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Everything posted by Zhadman

  1. Hybrid members could disavow any knowledge of my existence if I'm captured.
  2. My Satin Paint Questions I started a thread a couple months ago concerning Satin black paint. The focus of my questions was not related to hardener, but there might be some information you find usefull.
  3. ... a giant Nissan billboard with an orange 240z on it! Nissan is located in this area (around the 110 and 405) and I'm used to seeing thier 'boards for the Infinity models, Titan, Frontier...etc. This is the first one I've seen with a classic Z on it. Cool. Someone get me a huge HybridZ.org sticker. I'll climb up there tomorrow morning and stick it where everyone will see (I won't cover the Z).
  4. I know that feeling! Perhaps we can be addicted to LOOKING at them?
  5. I have (but have not installed) Honda CBR 600 RR (Too many R's... I get confused! lol) mirrors for my Z.
  6. They'll work fine... since they're only being used as a shop wheel and they'll never be used on the street. If you run into any difficulties (due to the center mounting diameter being smaller) you can make some simple plywood spacers to push the wheels out a bit. Just remember to throw those CCW's on before heading out, eh?
  7. Just got the ZG! Guess what? You can swap an RB26DETT or an SR20DET into it! Rock on.
  8. The exhaust note is definately better. I can even hear the turbo spinning up on my EVO. And yes, I noticed that the AI is much more aggressive. I've been bumped off the track several times. I also like how damage to the car affects it's performance.
  9. http://www.forzamotorsport.net/ Having been a longtime fan of the Gran Turismo series (on the PS and PS2) I was a bit hesitant to try Forza. Now that I have... WOW. What a cool game. It's got all the elements of GT AND you can customize your car however you want. The paint and decall editor is downright spiffy (and kinda plays into the ricer in all of us!). Anyone else have, play, love, and/or hate this game?
  10. Zhadman

    New Star Wars

    heh heh... I only said it was decent I, personally, think (in hindsight) that they should have cut some of the fluff out of 1 and 2 and spent MORE time developing the young adult/adult Anakin. There was very little time, or sufficient dialogue, to become attached to him in a way that would have made his transition more emotional to the viewer. I'm probably treading dangerous ground here, but hey... They made the Jedi Council look SOOO stupid. These guys are the super-duper, omnipresent, sages of the universe (like frickin level 30 wizards or something). So why can't they figure out that when Anakin brings 'balance' to the force they're gonna get rocked. I mean... I'm much less intuitive, but oh...let see... thousands of Jedi and two Sith. Hmmm... if theres balance then there would have to be more Sith or less Jedi. All cuz of little Anakin. I know it's a movie... and I enjoyed it... but things like this kept me from enjoying these movies as much as the previous ones. [sigh] I must be some Uber-nerd or somthing... Where's my car? I need some testosterone back!
  11. Where did you find one of his sites? I thought they were all closed down?
  12. I guess this guy really is a wuss... http://urbangrounds.com/2005/05/17/michael-crook-not-dead/
  13. What could possibly be that guys motivation? That's the burning question in my mind.
  14. Wtf? Omg... Not The Pay Structure!
  15. I run into some of those guys and when I mention my WRX I get the "oh...ONLY a WRX" look. The mentality is very elitist. I don't think the 'attitude' is strictly limited to 350Z owners. We have a new breed of car guy (well... maybe not NEW, but more of them lately) who are car guys without being... car guys (bear with me... it's early). It's just show and lingo. I don't want to sound hypocritical... In the grand scheme of things I know JACK. I feel like the mole hill talking to the mountain when I'm asking JohnC suspension questions, or reading cheftrd's posts about RB's. There's so much to learn... you just have to get into it and try. I always thought they should have labeled the G35 the Z. IMHO the styling says Z and... IIRC (and if the world hasn't flipped over in the past few months) the new skyline is going to be based on the G35 platform.
  16. I think the bodywork on the Diet Coke/ Hanna- Finish Like New car (posted by chewievette) looks the best. I'm speaking, obviously, from a purely aesthetic point of view. It softens the lines of the car a bit and returns it to a more 240 G-nose'ish look. The Leitzinger paint job looks great and definately fits the car. LOL... What's not to like about Rammstein?
  17. I can do without the dots... if you bring me a shrubbery... and tell me your favorite color.
  18. There was a SCC article a while back (oh...6-8 months ago) that featured a 400WHP civic and they said the thing was nearly impossible to drive on the street. One can only imagine that 800WHP would be a nightmare. While I can fully believe that the Honda motor can attain such power... I find it a bit of a stretch that that car is ever driven anywhere other than the track (at that power level). One could always turn down the boost I guess...
  19. Zhadman

    New Star Wars

    I, too, had the same impression. Too bad Lucas didn't hit the mark with episodes 1 and 2. I thought he (they... whoever) did a decent job explaining Anakins transition to the dark side.
  20. Thanks for the link... I love Porsche's We looked seriously at modifying the VB's to make them wider, but decided that It wasn't worth the amount of effort. If Victoria British doesn't accept the return, however, we may have to look at it again.
  21. My understanding is that one line (of the 3) runs from the PCV valve to the passenger side valve cover. The second connects the two valve covers, and the third runs back into the intake tract (pre-turbo). IIRC you can: A) Disconnect the hose running to the intake and instead run that line to the catch can (that vents the gases to the atmosphere). Run a line from each valve cover to the catch can... blocking off the port that ran to the intake. Now... I have heard that it's not a good idea to re-use the oil that is collected in the can because it might be contaminated by the blow-by gases. This might be fiction, though. As for the finish of your valve covers... I had mine done the color of the car (red) and wasn't happy with the finish or the color matching. I think I'm going to have them stripped and done in my primary accent color (gold). My engine bay is blacked out (i.e. satin black finish) and I think the accent color will set it off. You're painting your engine bay, right? I think the anthracite would look awesome! I like contrast, though.
  22. Thanks! They're gonna fit the overall look of the car quite well. As simple as they are they convey quite an aggressive image and must truly been seen in person to be appreciated.
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