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Everything posted by logan1

  1. wow i am really liking this satin look. Anyone have a picture of a car that is painted satin/matte red?
  2. :2thumbs: Alright some that uses the search function. Could you please post a few pictures of your install.
  3. OR (3) If the chick is to fat to get on the back of my bike. (I mean i don't discriminate; i still want to hit-it but not at the expense of having to buy a new sub-frame for my bike.)
  4. When i want to go balls out fast i get on my other ride: The Z is : (1) my fun cruiser when the prevailing weather conditions are not conducive to ride a bike OR (2) if I'm going on a date with a chick who refuses to get on the back of my bike.
  5. I use the whole roll (50sqft) of Heat shield which weighted 3 lbs. Add to that the foil tape and adhesive and i'd say its approximately 4 lbs max. This is a 100% street car and hence comfort and ride quality are very important to me.
  6. UPDATE HEAT SHIELD INSTALLED Just installed some heat shield. I use a product called Reflectix: Double Reflective Insulation that i bought from Home Depot ($25 for 50sqft). I read a bunch of reviews from people on the Corvette forum who seem to have had very good results shielding the cabin from engine / exhaust and transmission heat. http://www.homedepot.com/Reflectix/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5Z19n/R-100052556/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053 Reflectix is very easy to work with and I with help from dear ol' dad managed to get the firewall, transmission tunnel and cabin floors done in about 3 hrs (Start to finish). I used 3M super 77 adhesive and Aluminum foil tape to stick and secure the Reflectix.
  7. The specification selction says that Ultra touch has a R value of 0?
  8. thanx but i already got replacement spindle pins.
  9. I've been reading a lot of good reviews on other auto forums about the Reflectix: Double Reflective Insulation. What do you guys think? http://www.homedepot.com/Reflectix/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xr5Z19n/R-100052556/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
  10. very nice car. is that a one piece tilt front ends?
  11. I am looking for a Gear Shift Rubber Gasket. Let me know if you have once and the asking price. thanx John
  12. So I need some cheap heat shield to put on the inside of my firewall and transmission tunnel. I was wondering if anyone had used the duct insulation they sell at Home Depot or Lowe’s as heat shield in their car with good results? Below is a link to the product I am interested in using. http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1vZ1xhm/R-100028603/h_d2/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10051&catalogId=10053
  13. Well I think I might be interested in adding a set of side skirts to my 1970 240Z. Please let me know if you have a set laying around you are not using and your asking price. Thanx
  14. Thanx for the advice guys. I'll go ahead and pass on this motor. Just for my reference what is a good price base line price for a LS1 or LS2 and a T56.
  15. Well I think I might be interested in adding a set of side skirts to my 1970 240Z. Please let me know if you have a set laying around you are not using and your asking price. Thanx
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120522519283&viewitem=&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26its%3DI%26otn%3D1&category=33697
  17. Could you guys please look at the craigslist ad below and tell me it $3500 is a good deal for this LS1? http://tulsa.craigslist.org/pts/1581230327.html
  18. Shameless plug below http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=156171
  19. thanx bro We used approx 90sqft Approx 35lbs
  20. WOW just finished a pita job of sound deadening the car. My dad did 99% of the work . Currently my car does not have any stereo equipment but i hope to put in a simple system later on down the road. The sound deadening i used is called Rattle trap made by fatmat. I bought it on eBay; 100sqft shipped for $160. The mat stick very well to all surfaces. Also dont be fooled into thinking that this is a quick job that can be done in 1 afternoon. It take a good bit of time to make sure the surface is clean and ready for application and the pieces are cut well so everything fits together nicely with no wrinkles and huge overlaps at the edges. Here are a few pictures of the finished product. Can you guys recommend a good heat shield for the firewall and transmission tunnel.
  21. Thanx for the help guys. Well it would appear that is i do the conversion i'll have to swap out my tach for a later model tach and i'm not to sure i want to do that.
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