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Everything posted by Kris.Is.Awesome

  2. I dont think the bare aluminum will be a problem. I've had Function 7 lower control arms on my honda for 2 years now without problem. They still shine as they did the day I bought them...
  3. Hmm, let me go have a look-see. Ouch, let's hope they didn't just slap the head/block/su's together without changing the pistons... Well, there's only one way to REALLY know. I have a buddy with a nice snake cam, maybe I can shoot in one of the plug holes and see what pistons are in there.
  4. I'm still trying to figure out whats up with the motor in my car. I believe the block is an F54, or whatever block had the extra webbing added, I remember that. (I did look at the stamp, I forgot what it was). The head is a P90, and I have SU's. What 'should' this net in HP/Tq?
  5. Take one off, look at the back side. It should be fairly obvious at that point (You'll either see hardware on the back or nothing). You can also see the width and offset stamped into the back!
  6. Ahh just like the Lemons race. Good stuff, we have a few local teams that do these events and they're all about fun!
  7. I loooove powder coating. I have a cheapo harbor freight one I'm waiting to use. Need to find me an oven though.
  8. You took me too seriously. I need a quality product I don't have to worry about. Auto Zone here is absolute junk. I'll be lucky if they even know what a ball joint is. Napa parts came out to be $60+ per balljoint
  9. Hah, allrighty- the wealth of sarcasm ans knowledge here tickles me daily. Now I've seen a few threads on ball joints, but no real answer to who has the best? Some of the ones I've seen here had a cheap nylock nut, the boot was 'eh'. Well, where are you guys getting the good stuff? I'm not a fan of the nylock setup for obvious reasons. I believe these were from MSA? I haben't bothered with ebay, I can't imagine finding a good product there. Of course nobody locally has them either. I suppose I'm also asking the same about tie rod ends, those need to be replaced aswell.
  10. Yep, put me down. I don't know when I'll tackle the SP, but when I do I want to be ready. How exactly does it work?
  11. If anyone can provide plans/materials- I'd love to make one. If not, buy one.
  12. I had marked the two hoses when I took the heater core out, apparently the tape didn't stay put, and I now am totally lost. I have one longish hose with some bends, and one short with a slight bend- Does anyone have a picture of how these are routed exactly? I cant get mine to sit without kinking. A pic inside the firewall would be great, with one outside. I've searched and searched, got nothing I'm looking for.
  13. Disconnect where the cable attaches- you might find the cable is free, yet the actual choke could be frozen. If the cable is seized soak it in some simple green.
  14. Looks like you bagged a good one. I'm a musician myself, I try and stick myself with one any chance I can.
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