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Everything posted by jerryb

  1. The rears adjust when you back up....try backing up for a while and then test the e brake. If that doesnt work try to adjust the ebrake linkage. Maybe it so far off that its just barely engaging. LOL...we are taling drums right?
  2. 25ft pounds of torque with a spacer....give me 4! ...if its too good to be true.....
  3. What!!! It doesnt need a big long thingy to hold it on to the strut assembly??
  4. Save at least one old spindle pin! Cut the threaded ends off and use it to BASH out future spindle pins. And I agree with johnc's first point! I have NEVER reused one! Do you think a spindle pin made a few thou undersize would be a problem? A size ever so slightly smaller to allow easy extraction.....???? Oh ya...for a bit more than twice the price of 2 NISSAN pins ..$40....you can buy a cheap hydraulic press...and use it for other stuff like bearings.
  5. Once upon ago I think you where making fun of the "while Im at it"syndrome....hahaha! While your at it......You might as well beef up the stub axles...and "while your at it"....install adjutable struts..."and while your at it"....why not throw in coil overs....AZC billet rear and control arms...and .....that LSD....did you consider a disk brake up grade......that should do it ....."while you at it"!!!! Oh ya.....and while your at it...dont forget the front of the car!!!!!!!!! Better wait another month....cause one you start the car aint gonna! There is nothing slippery about the slope...its a cliff!
  6. I wouldnt trust the ones you picked up at my place...Im sure under full power they would go as well. LOL.... Upgrade time!
  7. Great progress...love your updates!
  8. I understand that the econotig is not the best all round unit. But it is basically costing me $80 so its hard to turn down. At this point I dont know any better so I will try it out and see what happens. Dont forget that my main objective is to build a steel tube chassis along with a few suspension pieces. If I can learn to lay down a good weld on this material I will be pretty happy. Hey...$80 is better than $1600. For 1600 I can probably build enough parts to build 2....one for each of my kids.
  9. Again.....I cant imagine. A good friend of mine runs a Tig welding / fabrication shop. At times he welds for hours on end....making precision assemblies. I see it as a tough way to make a living and I respect and admire the skills of people like yourselves. I guess thats why I want to start this project. Things like this dont come natuaraly to me and I view this as a challenge and chance to learn something new.
  10. I couldnt imagine what I would weld for 30 minutes straight!!! Thats a lot of tubing!
  11. Im not familiar with ZX conversions but you will need to remove the ZX harness and replace it with the RB one. Then connect a few wires for ignition gauges and such. It not simple but not impossible. I had someone help me as Im not electricaly friendly...but now I see its not as hard as I thought.
  12. Ok I will look into it...sounds very reasonable. I guess I was looking at a Miller torch kit....?? It was over $250. I dont expect to be welding for long periods so the water cooled tip is probably not required. Torch time will be limited to building the frame and suspension (control arms) so I will probably have lots of time between welds. Now I gotta learn how to tig weld!! Any suggestions? Update...just found one for $80....local. Thanx!!
  13. Yes I would like to weld Aluminum.....but its not the primary concern. I searched a few welding forums and everyone echos your sentiments on the Synchowave being the better option but the Econotig will come my way for basicaly nothing. Yes...please fire that number my way.
  14. Thats too funny. At first I kept thinking why did they shrink a Trans am.....then I noticed the rear slope and It came together as an SX. Well done but not my cup of tea.
  15. Once I finish my current projects I plan to build a Super 7 type open wheel track car with my sons. Frame suspension and all....and I need to start with a decent welding package. I found a super deal on a Econotig...BUT....it was used as a power source for PVD equipment and comes with no torch. Doing a quick ebay search I discovered the price of a torch and cable can get pretty expensive....so much for the deal...lol Anyway......I dont know much about welding equipment so this question may be a bit simple but here it goes..... are all Tig welding cables the same? For example does a Lincoln fit on a Miller? Are there adaptors that allow this? Or am I trapped in picking up a Miller unit. Im looking for less expensive alternatives....if possible. Thanx
  16. HAHA...4 banger! That Hybrid looks very odd 4 sure!. Any idea what engine that may be.......
  17. Try www.my350z.com very good site.
  18. Oh great...another egotestical Ars%$#@...Damn my therapist keeps telling me to think before I speak! Congrats Grumpy..I know you will do great!
  19. All I say is ...if you like it go for it! Im sure it will turn out great!
  20. In this case you can stay and help me!
  21. What do you mean before it was too late???????? You were glued to yourself or had a chemical burn?
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