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Everything posted by Zhadman

  1. You know what? I kinda like it. Not sure how it looks up close, but from that angle I think Its cool.
  2. Boyd Coddington's cars aren't even Boyd Coddington's cars anymore. He hasn't had an original idea in years and he's milking the gimmick/marketing/reality TV stuff for all it's worth. Coddington just rides the butts of his employees (who make the real stuff happen). I know I couldn't do what he's done (in the past)... but my grandfather can... and has. He works with a couple guys in Riverside that build $300,000 rods with more class and style than Coddington ever could. They're not rich... they don't want to be. They just like building hotrods and the rich suckers that fork out that insane amount of money just pay thier bills and give them a chance to do some cool stuff for a living. Chip Foose rocks! Him and his father have built some OUTSTANDING cars and don't come off like pompous booty lickers. Sorry for the rant... someone mentioned Coddington and I can't stand that dude.
  3. This is becoming oh so true. I know women who had children 'Because they always wanted some' (by the way... this is an EXACT quote from one of my acquaintances). Two months later they were back to work and the child was farmed out to day care. They didn't NEED the extra income to survive... she just felt that she could be a full time parent and have a full time career. 'Who is raising your child?', I asked. Her reply: 'I am!'. BS!
  4. My 'reply', while admittedly less informative than Stony's, was hardly sarcastic and definately was not 'bashing'. I was merely dismayed, and shocked (therefore my use of the 'shock' emoticon), at a question that has been covered ad nauseum. No offense was intended or implied. We are all, at some point, 'newbies' and it is definately understood that being new to a forum can be confusing. There's alot of information on here and it's hard to take it all in. Take your time... use the search feature... and don't respond to people telling them to 'lick my balls' (atleast without making it clear that you are jesting). Now (hope some of these links help): Some info on difficulty and cost Another Thread with info on cost Link for Info on Rick Wong's Mounts
  5. Zhadman


    Roggaman, Looks good. I have a question about something: Pardon my terminology here (it's 0530)... The center feature, on the face of the hub looks really thin. Wouldn't it be better to make that feature solid like the stock stub?
  6. I joined up! Hope it will stay mature and Spam/Flame/Troll free.
  7. Zhadman


    I'm watching this and I'm thinking to myself: "Self... what's the big deal?" Then WOW... where the hell did that guy come from? Can you imagine the adrenaline rush that M3 driver got? Man!
  8. Zhadman


    Oh, and... ... You probably won't be able to get the spline information from someone who has already taken the time to discern the correct spline dimensions and is currently producing the product you are intending to duplicate. That information could almost be considered proprietary. If you're determined to do it... bust out a comparator and have some fun!
  9. Zhadman


    Unfortunately its going to be difficult to determine what JIS (Japanese Industrial Standard) the splines were originally designed to. If memory serves me correctly the first JIS systems were a hodge-podge of non-Japanese design/machining methodologies. It would be hard, therefore, to find any specific, and reliable, information concerning these parts. There is more to correctly designing splines than just knowing the OD, tooth count, and module. There are pressure angles/flat roots, circular pitch...etc. I'm no expert when it comes to gears/involute splines... there's ALOT to it. You could probably make something work with the basic information but... Ordering the Stubs from Ross (Modern Motorsports) would be more cost effective than trying to produce a one-off part that will likely cost you thousands of dollars to develop. Ross' parts are of the highest quality and will achieve the result you require at a fraction of the cost. Just my humble opinion (everyone has one).
  10. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=100297 See post #8 in this thread.
  11. You would probably be better off just using the Greddy manifold. Sometimes buying a part is more beneficial (and cost effective) than making a part. Assuming you had the ability to weld cast aluminum you could surely modify the manifold, attain your desired end result, and still retain some modicum of functionality. But... like drunkenmaster stated... what happens when you lean out a few cylinders and increase the potential of damaging the motor? The cost of the Greddy (ROUGHLY ~$600) is worth, atleast in my opinion, the ability to bolt on an engineered piece that will achieve your goal. And the time fabricating can probably be better served on another area of the car. Never under-value the cost of YOUR time! Cheers
  12. That sounds like a good idea Jamie. I used the stock lifting points (on the right-front and left-rear sides of the head) and had a heck of a time getting it to stay level. Leveling front-rear was no issue, but side to side was. The '26 has a lean to it naturally and this, atleast visually, exacerbates the issue. Have you tried to mock the motor up in the engine bay yet? I'd be interested to see how well your solution works.
  13. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=545169#post545169 Jump up to post #76 and then down to #82 11232-41L00 11233-41L00 Part numbers for the mounts. There's additional info in that post relating to oilpans, pickups... etc.
  14. Oh man... that's great! Sounds like the guy was a total tool and had no respect for his wife.
  15. CF and a 70's car can look good together. Just depends on how you do it and who's looking!
  16. Atleast he owned his stupidity and sounds like his stepson got a cooler car out of the deal!
  17. Just what we all need... MORE strip malls and office buildings. I can see this turning into a bad thing. I can't afford a home (in SoCal), but when I do finally purchase one I want to feel secure that it is MY property and can't be siezed for development.
  18. Really? It's showing up on mine...hmmmm. Heres the direct link to the hosted image (hope this works):
  19. Bob, The latest version of Ricks mounts are relieved (on that side of the motor) in order to clear the line. The version that Joel purchased required that material be removed to avoid contact with the oil drain/return. Here's a picture of the new style mounts (the mount on the right has the relief): Sorry... I know you directed the question to Joel.
  20. Not a problem. Also... I've been noticing more and more that companies advertise performance internals for the RB25/26 in both Super Street and Sport Compact Car. Might be a good place to look.
  21. Dude... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=97516 And... The Best Link Ever
  22. My car is actually in Riverside... Right now I don't have any pictures of the mount yet... we are just in planning/fabrication stage. What we are planning to do might be overkill and others may find an easier way to accomplish this. When finished I'll provide more detailed information. I won't be able to work on it again for a couple weeks. When I complete the mount you are more than welcome to come check it out. Realize, though, that I'm using Rick Wongs mounts and not Brads... I don't know if they put the motor/tranny in a comparable location. As far as the RB25 having two dipstick locations like the RB26... I dunno. My RB25 knowledge is extremely limited. Hopefully someone else can chime in on that.
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