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Posts posted by 2126

  1. Myron,


    I couldn't agree with your post more, but you got to hand it to the artist for his exicution of the statue. I have dealings with contracts at work and you definitely have to be specific about what you request, otherwise you might just get a statue like the one being addressed. Or should I say undressed. Gotta love those short skirts though! :shock::D

  2. These extreme liberal politicians are good at doing things......they just happen to be the wrong things IMO!!! I suspect that when your head is buried so far up ones behind, it difficult if not next to impossible to see or think clearly! :roll:

  3. Come on! Be an american......we ARE the world's leader!!! Do you think we got to our current status by asking permission from other countries....NOT!!! And to mention that you think Clinton should be the world president......that's the best joke I've heard in a while. Clinton is history and we should leave it that way for your own protection. Maybe you forgot about Clinton and all his cronnies and how they tried in vain to destroy our 2nd amendment rights??? Be an american, join the NRA, clean your bores, stock up on ammo and supplies.....so when the frigging foreiners start wigging out on our homeland we will be served up some of the best target practice available. Remember the war of 1812? I'm definitely proud to be an American.....now where's my SIG.

  4. Hey Tim, I want to thank you for being a good host and welcoming a new-comer like me! I really enjoyed the afternoon.....good people, good food, and great conversations. Hope you've had a chance to sample the GLEN....enjoy it and thanks again for your hospitality.




    2126 (Tom Whitaker)

  5. It's a good day to be an American. Democracy is a good thing!!! Congatulations on your victory President Bush. Last night, just for some giggles, I tuned in to the ABC, NBC, and CBS news broadcasts. It was just hillarious watching those liberal broadcasters realing with disbelief..... :D:D:D

  6. Man, you really have to appreciate the level of realism that technology has achieved. What disturbs me is, at some point in this technological evolution, that you may not be able to tell if something is real or not!

  7. nightrider280zx,


    Welcome to the site! I see this is your first post. Generally speaking, when you want to find out about a particular subject, it is highly recommended that you use the "search" function located at the top of the page. Pretty much anything you can think of has likely been discussed at some time or another and in varing details. You have to understand that the regulars here see the same generic questions time and time again and generaly will not respond to these questions......because detailed answers are long and time intensive to rewrite. Basically, people here are glad to help if they see that you are making an effort to help yourself first.

    Please take this positively. There is a hugh wealth of knowledge here and a great bunch of members that have created some pretty awesome Z cars. Good luck....hope this steers you in the right direction.

  8. If I remember correctly......threatening to assasinate the President is a federal offense!!!! The Feds are always looking for these type of people...if you know what I mean!


    I've got a grand idea.........let's send John Kerry to England and make him Prime Minister!!!


    All interesting responces, but I especially love the ones that remind Jolly Old England of past history. Most beeding heart liberal Europeans have forgotten what the USA has done for them. Maybe having German as thier national language and doing the goose step is their idea of a good time. Oh, how sad it is we all forget the past!!!

  9. Sounds to me as though the corrosion monster has bitten! Blown fuses generally indicate a short or a very high resistance in the circuit. If you don't already own a repair manual, with wiring diagrams, buy one.....get familiar with the Z wiring and then start hunting down your problem. A multi-meter and test light will be needed as well. On these old cars, the factory connectors become corroded and will cause very high resistance...NG!!! If you are not confident with your electrical skills, take it to someone familiar with the Z cars that has the electrical experience. Even with a good amount of electrical experience, hunting down these problems is very time consuming. Hope this helps a little...good luck!

  10. I believe you are correct. The 240Z collar will not work. When I did my 5 speed (late model) conversion I took the collar that was with it. My 5 spd came out of a 280ZX non-turbo car. I also choose a Centerforce II clutch assy for my 1970 240Z (with L28/SU's). However, internally my engine is stock so the clutch doesn't see alot of HP. It's all been working perfectly for me since I put the car back on the road in 2002.

  11. Mat, sure glads it's you up there and not me.....brave man you are! I remember years back, while I was building recording studios, we got into some pretty unusual places high up in the building we were working on and I can't say I miss that part of the job. Hope the ground was solid! Ever seen one of those lift decide to take a nap and just lay over.....pretty exciting for the occupant! Well, at least the cedar smells good.

  12. William, you'll make a fine president for your chapter. Imagine this.......John Kerry joins your Z car club.....only problem is he can make up his mind on what type of engine to put in the Z....."Let's see, V8 or straight 6....uuuuuh V8....no, straight 6......uuuuuuuh, wait a minute and let me confide with the Porsche clubs to see if we're all compatible!!! Oh, and we should all restrict our throttle linkage travel so we won't go fast and scare all the bleeding heart liberals.....yah that sounds good....does that meet with your approvel Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Schummer, and Mrs. Feinstien?"


    The above senario would be disasterous......let's all remember to vote for George Bush and freedom on Nov. 2nd!!!!


    P.S. Please excuse me....just couldn't resist the political dig opportunity.

  13. Just a thought....in the process of building the motor, did you have the block boiled out? After years of operation, a thin layer of scale and corrosion build up on the interior walls of the waterways. Even though a visual check shows almost nothing, this layer of stuff acts as an insulation barriers and significantly reduces heat transfer from the block to coolant. Just an added thought. However, it probably like what Z-Gad said.

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