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More Foolishness From Street Racing......Video Inside!


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Mudge' date=' do you really believe that the same type of thing didn't happen 30 to 40 years ago during the muscle car/hot rod era?



Did I not just say that it did?


What I am disputing, is that weaving through traffic is way beyond street race, that is, should I use big words like reprehensible? Any tool with approximately half a brain should know the risks, if some guy is faster than me, I'd have no problem letting him be faster than me, as opposed to me risking my life, my car, and others lives just to come out in front. Thats what the track is for, the person in the video is still a prick, and a moron.

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I absolutely agree!

Which brings up another point: Idiots who feel it totally appropriate to drive 60mph in the fast lane (65mph limit with traffic cruising at 70-80), and are just oblivious to their surroundings and what they are doing to the traffic flow!!!



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But again, This is nothing new, or indicative of the "New Gen X" kids. We did this back in the 80's and it was stupid then. We called it slaloming cars. You just picked a pace, held it and SQUEEZED through traffic. It worked wonderfully on those mornings when you were late for work after an all nighter with your favorite girl your girlfriend didn't know about, that usually made you extremely late for work!


Guys, We all agree that this stuff is dumb, but hell I still enjoy banging gears and laying rubber... I even got chastised by Pete and Michael O. when I grabbed 2nd gear on a cold winters day in MY OWN subdivision with no one around... We all have different tolerances for screwing around in cars, and I think there is a time and place for everything. Take it to the track is what my blanket statement is, and you can go back to the archives and see where I preach it over and over. However, reality is that times are no different than when my dad (Now 64) was running moonshine and racing the cops.



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However' date=' reality is that times are no different than when my dad (Now 64) was running moonshine and racing the cops.



The birth of NASCAR LoL :D


I agree, its nothing new really, just new packaging and a new generation doing the same old. History repeats itself...


Getting to work through traffic is like playing chess, weigh your moves carefully, but I dont weave through traffic, even though those people sometimes can get a block or two ahead - alot of the times I laugh that they are right next to me at the next light LoL


Tim, I saw a Honda Hybrid awhile back with the plate "74 MPG" and she was doing about 55 I think when everyone else was doing around 70, now that irks me yes. HOW ABOUT 68 MPG AND GOING A LITTLE FASTER LADY? haha

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Back in 1972 when I was in the second grade my dad had a 1968 SS Camaro and used to street race people all the time. He did it with a Pabst Blue Ribbon in one hand and me and my little brother in the car no less!


There was no such thing as "buckle up kids" seatbelts, what the hell were they for! We would cheer him on as he was shifting gears and beating another local car into the ground.


Street racing has been around for a long long time and it will always be a part of growing up.


Ahhhh memories...like the corners of my mind...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I street race on occasion with friends that I know and trust. We like to mod our cars and run them, you know, to see how much faster they actually are. I DON'T however do it in the middle of town or on the interstate, i.e. the video. I could care less for that. We take our races way back in the country where Farmer John long since pulled the only traffic on the road...his '76 John Deere tractor off into his barn and retired for the evening. (We do try to get as far away from Farmer John's house as possible, I'm sure he doesn't appreciate the sound of headers/exhuast blasting through the air at midnight.

I'm saying that I'm only 18, but I love to drive, and I love to mod, and I love to goto the strip, but if my buddy says "Hey let's go out in some back country and see what they'll do." I'll say OK. That doesn't make me some punk street racer. As long as we aren't endangering anyone else, there isn't any wrong being done, and we keep it very safe.




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Guest Aaron

JB_BA, do not take this the wrong way, but I would like to make a point here. I live in the country, and help maintain a small farm. I think racing in the country is just as dangerous to you as racing inside any city. I know I have killed a number of small animals (possums, rabbits, chickens, etc.), and narrowly avoided killing some large animals (BIG dogs, cows, horses, deer, etc.) while driving normally near my home. In the country, there just is not enough light to drive at high speed at night. Even with the best headlight systems, you simply cannot light an area 50-ft wide ad 300-ft long so that you can adequately see what is ahead of you. Hitting any of these animals at 100+ MPH would cause damage to any car, and very likely cause a wreck. If you are injured, it will take much longer for help to arrive “out in some back country†than at the track, therefore reducing your chance of survival or recovery.


I would also like to pose a hypothetical question for you. If you were racing, and something went wrong, and you destroyed a section of pasture fence, or slid through a cornfield, would you find the farmer and offer to pay for damages or repair the damage? I do not know you, but I would venture to guess that you would not, considering you were breaking the law (speeding/reckless driving at least), and you were out being a “hooligan†(probably the nicest thing the farmer would call you).


I say all this telling you to go to the track if you are going to race. When you race, you tend to only worry about beating your opponent, not your surroundings. Go to a place where the surroundings are controlled for you. No street/road was meant to be raced on.

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Guest Your Car is Slow

noone said it didnt happen back in the day...it did....however if you think its not stupid....then you are just simply a fool.


I race all the time...I speed all the time...I do lots of things I probably shouldnt....but I have not once ever thought "Gee this is a really smart Idea...and people who dont think its smart...well they can just kiss off"


If I kill myself..or another person while doing something stupid like that? well guess what...I DESERVE IT....just like the jackass in the video. He chose to take the risk...he wasnt under duress...he made the mistake...and it cost him. Happens every day.


That darwin guy was onto something.

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I like this sort of topic. First, I like to run, but generally limit myself to the track, however I have been known to give it to a ricer every now and then, like I did last weekend.


Personally I enjoy showing some Yo Boy what a real powerful car is all about, and most of the time, it takes them several miles of my slowed back down to cruising speed to give me the ricer flyby.


Just as in the video, thats what the guy was doing, or so it looked to me, a fly by.


Bottom line is street racing is not legal and you run the risk of screwing up every time you do it. You want to take the risk. be a grown up and accept the consequences.


I also think had the guy tried to stop, he would have ended up causing another wreck, you are not supposed to back up on the interstate either.


That said, I am willing to make an exception and go to the street races since I have this one particular S2000 driver that needs to get a good look at my tail lights disappearing right before his eyes.

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Guest livewire23

really I wish there was a better compromise. weaving in traffic is always stupid, whether you're racing or just trying to get two blocks ahead. But you have to admit, everyone here likes to race, and they like to go fast. Now of course its best kept to the track. But around here the track is some 70 miles away. You can't just run by a friend's house and say, hey, lets race. It just doesn't work. Now I can understand the argument about the country road, but I think there needs to be more flat roads, that are lit, so that responsible people can have some fun sometimes. I mean, sometimes when you're lucky, and you're sitting at the stoplight, you can see straight down the road, and see that you have at least 1/2 mile of empty road with no cross-streets in broad daylight. I don't think racing there is so bad. If you injure or kill yourself there, you were asking for it anyway. And if you get pulled over, well that just sucks. But yea, its always best to keep it on the track. Wednesday night drags forever. :wink:

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Around here, when farm animals see a line of about 15 cars heading down the highway, they tend to get out of the way. Besides, I said a country road, not out beside a farm. The "Foarmer John" bit was just a bit of an exaggeration to emphasize that there was NO traffic on the road at all...even during the day you may only see 1 or 2 cars. 50 feet wide? Naw buddy, these are two lane roads. Straight, narrow, sweet...perfect for racing, and with no one for miles...the drag racing "hooligans" are the only ones that risk getting hurt. I guess its a risk we're willing to take to have a little fun. At least we take precautions, the guys in that video just floored it down the interstate. (I'm sure most of us here have too, except those with strctly drag cars.) But the traffic was a little dense for what they were trying to pull...(obviously...)


See ya.

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Bottom line is street racing is not legal and you run the risk of screwing up every time you do it. You want to take the risk. be a grown up and accept the consequences.


Man, you guys are all missing the point. Forget the laws and forget what you could do to yourself. It is what you could do to some other hapless victim that should prevent you from street racing.


On the street, any street, anywhere, in any conditions, there are too many things outside of your control that could ruin someone's life. An animal in the road, a pothole, a blown tire, mechanical failure, a kid running out from behind a bush, the guy in the other lane losing control.... You get the idea. A track is a much more controled situation, and even then chit happens.


There is no way to be a "grown up" and street race, no matter what consequences you are willing to accept.

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