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L6 pollution of TURBO/SUPERCHARGER forum


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it might seem strange, coming from myself who is by no means a longtime member, and for this i apologize in advance. however, i thought that hybridz.org was started up as a place for open- minded discussion of all things pertaining to the enhancement beyond stock of the z-family of automobiles. and seeing as how a hybrid is truly defined as any combination of enhancement that expands the parameters and capabilities of the stock car, wouldn't any exclusionary measure such as the one suggested in the beginning of this thread be a reverse form of the same elitist purism that this site was started to avoid in the first place? i know that was one long sentence, but one that i felt needed to be said. much love to everyone.

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Who's ever seen an L6 powered 240Z go faster than a SBC powered Z anyway? It just doesn't happen. I'm calling Bravo Sierra.


I believe the BS reference is towards a turbo L6 being faster than a V8Z.


I'm not even going to argue the idiocy of this statement. It's akin to saying "ALL chevys are faster than ANY honda"


The moderators and administrators have done what we feel is necessary to cut down on the repetative, and sometimes simplistic questions that were being posted here in the past. In my eyes, the changes had definately taken us in a step in the right direction. However, with that said, we believe it is better to make "tweaks" a little at a time, rather than a whole bunch at once. Hence the consolidation of a few forums. We went through and did the easy ones to see if it made a difference, and it has. Will we do more consolidation? If the need arises.


As far as DAW's comments, they are poorly worded and in poor taste. The idea may warrent discussion by the hybridz community, so here is a chance to discuss it.


Stepping back from a moderators role for a second, I would be quite upset to see the high-performance L6 crowd being tossed on their ear, so to speak. Yes this started as a V8 swap site, but it has grown to be the epitome of what a technical high performance forum should be. Furthermore, people here have for the most part shown that there is common ground for all Z and speed enthusiests here, regardless of their choice of parts. I'd hate to see this site start discriminating against a certain group (L6 turbo'rs for example) because of their choice of engine. This is what led to the formation of hybridz and the departure of many members from zcar.com in the first place, except instead of the turbo L6'ers it was the V8 cars being put in the spotlight.


Regardless of your feelings as to who deserves to post on this forum, I would suggest that you ask yourself "is so-and-so's goal the same as mine?" I would expect that likely 99% of the membership here has the same goal: To build a ridiculously fast car, based on a Datsun Z. If the destination is the same, why hate because the paths we choose to get there are different?

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Guest LedFoot

Although I'm not a long time member like the rest I would be upset to see the L6 engines tossed out of the page. After all I'm about 3 months away from putting an Eaton MP90 or Yella Terra supercharger on my 74 260z and I found the information for my research invaluable.

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[ Who's ever seen an L6 powered 240Z go faster than a SBC powered Z anyway? It just doesn't happen. I'm calling Bravo Sierra. DAW



Actually quite a few people seen me do it, and yes indeed, an L6T powered 280z at that too. Picture me rollin. The crowd at Sacramento got to see the impossible possible, and they saw it happen at the street lights too.

There are no turbo charged v8s on this forum, except for the scarab turbo carb guy lurking somewhere. Most of the turbov8 questions post in the chev ford other forums anyway.

Already done that old v8 stuff :twisted:

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I thought this site was for EVERYONE with a Z who weather they like V8's, V6's, straight 6's, 4 bangers, turbo's superchargers, nitrous etc..Sorry if I left anyone out.


I'm also sure there are 4 bangers that have handed V8's there ass. I know Cody's got a quick turbo L6 because he nearly ran me down at Ennis last time :shock:


Lets not exclude anyone because I like many others even though I don't own a specific build love to read about those who do and educate myself on there idea's and builds.


Lets not be narrow minded here please.


Thanks so much for this site no matter what your preferences are :D


And no I do not mean sexual preferences :shock:



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Guest comeandzpa

I always hear a lot about the "purists" on other sites, who raise holy hell when someone suggests a V8, etc. Fortunately, they do not show up here very often. However, I think that eliminating the L6'ers would be an act of "purity". Thinking that all Zs that are not a V8 is a bad Z is like thinking any Z that is not stock is a bad Z. Last time I looked at the name of this site, it was Hybridz.org not V8z. org.

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I put a v-8 in my zx, so I guess that I'm gonna be allowed to stay :) . But IMHO I think that the sixers contribute a lot of info to the site, and by excluding them we will be no different than the others that are so purist that there is very little that is useful there. Besides, I thought that this site had built up a good reputation for tolerance and acceptance.

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Well I have a V8 in my 280ZX.....


I love reading about the Turbo Charged L6's. Especially the Twin Turbo L6! :shock: I dont really care if your car still has the stock engine in it, just as long as you are trying to make it faster than it was! :D If thats the way you want to make your car faster then all the more power to you!


The reason that I refuse to go to ZCar.com is because of the "purist" type of attitude. I almost got my head ripped off when I started asking about V8 conversions. I took a lot of crap after that post. All I would ever hear is "ah arent you going to put a V8 in your car? so why do you care about the L28 engine?" I was still in the decision stage of my swap and I wasnt sure if I was going to go with the L28 Turbo or the V8. I choose the V8 because I was more familiar with the V8 and I wanted as few problems as possible for my first engine swap. This worked for me but for a lot of guys the L28 Turbo works great!


I say as long as your not a "PURIST" then your welcome to stay! :D




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to all:

I haven't been here too long and don't post alot, but I've learned more here than any other car related web site. This is by far the most technical and chuck full of good info place there is. I also own an RX7 and believe me, there is no site for those that compare to this Z car site (I've been looking hard for one and ain't found one yet).

I'm prep'ing a '79 Fairlady 280Z for modification (mostly read as tearing it apart) and still am not sure if it will be a V8 or a turbo 6 (when I get that far my wife will be a happier person). I don't want to loose either groups input.

Engines are engines and no matter who made them or how many cylinders it has, the goal is to shove more air and fuel in each hole and then get it to all to burn. After that, you do what you can to get as much as the combustion gas out as possible. I see kicking any of these groups off as a mistake and a loss to everyone. (yeah maybe I'm a little selfish here).

Heck I just bought a Silverado SS and my kid drives a CRX Si (stock). :oops:


What ever happens, keep the diversity thats here as a benifit to all.

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I would hate to see anything that upsets the dynamic of this site. This is the best automotive site I'm a member of, mainly because the members are so knowledgeable (inliners, turbo inliners, V8'ers,etc). I have been a member for 3 years ago and I have learned so much because of the wealth of expertise here. You don't see people asking "what is that knocking sound I hear from my engine" or some basic question like that. Yes, the method of propulsion may differ, but an inliner also has contributions to make in the braking forums, body forums, or whatever. Losing them would be a shame.

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I'll create my own L6/I6/alternative engine forum before having to listen and put up with ridicule from purists that are far from pure...


We're already seeing the effects of the narrow minded. This topic should have been deleted before it ever got this far.


I still haven't seen DAW respond in any way to it and I'm still trying to figure out why it was ever posted in the first place. It didn't take a psychic to see that this thread was going to cause some major waves in HybridZ.


I'm going to do myself a favor and not read this topic anymore. All it does is piss me off.

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We're gonna have to look at this one. Everyone knows we are trying to get a better grip on our growth and we've made some changes recently to that end. Not sure I'm ready to upset the applecart we just restacked.


Mike 8)


Being an L6'er myself, I really appreciate the outpouring of support from various people on this thread. However, the very fact that somebody of Mike's stature on this forum is even considering such an action makes me seriously wonder if I want or need to be part of this community. Can you really sit there and say that I have not added anything useful to this forum because I don't have a V8? WTF - I thought you guys were my friends.


All I can say is be careful what you wish for. You may surely get it.

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I'm in full agreement with Bill. This topic was discussed recently enough in an intelligent manner in "moderators on a short fuse" and was brought out for a good reason, how to maintain the forum's integrity and high quality. Daw's post is either a bad joke or just inappropriate for the reasons mentioned by others in this and in the "moderators on a short fuse" posts.

Anyone who creates black and white division/distinctions for contributing members of HybridZ only based on number of cylinders as opposed to quality of posts is simply put narrow minded and IMO a BIGOT (Webster's definition: one intolerantly devoted to his own opinions and prejudices).

To say that we are polluters for discussing technical aspects of turbo L28's is litter itself. Usually, I would say grow up, get a grip and develop a mature perspective; however if you are old enough to be retired Daw, I suggest you get out of the sun (you see it’s too easy to be disrespectful). The post was insulting and clearly lack's integrity. So, PLEASE, stop polluting the forum, I come here for fun and technical mature discussions related to the modification of the Z’s, not to deal with bigots. I’m going to sign off this topic now.

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In keeping with the philosophy of the site, I for one, would like to see discussions of turbos on L6 engines taken to some site that exists elsewhere on the web, e.g., ZCAR.com... DAW


This was NOT a good topic to bring up out in the open since it would result in some charred feathers like it did here. I'm disappointed that DAW decided to seemingly not think about a topic that could cause some flames and one that has already been discussed before! I'm all for ideas and such, but use some tact on sensitive issues...and also the search function.


I'm considering deleting this thread because it has very little use for the site overall (again, the topic was discussed and we did what we did).


If anyone thinks there is a problem or issue with the site, every moderator and administrator has email or PM that can be used to contact them with! The ADMIN FORUM you don't see is the first forum that the administrators and moderators go to when they log on. Topics and issues about the site, members, etc are discussed there, so use the PM or email to bring up sensitive issues---they are discussed by us!


Not sure if I should delete or lock this thread :roll:





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I'm considering deleting this thread because it has very little use for the site overall (again' date=' the topic was discussed and we did what we did).




Not my decision to make but, it sounds like a good idea to me. All posters excluding the author in this thread have voted to stay as we are for the time being. Seems as though the popular decision has been made by many of the regulars and some of the newbies from site.


Thanks to all the supporters of us slow :lol: turbo L-6ers.


Next thing we'll here is that you can't discuss cars past the year 72. J/K


Have a good weekend everyone. :-D

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