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S13 with a Buick straight 8


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Why did they do that?  That straight eight is heavier than the Queen Mary,  at best only displaced 320ci at best, but most likley 263ci.  They only madeabout  150/170 hp and that was wound clear up to 3600rpm.

After all that being said, I always loved those engines, and I think this really cool!! 

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Might make very little HP, but whats the torque down low? Stump puller motor with way out rear diff gear ratio and gearbox should get the power down easy.




Straight 8, not 6. if you look carefully at the pic each of the intakes is flanked by an exhaust on each side, E-I-I-E E-I-I-E E-I-I-E E-I-I-E style.

  On 1/9/2013 at 4:08 AM, NewZed said:

 Four intake runners feeding six ports seems a little weird. 

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The reason they did it is clearly written on the side of the car: "XO"


It's a vintage class. We competed against an XO Ford Pinto running a methanol injected, blown flathead...


What would you want to do: run for top speed in a brick of a 36 Buick,


Or run that same engine in a nice, aero-slick S13?


That's why they did it!


(EDIT) as to the engine "only" displacing this-or-that, remember the classes are by body style and DISPLACEMENT. You can run a 50cc Streamliner, or four synchronised 640CID Donovan Hemis in your Streamliner. One record expectation will be slightly higher than the other. At Bonneville, the "just stuff a big engine in it" crowd usually gets a rude awakening (and curiously finds smaller cars and engines just might be less hairy to learn in!)

Edited by Tony D
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Let me count the things wrong in that engine bay:

1.  Braided lines rubbing against each other.

2.  Braided lined held in place on the core support with low temp wire ties.

3.  Braided lines rubbing on intake manifold plate.

4.  Unsupported wires running across the engine brace.

5.  Braided steel fuel line to fuel rail and then rubber hose with triple hose clamps to carb.

6.  Fuel pressure gauge pointing down at the engine.


Looks like they brought their 1950s tech along with the engine.

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This is slowly changing there as well... but it takes time.


The Tech Inspection Sequence from "World's Fastest Indian" comes to mind as it's not that far from what you really get...


The least of which is that the car was going over 175mph meaning long-course runs. Judging by the inspection stickers this was 2009, the 60th Anniversary of Speed Week.

Edited by Tony D
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Ominous insidious note: the "Additional Feature"-original documentary was an added feature when "Toklat" showed at the Lloyd's Theatre in Menominee Michigan. I went to see this movie about a bear when with my grandfather when I was 6 or so. My first movie! 40 years later I'm told "Oh, DUDE! You GOTTA see this movie! This guy is SO YOU!" So I go...with my son. Chillingly, "The Shelf" is panned... My son says "hey, look dad, he has the same shelf as you! Haha, 'gods of speed'--is he your REAL grandpa?" (My shelf was named the same...)

I went through the whole movie, enjoying but uneasy... As if I somehow KNEW this story. It bugged me. When it came out on DVD, the added material was listed something like "Original Documentary, Offerings to the Gods of Speed" included.


"ORIGINAL" documentary?


Before watching it STRAIGHTAWAY I went to the extra features, and it came flooding back... My grandfather, The Lloyds, and what "cemented" is was during the documentary was one bearded gent saying "I think Burt is a real individual.... In those days that was the POLITE way you said "hippie nut-job" if you were of a conformist type (and oooooh, let me tell you!)


From the seed planted there, half a world away...

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