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Everything posted by stony

  1. HAHA called jim wolf today to discuss the reverse timing thing from the VG instructions and they said yes the VG is opposite. I was like why did you tell my it was the same for the RB. He said the pin itself is the same for the RB VG and CA. but for the RB and CA the pin has to be installed opposite the instructions. They also assumed that a person would look at the old one before removal and re-install the same way.... hmm i guess that's fair enough. i suggested they put a little note on their website to let people know the vg instructions differ from the RB and CA install.
  2. Well if it did you would need an ems that you could modfiy the coil phasing. it wont work as a bolt in.
  3. Be aware that if you do this on a rb motor the instruction for the VG will not work.... well they will but it will put your timing 180 degress out. I guess the VG motor cas drive gear is installed with the half round extension positioned on the left (9:00 o’clock if the cam dowel is at 12 o’clock) and the straight edge aligning with the middle of the cam dowel pin. Where a rb motor needs to be installed with the half round extension positioned on the right (3:00 o’clock if the cam dowel is at 12 o’clock) and the straight edge aligning with the middle of the cam dowel pin. I found this out the hard way and spent 3 days troubleshooting why my damn car wouldnt start. The repeated attempts at starting also fouled my iridium plugs so when we first tried the 180 degree fix it still didnt start. but once we got down to if has to be timing we put new plugs in and it started right up. Hope this helps someone out someday ;>
  4. Its somewhere in the Chris Rummel's easy follow RB into Z wireing guide. i will look it up later.
  5. I have it hooked up IAW one of teh threads here in the rb forum. let me see if i can find it.
  6. Yea that the only thing i disconnect to prevent my batt from going dead over a 3 day period. wonder if we are not hooking it up correctly? My alternator is bascially brand new
  7. Cas sensor drive gear. its the little gear that is pressed into the cam that engages the cas sensor when its installed. In teh pic above you can see it on the right (exhuast) cam. it has a little half moon key way. When the half moon break you can pull the gear out and press another one in. It has to be clock a certain way so you timeing is correct and i want to verify is the VG gear is teh same as the Rb gear. I installed mine with the instruction provided from jim wolf. but my timing is not 180 Degrees out. So either the VG and RB drive gears are opposite each other or the instructions provided were wrong. I was told over the phone by a jim wolf tech they are the same.
  8. Specifically the Cas sensor drive gear. I need to see how it is oriented in the cam. Below is how the gear is oreinted in a RB cam. Notice if the dowl was at 12 oclock the half moon would be pointing to 3 oclock. I need to know if the vg is the same or if the half moon points to 9 oclock.
  9. Interested in this as i have kind of the same problem. If i hook alternator up it kills the battery.
  10. FYI, either vg30 install this drive gear different or the instructions you download to do this replacement are wrong. I have been trying to start my car for 3 days now. Finally brought over some AEM guys and we figured out for some reason my coil phasing was 180 out. Once we redid the phasing, the car started right up. It wasn't till i cam across a pic on the internet of a rb26 cam did I realize that even after very closely following the instruction for the gear install, I installed it backwards (180 degrees out). Now either the VG30 install is different or the instruction are wrong. I did specifically ask the sales rep when i ordered this if there was any difference between the vg and the rb and he said no they are identical.
  11. Joel please sticky this so it doesn't get lost. i know it says I'm a moderator but i cant do anything anymore???
  12. My last experience with a EMS was SDSEFI ;> That was really easy ;>
  13. OK never heard of that??? im assuming since the rb tune that came from AEM all that kind of stuff is setup already??? NO??
  14. My current tune is the one that is in the AEMtuner. i have not modified it i was going to try to take away fuel today and see what happens. HKS1000cc lo imp inject 5.0 bar aem map no resistor box Stock coils
  15. My current tune is the one that is in the AEMtuner. i have not modified it i was going to try to take away fuel today and see what happens. HKS1000cc lo imp inject 5.0 bar aem map no resistor box
  16. The one that AEM supplies is not working for my setup. Looking for one that is MAP based with 1000cc injectors.
  17. They are all correct. The only thing i can think of now is the start up map is so far off on fuel that its just flooding it. I checked the timing and that was a ways off. i adjusted that with the timing wizard. so now its just backfiring out the exhaust. I was hoping to get it at least idling so i could put it into the trailer for the trip to the dyno but i guess i will be pushing it ;<
  18. Anyone have a running rb powered Z in the states before january of 2000?
  19. Not running but it did run just prior to pulling out the old harness a few months ago. Just replaced the cam gear key. But now i'm wondering if i installed it backwards. i will have to check that tomorrow. My guess at this point is, that's what i did considering all i'm getting is backfiring thru the intake.
  20. So now i have spark verified by the HEI spark tester and my freakin arm!!!!! BUT seems like my timing is way off. all i'm getting is sneezes and huffs thru the intake. I haven't really gone thru with a fine tooth come on how to set timing but does anyone have any experience with determining where in the ignition sequence the car is with the AEM series 2? i should be able to tell somewhere in the tuning program where the timing is at with the engine at TDC? Any Advice is welcome. keep in mind beyond setting gaps and just checking timing im pretty inexperienced in this type of stuff.
  21. Yes mine matches yours. The tune i loaded was the one that came from AEM. Just want to get it running so i can get it to a dyno.
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