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Cal Poly Zmanaustin

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Everything posted by Cal Poly Zmanaustin

  1. I would check the basics first fuel filter, pump flow, spark plugs, ignition wires (especially the one from the coil to distributor) and all grounds. Bone stock 260Z? Does that mean it has the stock Hitachi carbs? If it has the stock carbs instead of the SU's (or another upgrade) then that is one concern. I've heard of powerloss with a distributor not putting out enough current if the bushings are worn.
  2. I am thinking about writing something up about all the ABC's of the RB26 I have observed and posting it here. Any interest? Yes, would really appreciate your wisdom. Thanks,
  3. You might want to clean up all your connections, especially the grounds. I had the same symptoms and believe the problem (at least in my case) was the distributor was not putting out enough voltage. Good Luck.
  4. Hey, I saw that too. I will never look at a bottle of Merlot the same. It is funny how they referred to the compost as "gold".
  5. Thanks for sharing. Always great to see a project completed.
  6. Absolutely. I ran my L28ET for years at high boost with the stock lines. Don't waste your money unless you plan on over 500rwp.
  7. Nobody likes it when someone gloats, except me maybe. Excellent find. Bastard.
  8. Miata, You are welcome here. Project is looking great!
  9. What a wonderful machine. Sad to see it up for sale, but hey we all know life changes. Good luck on the sale. I am sure it will go quick.
  10. Looking good! Keep it up and give us more pics.
  11. Nice selection. Congratulations the car is gorgeous.
  12. If turning isn't good enough for you have him pull the rear cover, take a pic and the clutch packs will be very easy to spot.
  13. Thanks for the compliments guys. These are the back pieces to share as well. I am actually selling the rear portion now. I don't have any good shots from when it was in the 260Z I sold. It sits in front of the strut towers and then comes down to the floor. In the last shot you can see the front view. The opening at the bottom I relocated my opening for the stock tool compartments. You can kind of get the idea how it was assembled. I finished it off with these side pieces that all come together. One of the side peices holds an amp and the other a changer.
  14. Yep, when I had my L28ET in my 74' 260Z I was able to pass smog. I detuned it to run ultra clean and placed some of the original equipment on it for the test only to get my smog exemption. I had to walk them through the whole thing. They thought my glass packs were cats and wanted to fail me, then they failed me for not having the proper inlet on the fuel filler. I called CARB on the spot and stated what I had, he agreed I was legal. Next, I told the referee who had just failed me 10 minutes earlier. He walked away and I thought that was it. A minute later he came back with an exemption sicker and I was on my way. Gotta love it.
  15. I added one more pic. I used the original stock panels as a template. I cut masonite to match the flat part. Then the real fun begins using solid foam and shaving it down to the shape I wanted then using fiberglass resin to harden it. It's like a game of subtraction. Once the shape is there and somewhat hard I layered fiberglass with resin for the permanent structure. Last use bondo and basically clean it up. If anyone wants to do this make sure to take some measurements and pay attention to the first panel you do because the opposite side is a duplicate and less free form. Just a little advice with 20/20 hindsight.
  16. Just wanted to share these. I did these a long time ago and wanted to load for anyone looking for ideas. Let me know what you think.
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