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Posts posted by 2126

  1. I'm surprised knowone mentioned the maximum RPM limit on there engines! Even if all the other issues were resolved, you'd be pretty limited speed wise don't you think? Grand idea for sure....but sometimes they are best left as just an idea!

  2. Something to think about! As you know, a check valve allows flow in only one direction. If installed to allow air flow into the tank, which is the way I would assume you are installing it, then it will certainly prevent the tank from collapsing.....but what about when the car is not running and its a pretty hot day.....what then happens as the fuel/fumes expand?

  3. Well' date=' I figured i'd post here becasue you guys always seem to have decent advice on life, the universe, and everything. I have just recently been unemployed (let go from a computer repair company, due to lack of business). I filed for unemployment, and now I'm making more than i was actully working? I feel like i did sometihng wrong somewhere along the line. I want to go back to school, find what im good at. I thought it would be computer repair, but i got burned rather badly (my company was making $30 a hour for me being somewhere, i was making $8), also i was never hired in permanat, just a temp. Asking my bosses what i could do to improve myself, they could never answer me. I got one raise at 6 months in, to $.50 a hour. Yet, they couldn't work me enough hours to even support myself (less than 20 a week normally), but expected me to dress well outside my means, and drive a nice car, goto school, etc etc.

    I want to work, yet the job choices here are such crap for anyone who doesn't have a certain skillset. Im about to turn 21, i love working on and fixing things. I have very little to my name, and im about to move back in with my dad, thankfully he's going to help me get back on my feet. I guess, what the hell shuold i do with my life? I don't want to be stuck in a retail or factory job for my entire life (all thats around here.) Thanks for any advice, and letting me vent a bit![/quote']


    Do not fret young man, what you are experiencing is just part of growing up. The good part is that you are young and realize that you need to do something.....most people never figure that out at your age. All I will add is...do something you really like to do and don't expect to much early on. Presistance is one key to success as well as living long enough to become successful. With most everything now days being supported by computers, you should be able to find or create a job you can put your heart into.

  4. Ah come on guys, I thought everyone knew that fiberglass front spoilers are disposable items! Man do they make big ugly noises when they are subjected to stationary objects or pavement! I've got the lowered Z car, so I certainly know what you all are talking about....been through a coulpe in five years. Just gotta pay attention to what you drive over...............!

  5. Good idea, documenting your rebuild! Plus it fun to look back on all the things that transpired when you get it back to a driver. And if you ever decide to sell it (god forbid), documentation and photos are worth their weight in gold! Its one thing to say you did something and another when you have documented proof. I kept a daily log during my rebuild (many many pages) and it has come in very handy when trying to recall some specific detail for someone asking a question in the forums.

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