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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. Look like its well done. I wouldnt give up my 350 roadster for it ....but its nice! Nothing like open air cruising!
  2. ....and money! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....but done well.
  3. I go back to my previous sugestion...check the plastic fillertube...the tube that goes between the filler cap and the gas tank..is it cracked....is it clamped on?...etc Do the basics...if its leaking look for the spots its coming from. Try to help your self....
  4. So true! Does anyone on hybridz have of similar price point car for some first hand comparisons? Perhaps a Porshe owner?? But lets compare dealership prices not aftermarket.
  5. Old news....posted earlier this week on Hybridz.
  6. Oh ya...those are stealership prices...with no labor.
  7. Just for the heck of it I explored the cost of a few NISSAN parts for the new GTR...WOWOWOWOW! Tranny fluid....$120/L x 12 Front Brake discs....$950 each Front pads......$860 pair Tires.....$1000 each ( good for 20000 miles ) Front Calipers.....$2500..EACH! Tranny/Dif.....$25000 Imagine a basic brake job for $5K....NO THANX! I get a feeling that when the novelty of owning a GTR wears off and reality sets in....there will be a few GTRs for sale at discounted prices that owners cant aford to maintain.
  8. For sure...NISSAN has sold out of many parts but Im lookig at it from this perspective....the aftermarket is starting to fill the void.
  9. Double check the T coming off the filler hose to one of the vapour hoses. Its low enough that gas will splash up and run into the car if the tank is full. It happened to me. Also, with the panel off go fill right up and go for a drive. if there is a leak of any size you should be able to see it, It has to be there some where if the fumes are that strong.
  10. News to me.....I stumpled onto this a while ago and just received confirmation that front bumpers are now available aftermarket. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=350105001758 the early Z aftermarket support continues to grow....
  11. You can do but make sure the tank is vented in some fashion. Otherwise its like sucking on an empty plastic bottle.
  12. Sort of looks like the cyclone engine.... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=137740&highlight=steam+engine From my perspective its still a combustion engine and carries the environmental baggage.
  13. Spend you money on something else and be bored! Got the ring thanx!!
  14. Gas fumes in in a 240! Cant imagine.........:lmao: Go behind the rear passenger side interior panel and check all the hoses going to that plastic container you mention. Incluing the filler hose to the tank. You answered your own question and are on track to fixing the problem....
  15. Oh my...after 17 years of ownership...and many engines trannys, tires , wheels, track events...redirections and upgrades...$30K plus....and spending. Its my hobby and if you average my expenses per year...its not so bad. Along the way Ive met many great people, learned lot of interesting things and had a blast! Spend what you can afford and have fun!
  16. Im 45 and listen to his stuff because my kids do.....while Im not a fan his tunes are OK...lolipop.....poprap
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