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Everything posted by Zhadman

  1. Well... atleast God can't hate him on this forum! lol
  2. Zhadman

    Rb26DETT kit

    Ahh yes... very true! A much better deal.
  3. Zhadman

    Rb26DETT kit

    That's just for the motor mounts... and then you will need to source the isolators (Toyota Supra).
  4. Zhadman

    Rb26DETT kit

    McKinney's 'Kit' could be considered competitively priced if it were to include the mounts listed above, a downpipe, a driveshaft, the intercooler, and the intercooler piping. When I visited their shop (back in January), and spoke with both McKinneys, they were planning on including all these items. If they can do that for $600-$1000 it definately could be considered a good deal. That being said... Rick's mounts rock.
  5. Here's one. They are made of SUS-304 SS, but I don't personally know of anyone who has purchased or used one of their units. http://www.turbocalculator.com/sale-headers.php#ss_rb25det
  6. Congrats! On July 23rd (roughly 3 weeks ago) my wife and I were wed. She bought me my CCW's... so I had to marry her! Lol. Good Luck!
  7. http://www.thenewspaper.com/news/05/576.asp *sigh* It's funny how California is the unofficial home of the billion-dollar-a-year (or more) aftermarket industry... and is the least car friendly state in the US. This is the exact reason I'm not doing a THING to my WRX that will make it look modified.
  8. I dunno... it's kinda like having a Union Jack on the roof of your mini or on the tank of your Triumph. I guess, our cars being japanese and all, that the ricer stigma could be applied. Damn ricers! They mess everything up! j/k
  9. I never thought I would like Family Guy... then I watched an episode and ran out to buy the first and second season DVD's. Frickin hilarious stuff.
  10. Saw an Enzo at a gas station here in Long Beach... just 2 weeks ago. Sounded amazing.
  11. Definately my favorite. Dont ask me why... but it almost made me spit my drink on the monitor.
  12. Thanks Forrest...looks great! That is very close to what I have been envisioning for my car.
  13. I like the (for lack of better wording) Red graphic on the side of the car. Seems to follow the body lines pretty good. I've been seriously thinking about adding something like that to my car. Any more pics of how it flows in the front?
  14. Don't know if this has been posted here, but hey... I got a kick out of it!
  15. Try Eastwood Co. ... They have alot of metal finishing products.
  16. Brian... As always... I am green with hako-suka envy! Looks great! I was going to e-mail this to you, but FYI... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=102952
  17. You know, John... it's all a big conspiracy to take advantage of those urges! Yes... Flares are a must, for me atleast.
  18. It'll definately tone down in Tech School... and be totally gone when he reaches the 'Real Air Force'! Lol Parents can still attend the graduation ceremony and I, too, encourage it. I will never forget how proud my father was... made everything seem worthwhile.
  19. That 1mm was at the lip of the wheel, but that's kina irrelevant since I ground it down and now have about .5".
  20. I'm not so sure this is a hard' date=' fast rule anymore. Several of my pilot friends had non-technical degree's. One was a business major and the other was criminal justice. Technical degrees do help, though, when it comes to learning the mathematics and physics behind flight principles. I was not a pilot, but I was aircrew and had close working relationships with pilots, Nav's, FE's and such. This, too, may have changed a bit. I know you no longer have to be a rated officer (Pilot/Nav) to command a squadron. Matt, If you're serious about joining the AF then I say do it. Although I only served 7 years I will never regret my time in the service. Sure... there was BS to deal with... but its much, much thicker in corporate America. I learned alot about myself, dedication, sacrifice and all that jazz. Sounds a bit like a recruiting schtick, I know... but things I learned in the AF are benefiting me to this day and, funny enough... only recently am I realizing it. There are alot of members here who are serving, or have served, in all the branches. Ask around... you'll get lots of advice!
  21. Ahhh... the memories. "Pick 'em up... put 'em down, pick 'em up... put 'em down" July is one darn hot month to be shipping out... probably the hottest! I shipped 16 July and I'll never forget getting off the plane in San Antonio and being greeted by the humidity. Do you know his AFSC? My tech school was at Keesler AFB in Biloxi. Spent the better part of a year there.
  22. Hmmm.... I spec'd 5-3/4 BS when I ordered them and measured them when they arrived to confirm it. I haven't cut my struts... the rear spring perch is welded 9" up from the base of the strut tube (per the instructions) and I'm running 8" free length springs. I think the difference lies with the Modern Motorsports Rear Stubs. The mounting flange is much thicker than stock and, combined with the rotor hat, gives me the clearance I need. That being said... I did grind a small portion of the spring perch off... but not much. Even without the perch ground down there's about 1mm of clearance.
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