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Posts posted by 2126

  1. Well..........somebody probably loves her!!! Her mother, maybe! I think the last place she placed her body mass was on the left front corner....notice the extreme negative camber and lack of a fender! Poor old Pathfinder. The sign on her rear window should read "FEEDBAG BITCHES". Their club slogan is...We don't swell, we don't tell, and we're gratful as hell!!! :lol:

  2. Very subjective subject.....sound systems!!! What pleases one person does not necessarly please another. In past years I worked for a proffesional audio outfit (Westlake Audio) who builds, owns, and operates some of the best recording studios in the world. So, I've had the oportunity to listen to many good systems (not car systems). Most people have never had the chance to listen to an accurite (flat responce) system, sometime refered to an a reference system. To achieve this cost many $$$. One of the problems with any system in the source material you play. They can be fat in the lower freqs and lacking in other areas of the sound spectrum, or the other way around. So, one CD may sound alot better than another on a given system. Fortunately, cars, with low volume (interior space), good sound is much easier to obtain. My humble suggestion is....use a good clean power amp (min. 100w and up) a 24db p/octive adjustable crossover, and good quality speakers. This will allow you to EQ out any stange anomalies. One more little issue....what is up with the younger crowd and the super overloaded bass? Do they actually think that's good sound....not!!!! You can feel them coming from blocks away! Remember one key point, if it sounds good to you then it's truely a good system for you. :?

  3. Easiest solution.....just fix your vacuum assist (brake booster) unit. Your approach seems a bit unusual when an easy fix is at hand. Increasing the master cylinder bore will not increase the pressure. It will actually decrease it, for any given input on the pedal. It will only increase the volume of brake fluid for a given pedal stroke. Do you have SS flex lines to your front calipers and rear slave cylinders....this will improve brake feel! You will likely get more input from the other people here...be patient.

  4. The great Sheeple herd is growing larger by the minute.......bawhhhh, bawhhhh. I've heard that sheeple are akind to the ostrich......they bury their heads in the sand. However, now days it's not in the sand but up their a_ _!!! :roll:

  5. I had to laugh after reading the article about not using red pens for correcting papers. The next thing you know they'll want to change the red stop lights out because they're offensive to drivers...........!! What a crock of dodo. I tend to agree with innerware that we're raising a bunch of pansies. Grooming a generation of whimmpy bleeding heart liberals will only add to the already "what can my country do for me" attitude. Oh, my heart goes out to those poor little kids with RED marks on there papers. Maybe if there parents would spend the time to make sure they do their homework and help them learn instead of letting them play with there mindless video games, they might see better returns on their investment (their kids). But hey, what do I know?

  6. Ahhh, come on guys! Isn't it obvious.....they're all auditioning their rides for a spot on a new video game!!! I personally think their taste is in their mouth.....but if it blows their skirts up and their having fun...so be it! Either that or it's proof that taking too many drugs, does impare your thinking. :roll:

  7. What a sad day for a few Porsche owners! Yah, it happened right by the Ventura County Fair Grounds. I guess the transport driver attempted to drive across the railroad tracks, which by the way sit up on a highly arched section of the road, and high centered his rig. An eye witness said the driver tried in vien to free the transport, but obviously failed!!! Anyone familiar with this railroad crossing would be asking themself.....what was this guy thinking? Thank gawd they were not Zs.

  8. Just a little added info on sound dampening. The lower the frequency is you want to reduce, the heavier/thicker (more dense) the material must be. Higher frequencies can be reduced using a lighter (less dense)materials. This information comes from years of practical experience, building top-end recording studios for a well respected company in the music bizz.

  9. Regarding the coilovers. I believe the differnce in the two set-ups is, the GC units use a pinch type coil adjuster ring (simpleset to adjust..allen wrench..no busted knuckles) and the threaded sleeve is aluminum. The other units, i believe use the more common (two locking rings) coil adjusters and a steel threaded sleeve. Usually, if it's a steel threaded sleeve, it get welded to the strut tube as the GC unit requires welding on a perch (supplied) for the aluminum sleeve to sit on. Hope this helps you out some. Does one perform better than the other.....I would think not.

  10. Dale, I can relate to your "one finger clearance to the headliner" issue. I used to have similar style seats in my Z, but never felt comfortable sitting so high in the car.....people probably thought I was at least 6' 6" tall or better. What I finally did was to go with a Sparco Sprint seat. The difference in the seats is, the Sprint seat suspension is like the original Z seats where you are suspended from flexible strapping that allows your butt to drop down into the seat as opposed to the sitting in a shell with a cushion...if that desribes your seat construction. Also, if you can live without fore and aft seat adjustment, remove the adjusters. It should give you another 3/4" head clearance. Just some food for thought!

  11. rreford,


    If you can get the seat hardware and shells for a steal, consider sending the shells back to RECARO for a redo. Cheaper than new ones, for sure. And then you would basically have a set of new Recaro's!!! Just an idea!

  12. It's pretty simple......when you get to the level that you're constantly on the podium (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) or at least in the top 10 points standings and basically have something to offer a sponsor (appearances on the podium...advertising), it's likely then that you can pusue aquiring sponsorship. I mean, who's going to sponsor a backmarker in the amateture ranks. It all about product exposure.....no podiums = no sponsorship. Or maybe you have a long lost millionaire uncle who just happens to like you. That's my 2 cents worth! :D

  13. drftn280zx2+2, My opinon on your skills is not important! What is important is that with your imagination (from what I observe in your sketches) you would surely create better new BMW styles than currently being produced. I think BMW makes an outstanding car, just so long as you don't have to look at their new stuff. What is happening with these New School designers anyway, is their taste only in their mouth???

  14. I guess we, in the USA, should be thankful that we have a Constitution and President (vote for BUSH in november!) that understands a persons need to protect ones self. Can you imagine the next step....Legisation being drawn up to control (right!?) ASSAULT ROCKS !!! These things are dangerous you know! There have been cases where rocks have just accidentally jumped up and killed someone. "Sir, you are under arrest for possion of assault rocks in your garden.....please come with me". As you all probably already know, the United Nations is in the process of drawing up a "World Treaty Agreement" that in part intends to eliminate private ownership of firearms to countries that sign the damn thing. I know one country that won't sign up..........the good old USA. We would have a different outcome however, if the likes of John Kerry were elected! So, remember to vote "FREEDOM FIRST" (George Bush) in november. Thank you very much.

  15. Metric cruisers are fine, I suppose! I guess I'm a little bit of an Old School kind of guy. For this style of bike, I would just break down and buy the original, a Harley Davidson. You'd sleep better at night too, not worrying about the comments you will get about riding a METRIC CRUISER. That's just one man's opion however. What do I know? I'm sure it's a really nice bike though! :D

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