It is real easy to bash based on one example but for myself I have seen some of their work in person. Where? At local shows here in NYC. To make matters worse, I am defending a show I do not even like. If one was to think about the amount of money this guy makes and every job his shop did was like what is posted in that thread, would he be where he is today? It is one thing not to like the concept of the show and to think we all can do a better job or do it different but to say that the "show" itself is "trash" for the work they do is bs. All the yelling and characters you see is for TV....what show that themes around reality doesn't have drama? Ever shop/garage I know of that has atleast 3 people working in it...always has "drama" due to different personalities. As for the quality of the pay for what you get...2 sides to ever story....
The show you should be bashing is Pimp My Ride!! lol