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Everything posted by rustrocket

  1. hmm. if i'm not mistaken, i think that body work added at least 100 horsepower to the wheels!
  2. Some of you might have seen this before, i think it's been floating around a while. http://www.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthread.php?t=226872
  3. Did you try Speed Merchants in SJ? link: http://www.speedmerchant.com/chassis_dyno.html 345 Lincoln Ave San Jose, CA 95126 (408) 295-0930 Edit: Also try Mustang Ranch 408) 247-9005 1375 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 95050 I know that Frey Racing (408) 956-3900 in milpitas also used to do dyno runs, but i'm not sure if they still do.
  4. What mods do i need to put halogen light bulbs into my fluorescent fixture? How many more lumens will i get with the halogens? Has anybody done this swap before? EDIT: The coils create a vortex effect, which in turn allows for a denser light and increased output.
  5. And another 5 newbies asking how much light said light bulb will produce.
  6. Are these cars a joke?!? or is this a common practice that i'm not aware of? http://tanetane92.web.infoseek.co.jp/20050116tas2.html Scroll down the linked page for some really gnarly pics. here's a couple examples: NOW THIS IS A WING!
  7. I've been looking at a new driver's seat for a while, and i finally have an excuse to buy one. I like the look of the Corbeau CR1, but haven't had any experience with their seats. There is a guy on ebay selling them for $350 SHIPPED One of my friend's offered to sell me a brand new Sparco Torino Seat (without seat rail) for $300. Given the retail value of the seats ranges by $200 (sparco on the higher end), is there much a difference in quality/durability/comfort?
  8. Volkswagen bug with 13b rotary http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/car/61381358.html
  9. Sweet! 87 3.8ltr turbo smashed into a 242 Volvo Mods : 202 cam , p plate , JJ TB, ATR 8.5 wires. 009s ,cheap billit top fpr , Pts shift kit and preasure reg. Ford 8.8 with Ford F-150 11' drums and Powertrax no-slip locker. SHO 2 speed fan. Red stripe converter http://www.brickboard.com/V8/index.htm?id=918924
  10. IMO, lingerie is just a formality, at least in the bedroom. If she gives you a sneak peak at the restaurant or something, then it's a little more exciting. I dont think that really answered your question though.
  11. On a bone stock 1973 240z, i paid $95 a month through state farm insurance. That was with 2 moving violations on my record, and multi car discount (8 cars insured). EDIT: this included a $500 deductible, and full coverage.
  12. I love it! couldnt display the picture...but go to the link: http://www.compfused.com/directlink/600/
  13. http://www.readytofix.com/Inventory/Corvette_C6.htm caption: Here's a brand new Corvette C6 that sustained readily repairable collision damage while on a test drive from a Chevrolet dealership. It has been driven just 86 miles. This is an insurance claim settlement vehicle. Looking at the pictures, how "readily repairable" is that damage? Here's a Lamborghini Murcielago with "readily repairable damage" also... http://www.readytofix.com/Inventory/Lambo_Murcielago.htm I've been checking out this site for a few years now, some nice cars every now and then. I dont think i'd ever buy from them, because i figured that if insurance didnt want to fix it due to some ungodly costs, i wouldnt want to either.
  14. Fly it back? Will that be carry on or will you check it at the gate? Sorry, Couldn't resist.
  15. Some of you may have seen it before, but it's still pretty sweet. http://www.hotsaw.com/Page_1x.html 90 horsepower of log cutting excitement!
  16. Looking for a motorhome? check out the pics! http://www.craigslist.org/nby/car/55676166.html This Cadillac former professional car was converted to a motorhome in the early sixties by a talented architect. He was a boat enthusiast as well, the teak interior has a definite nautical flair. It was driven to Willits from the Bay Area about ten years ago, and has not been run or started since. Fully self contained (at one time). More than a little rust, but still saveable. The interior is in good shape, looks like it might have a few small roof leaks, I was gonna Sno Coat it, but never got to it. I am a car nut and I know the procar windshield is probably worth a grand, but I do not want to part this out. Also has the '56 Caddy air cleaner coveted by rodders. I feel my asking price is fair, but this is going to sell, no matter the price. Open to real offers, from real people. Please phone for details, Thx, Alan 707 459 3218
  17. DavyZ - What kind of beer are you looking into brewing? My buddy and i were going to invest in some brewing supplies some time soon. We were going to start with brown ales or IPAs, since that's what we drink the most of. Seems as though you can get most of the supplies for about $150, and roughly $25 in ingredients makes you about 5 gallons of beer. Z-Tard, Stronbow available at http:http://www.liquidsolutions.com for $1.45 a bottle plus shipping. Tiger Lager is available at $3.95 for a 650 ml bottle, seems a bit high. By the time you figure in shipping, it can get a bit pricey, but i guess thats the price you pay for the beers you cant find anywhere else. If anybody likes Scottish Ale, i'd recommend Traquair House Ale.
  18. I'm not a beer expert either, just an enthusiast. I dont think all american beers taste like piss, just the cheap ones. Some of the best beers i've tasted are brewed in USA.
  19. Mike, Various places. Most of the others come from Beverages and More, and Whole Foods. Some of them come from visits to other states, such as oregon and montana, where the beers are microbrewed and only available locally. Are there any good microbrews in your area? Some of them are quite expensive though...the most expensive bottle i have is roughly $20 for a 750ml. I have hundreds of dollars just sitting on the shelves in the pictures.
  20. Friday night, I had a really awesome Chocolate Stout, by Bison Brewery. Other favorite beers include: Smoked Porter (by alaskan brewing), Terrible (By Unibroue, no longer made), Nut Brown Ale (Samuel Smiths), Belhaven , Oatmeal Stout (Anderson Valley and Samuel Smiths)...i'm sure there's a couple others. Here's a link to a couple pics of my partial collection: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/clarkcameronm/album?.dir=d04b&.src=ph&store=&prodid=&.done=http%3a//pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/clarkcameronm/my_photos Over 120 beers right now...about 30 not pictured
  21. Dont know if this has been posted already, but it's an interesting read. http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/News/0,,2-7-1442_1644249,00.html Riot Hlatshwayo and Glacier Nkhwashu Tzaneen - Sexily-dressed women in a small Limpopo town have fallen prey to a group of teenage street kids that masturbate in public whenever they see them. One woman, 24-year-old Gloria Shingange, had an embarrassing moment on Thursday when the boys drooled over her at the Tzaneen Mall because she was wearing a mini-skirt. "They followed me around the mall with their hands inside their trousers. I walked out of the mall and when I stopped at the robot next to the Tzaneen police station they shouted saying I was attractive," Shingage said. She said the boys took out their penises and started masturbating in full view of everyone while groaning in ecstasy. Cops just laughed "One of them said my legs were sexy. He then closed his eyes, grimaced and shouted at the top of his voice in apparent enjoyment of what he was doing," said Shingange. "He held up his penis for everyone to see and started masturbating," she added. "I was very embarrassed. They stopped traffic and all eyes were on me." Shingange's embarrassment was however not going to end there. The incident sent police officers at the Tzaneen station into stitches as she tried to open a case of public indecency. The police allegedly refused to open a case, claiming that the street kids didn't commit any offence because they didn't touch her. "They told me straight in the face that they were not taking my complaint because I wasn't raped," said Shingange. Mopani police spokesperson Superintendent Moatshe Ngoepe said he wasn't aware of the matter. "This is an act of public indecency and cannot be tolerated," Ngoepe said. "Anyone who tries to open a case of any kind at a police station and finds no help must not leave the station without speaking to the station commissioner," he added. Some people however have a different view. Vegetable vendor Mthavini Khoza said she condoned the boys' action. "These boys are doing the right thing because their actions are likely to reduce the tendencies of wearing 3cm (sic) skirts in public and embarrass every woman," she said. "I wish they rape them one day so they may start respecting their bodies," Khoza said. One of the boys, a 14-year-old whose name cannot be revealed because of his age, had no qualms to speak about the incident. "I feel very happy after masturbating next to a woman with beautiful legs and wearing see-through clothes," the boy said. "There is no girl out there who wants a filthy glue-sniffing street kid so the only way to relieve our sexual appetite is to masturbate," he explained.
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