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WTH is this...


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Yep that's FlameZZZ's turbo charged V8 (I think)...I personally kind of feel sorry for the guy. There has been a lot of ball busting going on in Zcar.com and it feels pretty hostile over there so I didn't get into it. I too have an aluminum wing on my Z and kind of hits a sore spot when I hear all the name calling etc. It's just not the kind of thing I would expect from Z guys and gals. Bottom line, it's his car...everyone has their own opinion but some people in Zcar.com has taken it a little too far...oh well, what can ya do?

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Well Said Rated Z... Zcars are like women... We all have different tastes. You wouldn't call your buddie's girl Ugly, not if you wanted to keep your teeth in your head :shock: , or remain friends :shock::twisted: ...Why Hammer the guys car? :?


That crap is for Zcar.com. It is why we are HERE, and not THERE :lol: ! We rise Above. :D


Mike :D

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Guest 280steveX
True, true... the only thing is he supposedly claimed it was such a fast car, and it apperantly is not, not from the video.


dunno about you, but low 13s isn't slow either (unless he said he can take Lightnings & Z06s), but a 80+mph trap speed is curious.

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In a way its not slow, but you get used to things as time goes on, and unless its in the 11s its slow to me. Now on a road course, it doesn't have to be an 11 second car to be fast around the track, it all depends of various things though of course.


This was my dyno sheet



So, to me 13s are slow, that is a freaking stock car. Nissan Maxima can touch 13s as well.

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Two Points-

Everyone has their idea of what looks good on a Z, I personally think the money for the wing could have gone to a little body work and paint :?: , but as far as wings go, it's a cool wing.


Slow is a moving target. When I bought my first Z it felt fast, for a few months. Then I added header/cold air intake/exhaust tweaks, felt fast again, for a few months. Then I added a cam/compression/triple carbs, wow-it was FAST, for a few months. Then I added.........

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That car is quick! Apparently some folks missed the fact that the car went low-13s at 98mph. You do not run 98mph in a turbo car with a low-13 and 1.6x 60' unless you got out of it and he said he did. He is doing a couple of things wrong with his setup that is hurting the performance and when he gets rid of the NA mindset, that car will do well.

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Guest livewire23

13s at 80+? He must of let off it big time. I ran a 16.2 at 84, and then I let off of it and ran a 16.4 at 77. (Don't laugh, I know its slow) How can you run 13s 80+ unless you were on the brakes?

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Guest Thurem

13's at 80 some mph, it's cause of the wing you see, it's set rather steep so he gets really good traction out of the hole. But then it slows him down on the top end. Elementary my dear Watson.



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13's at 80 some mph, it's cause of the wing you see, it's set rather steep so he gets really good traction out of the hole. But then it slows him down on the top end. Elementary my dear Watson.





I have to say that I too can't stand going over to ZCAR.COM anymore because of crap like that. I know when I asked about a V-8 conversion for my 280ZX I practically got a new a$$ ripped into me! :evil: I have'nt been over there since then. I don't care for the people over there. I think everyone should have their own opinion on Z cars and if mines not the same as yours there is no reason to give a guy crap(not too much anyways! :wink: )


Yeah 13's at 80mph does sound funky?




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Guest fishoutawata

The guy that owns that car is named Wayne. He is an old school street racer from Bakersfield, Ca. He actually flagged my first street race 12 years ago.


I don't think he will ever run the car to its full potential at the track as he likes to run on the street for cash and doesn't want people to know the car's real time. From what I've heard over at bakersfieldstreetracing.com he is moving up past some of the "faster" cars on the ladder

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