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Everything posted by rustrocket

  1. Should be a roller and caged by the end of this week. Looks like i need some flares...Thoughts on that? Flares/pull the fenders?
  2. Thanks for the link. Guess i'll make a few phone calls tomorrow.
  3. Well i'm still no further ahead on what i need help on. What's involved in placing a lien on the vehicle?
  4. I saw it. I can't say i was uber blown away. I don't think i expected it to be "better", just different. My favorite part was Lou Ferrigno's cameo, he's still a beast!
  5. Hmmm...Easier said than done. It wasn't actually the old business partner who signed it, it was somebody else who he was manipulating at the time. Pursuing forgery charges would essentially put an elderly woman in jail, and my dad doesnt want to go that route.
  6. To make a long story short, my dad got screwed by his old business partner (isnt that always the case?!) who is now in jail for unrelated reasons (and apparently is a compulsive liar and has been screwing people out of their money for years). He bought a '01 corvette with a loan in his name, and said his partner could use the car as long as he kept making monthly payments. My dad moved to Peru in december, and then the old partner missed 3 months of payments, illegally transferred the corvette into his name by forging my dad's signature. Somehow, the credit union was unaware of this. The only way my dad could get the title (even though it wasn't in his name) was to payoff the vehicle. The plan from there was to have the car transferred back into my dad's name, then report the car stolen. The credit union repeatedly assured myself and my dad that the title would come to the address on the account, (me). However, after paying the car off and not seeing the title for 6 weeks, we got curious. After calling the credit union, they told me that the dmv sent the title to the address where it was registered (the old business partner). Recap: The title is now in the business partner's name, and in his possession. My dad is 5 figures out of pocket with nothing to show for it and we're trying to figure out how to get the car back. So, can anybody tell me if it's possible to place a lien on the car so it can't be sold without my/my dad's permission? Do i need the title to do this? I've searched to the best of my capabilities within the CA dmv and affilitated websites to no avail. Unfortunately, i've been stuck doing all the legwork since my dad is out of the country and suffering health issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -Cam "rustrocket"
  7. Interesting point. The car originally came with a 948 cc engine that put out 10 british horsepower, which i think is somewhere between 30-40. The ls2 may damn well put out more than that at idle My cam is being spec'd and ground by thunder racing. What a cool bunch of guys there.
  8. I've ultimately concluded that i'm going to have to fork out a chunk of change for some custom long tubes in my ls2 wagon. I've heard too many arguments that the shorty headers choke up these engines too much and sacrifice power So, when talking about long tubes, is there a minimum length that each tube should be? Is there a point where the header tube length can be too long and therefore detrimental to performance? I like to learn, so please feel free to reference websites or other relevant information. Thanks for your help. -Cameron
  9. Tube80z - Looking back at your posts about the demon carbs, what are the difference between the road race floats and the others? Does this prevent leaning out on hard cornering, or is that completely different?
  10. Fair enough. What do we consider an acceptable power band? 2500-6500?
  11. A couple guys i know from the stanford gym and highland games practice have these kilts. They say that the kilts are great quality and not a bad way to get into wearing one if that's your deal.
  12. I'm thinking the seats are going to be moved back about 8 inches or so just for leg room from having the engine/trans so far back. I think my driveshaft will ultimately be less than 2 feet long. Seats are another issue. My shoulders are exactly 24" wide, and the stock seats are 19" shoulder to shoulder and almost up against the door. Kirkeys maybe? Hmmm.... Good info about the relocation kit.
  13. Cost, simplicity, performance gains, and because i want to! Taken from one of BRAAP's posts: Carbs are a simple to install means of introducing fuel to the air stream, and the atomization characteristics of carburetors is still first rate. Back in the late ‘90’s only Mechanical injection, (Kinsler, Hillborn etc) could match the fuel atomizing characteristics of carburetors. Still today, I think you’d be hard pressed to find an Electronic Fuel injector with equal or better fuel atomization characteristics. Again, Carbs offer incredible fuel atomization, ease of installation, the ability to get the engine up and running in a timely manner, over all induction costs are much less, and overall WOT performance will be comparable to EFI, (look at how much power NASCAR engine builders get from Carbs with highly restrictive plates?!?!). Until EFI can match those criteria, I can honesty see where Carbs still have a place, even on today’s modern high tech power plants, even though my first choice is EFI.
  14. Here's the semi-official build thread http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=134849
  15. I couldnt find viperredls1 but i did find viperredls1z. I'm guessing/hoping it's the same person, because i sent a pm I'll check out the wegner manifolds, i know they sold them to GM. Do you recommend doing with the 750 instead of having a carb custom built to my cam and other mods? Edit: $262 shipped. NICE. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GM-Chevrolet-Performance-Intake-Manifold-88958675_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ133200QQihZ008QQitemZ180242616936QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW This looks like a nice pricepoint as well! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/_Car-Truck-Parts-Accessories__SPEED-DEMON-750-ANNULAR-VACUUM-W-CHOKE-BARRY-GRANT_W0QQitemZ290234992777QQadnZCarQ20Q26Q20TruckQ20PartsQ20Q26Q20AccessoriesQQadiZ2865QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item290234992777&
  16. Thats all good input, thanks! And yes, i see traction being my biggest problem. I just want something fun and ridiculously overpowered So, i've been looking at the single plane gm performance parts manifold, which claims a power range from 2800-7000. Am i better off with the edelbrock rpm, dual plane? Do we have his cam specs? The msd 6ls-2 is configured for the 58x reluctor wheel, the 6010 is for the 26x.
  17. hey Terry. Still hittin the gym? How are things? Ummm...The motor is out of '06 corvette and has 13,000 miles on it. I picked it up for $2600 shipped, minus the ECU and pedal assembly. After much searching, i came across a t56 + clutch and fly for $1,000...All in all, i feel like $3600 for a 13,000 mile ls2 and t56 is a pretty good deal
  18. After much debate, i really like the idea of going carbed on the ls2. Plan is as follows: GMPP single plane manifold (unless i get another recommendation?) MSD 6Ls-2 ignition Custom built carb. So, that being said, i have about another $1,000-1,200 that i can afford to spend on the engine. What do you think the best bang for the buck would be? Porting heads? New CNC L92 heads? Cam only? I'm looking for about 400-450 at the wheels to use in autox, spirited mountain driving, etc.
  19. I'd like to do an electric car, but then i couldn't drive it 200+ miles to the track unless it were on a trailer Very appealing idea though. Maybe i'll make my corolla electric.
  20. Actually, from what i know, there's less than a handful of these left in the country. What few are left are either restored, rotting away, or being sent to metal yards. I'm the only one crazy enough to cut one up. And for a size comparison:
  21. The "other projects" forum doesnt get nearly as much publicity, so i thought i'd share my cool project here. Some of you may remember my other project i asked for help on a while back, a little triumph spitfire with a 13bt going into it. I've since sold that car in favor of rebuilding the wagon my dad gave me before he left for peru. Some of you saw the post about the wagon when i got it, but for reference, here's a couple pics of it: 1958 Triumph 10 I've ultimately decided to build it into a fun street car that i can also thrash on a road course, autox, or in the hills on occasion. Unfortunately, while this car is being built with my dad's interests in mind, he probably won't be able to see the final product due to declining health. I digress...The car is in the shop right now, having the tube chassis and roll cage built. I'm using mostly jy parts, but should be a fun and well performing vehicle when all is said and done. Going home on the trailer, a little precarious: Stock interior: Being Gutted: Check out the tranny tunnel hack! The shifter assembly was actually sandwiching the floor and being used as the primary transmission mount! The rest of the tranny was being held in with a piece of wire. Stock engine bay (depressing, isnt it?) Engine coming out. Who needs jackstands when you have tired and a trailer?: Doing some stuff under the hood: Moving junk around: And to keep my energy levels up, who needs red bull when you have: !!! New engine/tranny to be going in: I'm going with a GMPP single plane carb manifold, msd 6ls-2, and a custom built carb just to keep things simple and save the headache of running a high pressure fuel system and make install easier. I'm also hunting for a decent cam and clutch/fly setup. That's it for now. As far as the rear end, i'm using a narrowed 240sx subframe with q45 diff/axles/hubs/brakes, etc. Front will be 240sx 5 lug hubs and struts. We're shooting for a outside tire measurement of about 62", much wider than the original 48. Thanks for reading, wish me luck!
  22. I'm trying to figure out what a chest curl is, and how he can do it with 500 pounds in his bedroom.
  23. That's awesome! Definitely something to be proud of.
  24. The way i see it, "better workout" is a broad question. Are you looking to burn more fat, increase your conditioning, or what? I think a mountain bike gives you the abilitity to tackle both ends of the spectrum, being that you can change the gears to reach the desired work and heart rate level.
  25. Driving 260 miles RT to pick up a tranmission tonight, going to the pick and pull tomorrow for the half off sale, helping my sister move, and flying to reno tomorrow afternoon to pick up a car. Probably just relaxing on sat and sunday. The air sure is smoky here with the santa cruz fires, so i probably wont make it to the beach.
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