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Posts posted by 2126

  1. I've always thought.....the closer each manufactures' cars (street cars)comes to achieveing the best possible areodynamics, the closer they will come to the same shape!!!! Go figure. You have to ask yourself, do I want to drive around in a car that looks like an egg??? Next thing you know, the only difference to a car's appearance will be badging (like Cup Cars). I remember when I was a younger guy and could identify just about any car on the road at a distance. Now days is another story........maybe not having 20/20 vision anymore has something to do with it!? :shock:

  2. Tom, if you mean the diameter of the exhaust......use a pair of machinist calipers over the outside of the pipe....read the measurement. This is the size of your exhaust. Or, put a tape measure up to it and you can pretty much get a close idea of the size (not very precise).

  3. Looks extremely good!!! Now pratice verticals, overheads, and varying the thickness of your materials. You definitely seem to have the touch and steady hands. Welding is as much an art as it is a science. Again, really nice welds!

  4. peej, have you adjusted the gibs for both x and y axis. A must do thing for any sort of serious tolerance work. You will always, and I say that with some reserve, have some play in the lead screws...due to the tolerances between the drive and driven members. This however does not effect the table play (the gibs take care of table play). Also, if you have little or no experience with these machines, I advise you to get some tailings and get used to working them until you gain some confidence with the machines. Learn the proper ways to secure your material so you won't wind up a cripple. Always SAFETY FIRST!!! Machining has alot to do with the feed rate, tool speed, and the material you are working. Learn about the different kinds of material (metalurgy) because what works with one material does not necessarilly work with another. Oh yah, make sure you level out your machines first thing after you get them in there peminant work place. Sounds like you've scored big time...good for you! Hope this little bit of insight helps you out to some degree.

  5. Bartman, if you do go with the coil-over setup (especially with shortened struts) and plan on using 8" or 9" wide wheels with 245 or better, be sure to order to rear springs with a free length of 8" and not the 10" springs if you want your Z to sit low. 10" springs usually come with the setup. 10" springs in the front are no problem. I went through this learning curve when installing my 17" x 9" wheel/235-40 x 17" tires, trying to use a 10" spring on my 1 1/2" shortened struts. Well, with the 10" spring, the adjuster nut was hitting the tires when I tried to get the rear of the car to sit down properly. I have about .125" of clearance between the strut and the inner edge of the rim. I currently have 3.75" ground clearance at the front cross-member. Speed bumps are a no no!!!! Just some food for thought. :D

  6. I tend to agree with innerware and his input on the vent. Looks a bit busy to me as well. My recommendation would be to have a plain SS finishing trim without the center rib (would allow more air flow) and the slots. Also, provide a screen in silver or the same finish as the trim piece. Keep it simple clean and functional. As they say....form follows function!!! Overall, it does look nice. Just my 2 cents worth. :D

  7. SportZ2, Well put!!! It always seems that the guys on top of the heap, as in king-of-the-hill, are always the ones that are precieved as the bad guys and everyone flings dirt at them and says how wrong they are. Well, I say that if you want to be weak and passive about protecting our country and the rights we so dearly love, then pack up your stuff and move to the 3rd world country of your choice. Then see how you like it there!!! I'm a proud American and we've been kicking ass our entire history....that why we still have a free nation. Remember, freedom is not FREE. All this country needs is more whiney bleeding heart liberals to bring it to it's knees! :x

  8. I have to agree that Mr. Kerry should be president..........just not in this country! Maybe he should move to Afganistan and try touting his BS to those people!!! What do you suppose the results would be? Granted, Mr. Bush is no peach, but at least he is a known entity! Sometimes, given a limited choice, you have to choose the lesser of two evils. At least Mr. Bush is not trying to take away are Constitutional rights, as are the likes of the Kerry, Kennedy, Schummer, Boxer, Fienstien crowd would like to do!!! :twisted:

  9. I agree John, I quess they're feeling guilty.....like getting cought with their hand in the cookie jar! Interesting subject anyway, going the speed limit. Have you experienced the situation where you are coming up on a slower car, you are in the fast lane and they are in the slow lane, and as soon as you approach the slower car it speeds up, as if to keep up or something. Then as you go by them they slow down again!!? Very strange people out there. Keeps it interesting at least.

  10. As frustrating as it is, when we encounter those moments in traffic, they will continue happening. Why? Because people are involved!!! As if you all haven't noticed, a vast majority of people driving on public roads are just about half there! Basically not paying attention to their PRIVELAGE of driving. They seem to forget, you gotta wonder if they are thinking at all, they are operating a big piece of iron that can kill and mame. On top of that, it seems clear to me that these type people conduct their life in the same manner as their driving habits.......go figure!!! I've always concluded that the more intelligent and aware you are, the more challenges you will encounter in life! So as one of my close friends always says......."LET IT GO, JUST LET IT GO". Besides, who needs the added stress of some moron. Isn't it similar to getting into an argument with an idiot, when theyl drag you down to their level and then whip you with experience. OK, I'm done ranting...just my 2 cents worth. :D

  11. Dam death wish wabbits...... Sorry to hear about your encounter with the WABBIT!!! Had a like experience years ago coming home late at night going down a back road. When all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I think I see something in motion at the side of the road. Next thing I know is B O O M....sounded like a shotgun going off and I see parts of my fiberglass BRE spoiler flying in the air!!! I pull over to assess the front end of the Z.........sure enough, half the spoiler is missing, no other real damage, and some residual WABBIT hair. Another hairy situation!!!

  12. Old Z car gas tank blues.......a commonly played tune!!! Seriously, it sounds as though you may have a restiction problem in the tank and or prior to the filter. Regarding the tank....well these things are old and many people have found some sort of crud inside. Remember that the fuel pickup line has no screen and is only about 3/16" inside diameter. It doesn't take much to restrict or block off the fuel flow. It can be a bear, since doing a visual inspection with tank installed and full of fuel requires a flexible bore scope. Then you have to navigate it past the baffle before you encounter the pickup opening. Been there done that! You may consider draining the tank, via the drain plug in the bottom, then disconnect your hose from the pickup line and back flush the pickup line, leaving the drain plug out. You may get the little bastard (crud) to come out. As you may suspect, its not the most fun job to do.

  13. A couple of point to consider.......every dyno (one shop to another)is going to read slightly different. Also, remember that the weather will make a differnce in "density altitude". This will effect the air desity. A cooler day will provide you with better results than a really hot day. Just remember that everything effects everything......always allow for variables.

    Just some food for thought!

  14. Dave, Here's something I discovered in my seat research. There seems to be two types of aftermarket seats out there, with regards to how one is suspended in the seat. Most of the expensive race seats have a full shell and you are suspended by a pad sitting on the shell. The other type is similar to the stock Z seats.....suspended via an actual suspension of sort (i.e., flexable strapping and or spring setup). What I learned was that you can obtain a lower seating height with the suspension type seats as opposed to the full shell type seats, which by the way usually have mounting from the sides of the shell that require additional brackets. I choose the Sparco entry level seat, very similar to the Corbeau GTS, just because the Corbeau's were a little too wide for my butt. What I've seen others do, to obtain a lower ride height with a shell type seat, is to actually modify the stock seat mounting crossmembers. If your a good fabricator and have the tools, no biggy to modify. Just some additional input for your effort. It's just one of those Z things we have to deal with, I suppose!

  15. Dave, by the way....how tall are you? I'm 5' 10" and when I tried the seats with the slide adjusters, I found I was sitting too high (maybe an inch from the headliner). Just a thought to ponder. I actually eliminated the slides and mounted mine in a fixed position on the existing seat mount structures.....of course I'm the only one who drives my toy anyway, so why have adjustment!

    A method I used for getting the nuts started was to tape them to my finger (use your imagination here), so I wouldn't drop the darn think when contourting and trying to get my hand in and under the seat. Also, remove any portion of the threads that will not be necessary for properly securing of the seats. I guess one could place holes in the floor plan, directly below the rear attach bolt locations and access would then be there for easy use of a ratchet and socket. Of course, you might want to acquire the removable plugs before making the holes. Just a thought. Would definitely eliminate most of the swearing!!?

  16. I just love it when engineers have to tell you that....I have a degee in this and that and I have more experience in this that you do!!! (a little insecurity coming out maybe?) I'm not anyone of authority, however I work with and have worked with many an engineer in my life. The point being is that like every profession, there are people who are good at what they do and there are some that are less than shall we say...acceptable! Don't get me wrong here, my intent is not to insult anyone. But the fact of the matter is....for a given diameter and wall thickness, a strait section of tubing is stronger than a bent one, under compression and tension!!! So, why would one (especially an engineer)want to strengthen a structure with a bent tube, as opposed to a straight tube, especially when you don't have the figures on the loading to work with. Unless of course that said person just wants to have a novelty item.


    Just one man's opinion! (I just love this site!!!)

  17. I think anyone who has accomplished this task can relate to how limited the space is to secure the attach bolts...............shoot, after installing my Sparco seats (bottom mount type) I was able to bend my arm into positions I didn't think were possible! Ahhh, if only the stock seat mounting flanges curved outward instead of inward. But as things sometimes turn out, a preceived 2 hour job turns into.......well, let's just say long enough to challenge the extreme limits of my patients!!!

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