Amidst all this I would say that a bike can be a fun reliable and cheap mode of transportation. I have been riding since I was 16 (Read a ton of km's), yes I have been down a few times, but really thinking on it they were mostly my fault. Usually a lack of paying attention. Riding a bike requires you to look out for everyone else as well as yourself. And I would agree that accidents are when not if, but I think it is that way with any thing you drive (read car/SUV/Datsun). But if you take the MSF course and ride smart you can avoid most major accidents. And really to tell the honest truth my latest bike has been more reliable then my Z...
But I also know that it is not for everyone, I know some people who have had bikes but never got into it, just not for them i guess. But one side note.... if this is your first street bike, I would suggest something smaller, IE 600cc. There really is little that a 900 can do that a 600 can't, plus they are more forgiving.
Good luck what ever the choice!