottom of the seat. they bolted onto the rails without any problems but if I move the seat forward to a driving position the wings hit the door panel. but since i'm missing a bolt for the rail on the floor the door can close completely. some people have told me to bend in the wings slightly (enough to get it to have clearance) I tried this but it is nearly impossible to get it to bend. I can fit a finger inbetween the seat bottom and the trans tunnel, so would fabricating some brackets to move the seat slightly to the right work, (going horizontally from on rail to the next to keep stability) or is there an easier way?
  7. it seems like it would get a lot of backpressure when it is closed
  8. if you going to put in t-tops why not go targa? that would be pretty cool
  9. i watched the demo video, those things are awesome! i want the AE86
  10. and to think that this all could have been avoided if he had just beat off at home like everyone else
  11. 700hp accord http://www.hybridz.org/phpBB2/album_pic.php?pic_id=2782
  12. I got my rollbar from IoPortRacing.com, heres the link. http://www.ioportracing.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=IPRS&Category_Code=AP170 their products are good quality. you have to weld the front and back parts together though
  13. i just signed up, it very easy to use
  14. i have been putting my manifolds back on and i was wondering if the heat shield between the intake and exhaust is really necessary. Will it cause the car to get heat soak (more then usual), if so can that be fixed with a manifold blanket thing (MSA)? are there any dangers of taking it off? btw i used the search function
  15. zguy95135

    Vegas pics

    lmao! im guessing a little alcohol was involved
  16. the green one has that nice cockroach look
  17. i would make the flares more pronounced and less flat
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