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Calling All Southern States Z owners


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It has become apparent that there are not many Z owners here in my area in Tennessee, or on this board and those that are on here stay fairly quiet. But what I am getting at is for those in/around TN where are you located. As I read posts I see that there are many from the south but I just wanted an idea as to who all is around. So if you're not too proud to admit you are a southerner please chime in.




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I had planned on being at the last SEZ event held eventhough I didn't even have a running Z at the time. However, as luck would always have it, I was called in to work because of our short handedness. I have worked nearly 400 hours of overtime this year. The money is great but you sacrafice a whole lot of your free time in the process.


When is the next evet Scottie? I even have a running Z that I can drive now. :twisted:

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