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Everything posted by zguy95135

  1. Me and my dad where at Wheels n Deals today, and they were selling a beautiful 84' Corvette, for only $3900!! He seems really interested in buying it. He took it for a drive and it needs some work. If he got the Corvette he would have to sell his 280Z 2+2 and I would get the 81 ZXT parts car! I would hate to see the 2+2 go but getting my turbo swap into my Z would be great, especially since it would be FREE . Also if he got rid of the rest of his junk we would get trade in the STS Caddy and get my mom a new car (something like a Celica w/an auto). Hopefully he'll buy the Vette BTW if you want to buy a 66' Rivera, or a 21' Dodge hotrod project email me
  2. $7,500 is way too much, but those wheels r kinda cool
  3. in my neighborhood, not very much goes on, but on Wednesday we had a shooting about 3 blocks from my house. Supposedly a vietnamese man who was not familiar with the area was at a stop sign when two men with guns walked up to his car, and when he saw them (he knew them) and tried to get away he accidentally clipped their car that was behind him and they opened fire into his car. He was hit but he didnt get killed, but still, it hits pretty close to home
  4. on the right side of the spoiler, there is a slightly flat raised spot that could be used for emblems. Its about 5-6 inches long by 3 inches high, so it would work for your Hybrid Z emblem idea
  5. Heres the pics of the mounted spoiler it fits nice and close to the hatch, but I still have to bolt on the outer studs. It took about 3 hours and a good amount of blood loss from a sharp piece of metal to get it done, but for the more experienced it would be much less. BTW the 432 and BRE style spoilers are pretty much the same, just that the one from CD is a copy instead of a copy of a copy (does that make sense? im confusing myself ) its much better then the POS MSA sells... Dont you just love the very organized garage?
  6. try pressing the refresh button on the internet window when you get to the PM screen. It worked for me and my crappy Comcast internet
  7. awesome cant wait for the issue to arrive! JSR 4 Lyfe!
  8. Actually its the 432 style one from Classic Datsun. The part has excellent quality, the gel coat is very smooth, and it looks like it will fit perfectly against the body. It was well worth the $165 that he sold it for. The only thing that I would change is the two bolts that are on the ends of the spoiler by moving them in about 2 inches. Right now they are near the edges of the hatch so it is difficult to get in the right position. Unfortunatly I broke two bits already and the mounting is beginning to be a PITA, but when I get it done I will post some pics
  9. How did it happen? was it gang affiliated, burglary , or just random
  10. I only own one, but heres a list of the cars parked in various places around our house: *1981 280zxT (not running) *1978 280Z 2+2 (running ok) *1975 280Z (not running) *1966 Buick Riviera (running ok) *1921 Dodge hotrod (not running) *1994 Cadillac STS (runs when it feels like it ) *1996 Chrysler Town&Country plus an extra Buick 7.0 V8 w/about $2000 in a rebuild laying around
  11. try looking in to a set of Falken Azenis Sports, my dad has them on his Z and they are very sticky, especially for the price. they hardly ever squeal even on the autox course. unfortuntely they come in limited sizes and the only 14" they carry is a 195/60 edit: i almost forgot, these aren't good winter tires
  12. try checking the fuel injectors for those cylinders, but Im not sure how to do it right so ask someone first
  13. stickdeath has some funny stuff, but http://www.xiaoxiaomovie.com has some great action stuff, same stick stuff but with guns (the 4th, 7th, and 8th are the best
  14. my father is a CHP officer, so I know some stuff. He is just a regular officer and makes about $65,000 a year, lots of vacation (like 2 months a years or something like that), and I think they just got a raise (albeit small). If you have a pilots liscence the pilots make $100,000 (fixed wing, and helicopter)
  15. HOLY CRAP!!!! those two guys who crashed into trees... especially the first one
  16. yea, your car is missing it but its not really that important. btw you really are 14?
  17. I finally put the car back together after about 9 months of work. Unfortunatly the car wont run , but it does turn over fine. At first we thought it was the timing, but we checked and everything is right on top dead center. The car is getting spark, gas, combustion, and the timing seems to be right on. Why is it doing this? BTW the car is a 75 280z and on the thermostat housing there is a small ground plug that has a broken wire, it used to have one ground and the other "terminal" was already broken off so I dont know what it looks like. The car ran before the disassembly so I dont if it is too important, but since something similar costs nearly $80 at the parts store, it must be important any replies would be greatly appreciated, I wanna get this thing on the road!
  18. how much is LoJack? I looked on the site, but it didnt say anything.
  19. In our small fleet of cars at home we have a "slighty" rusty 81 280ZXT and a big block Buick nailhead engine. The plan is to put the turbo engine in my dads Z 2+2 and put the nailhead in the zx. it would be cool and we have the stuff, have you ever seen this before and are there any kits? Just toying with the idea but 330+lbs of torque stock would be nice.
  20. We went for a drive in the Z and when we stopped after about 30 mins of driving (pretty fast) the car wouldnt start. The fuel lines didnt feel hot to the touch but the intake was extremely hot (im pretty sure thats normal). We tried spraying some water on the fuel lines bt it didnt do anything. When we were driving the temp guage didnt say it was hot . BTW he has a four core radiator on the car so could it be giving off more heat then usual? (dont think thats the problem because he's had it for a while). Also could the fan clutch be going out? edit: also, the car is backfiring through the airfilter (actually its more like "spitting" )
  21. i'll try putting on some extra shielding, hopefully that will help. thanks for the replies
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