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Just had an earthquake


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Guest bastaad525

6.5 on the scale, up near Cambria and San Simeon... nearly 200 miles from LA. Everyone around me felt it, I was outside working on the Z at the time, as a matter of fact... and didn't feel a think. Goes to show how our cars can take up all our attention :)

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Glad you are all ok!


SO how much does a 1000sqft hose go for out there? You guys in CA should sell you places, move to the midwest and you could have 10 z's! And a huge shop! I know the weather is nice but sheesh, I wouldn't want to get swalloed by mother earth for any amount of sunshine.

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Well, so far everyone in Los Osos is OK. Los Osos is built on beach sand, which isn't the best idea but apparently it took the shock out of the quake, which is kinda backwards. They're all saying it was a strong rolling, where people in Paso Robles felt a sudden jolt.


Haven't heard from any of my mechanic friends. I always dreaded the thought of being under a car on a lift when an earthquake hit...



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I've never been in an earthquake, good ol aus. But its funny calling it sea sick, it should be called quakesick


I'm not a CA native, so this whole earthquake thing is really strange to me!! Feels kinda like being in a train carriage while it's rolling/swaying down the tracks....most strange....also kinda wierd not being able to trust good ol' 'terra firma'.....or in this case: 'terra non-firma'! :roll:



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA
I've never been in an earthquake, good ol aus. But its funny calling it sea sick, it should be called quakesick


Actually I think it would be groundsick.


I didnt hear about the quake at all until I got to work (I work in claims). Any deaths or major injuries? Quakes scare the crap out of me, I was supposed to be in SF when they had that big old quake that took out the bay bridge.

I was wondering if something was going on down there, I was trying to open apache.org and it was down all day, figured something must have been going on if the Apache site was down! :shock:

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I suppose it is all in your perspective, There is no real safe place to live, mother nature will always have something exciting for you. I don't know if it is because I have grown up here or the fact that I have never been in close contact with a Tornado, but they don't really scare me, even though the damage you see them do is tremendous! But I can go outside in the spring time and tell you when they are coming, you can smell/sence them. Is there anything that lets you all know a 'rumble' is comming?

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I know that mother nature will get you where ever you live. When I was moving back to Oregon I must have heard that statement a thousand times. So I just thought that I'd toss in my standard answer from then. :D I really liked Tulsa and if I didn't live here, That would be my first choice.

There are places in Washington State where road signs that say "Tsuami Eveauation Route" and directly under it another. "Volcano Evacuation Route". Makes me glad that all I have to endure are forest fires, and the occasional Californian. :D

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