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How Many of You are Engineers?


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Guest ls1z4me

AS- Engineering Design - Camaron University, Lawton OK


BS - Mechanical Engineering Technology - O.S.U, Stillwater OK "Go Polks"



I work for Mercury MerCruiser, R&D Engineer Base Engine Group. Responsible for the 4.3L V6, 5.0L V8, 5.7L V8, 6.2L V8, and some 8.1L V8s.

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I took 2.5 years of the the ME curricula at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. At the same time I was working in IT in the Continuing Education Department. I changed my major to MIS, and and had to drop out after a semester because I had to get a better job. Now 10 Years in IT, and I still haven't finished that degree.

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Where's the engineering market at right now? I'm thinking of getting my B.S. in computer hardware engineering, but I've been reading that the demand my go down. Before this, I was looking at aerospace engineering, but computer hardware seemed to interest me more. Is anybody here a computer hardware engineer? If not, anything close, like a computer software engineer, or something similar? Thanks for the help.

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I used to wash planes thats as close as i ever got to something techical but cmon now guys i know that i am not smart but afther reading all this i really feel like an idiot and sad thing is that it feels ok :cry: . next year i start UTI and afther that i hope to get some kind of degree :D .



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Guest bang847

Wow.... lots of free brainpower here...

I started college wanting to do Mechanical Engineering but half way through the math and science but I couldn’t handle it...

After my situation changes I plan to pursue it again.

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Guest Want aZ

19 yrs 6 mos as Combat Engineer in the Army, Can build things, BUT Blowing them up is alot more fun!!!


AS- Biomedical Instrumentation, Univ of Arkansas.


AS - Construction Mgt, Park University


Working on BS in Engineering Mgt, Park University

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Meee TOOO!


Congratulations to anyone who is still reading this far into the post.


I was a control systems engineer for about a year (engine control units for diesels), now I am an environmental specialist. I have a bachelors in Physics, and I'm studying for a second bachelors in Computer Sci, after which I'll probably be a software engineer.

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Where's the engineering market at right now? I'm thinking of getting my B.S. in computer hardware engineering, but I've been reading that the demand my go down. Before this, I was looking at aerospace engineering, but computer hardware seemed to interest me more. Is anybody here a computer hardware engineer? If not, anything close, like a computer software engineer, or something similar? Thanks for the help.


I have a friend that is Computer Engineer that is workin as IT manager for an accounting firm in Huntsville. Computers as a whole are down right now, and the market is not looking up very much. I am beginning to see an upswing, but it will be very gradual because so many companies have gone to outsourcing.

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Guest BigWhyteDude
I'm not an engineer, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express :D


thats greatness there.


Since there are so many EE's here i thought i might ask yall if yall have ever tried building a Tesla Coil befor? I met an EE once dont remember his name, but he built one that was about 15 feet high!!!! :shock: Threw bolts out 20-30 feet away from the orb thingy on top of it. i mean it was awsome. i unfortunatly only saw a vid of it in action :cry:

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I have a B.S. in S.E. and am working on my Masters right now....








wait...they dont offer a shadetree engineering degree....







anywho....I have been considering it for the longest time, and probably will after I finish my B.IT in a two years. bah...time just doesnt go fast enough! I want my degree now!




lots of brains here though....we should all get together and take over the world.

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I have a B.S. in S.E. and am working on my Masters right now....








wait...they dont offer a shadetree engineering degree....







anywho....I have been considering it for the longest time, and probably will after I finish my B.IT in a two years. bah...time just doesnt go fast enough! I want my degree now!




lots of brains here though....we should all get together and take over the world.

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