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Reality check


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Guest kc6wfs

Wow, that is nasty!!


3 weeks ago while driving to work at 5:30 am (side street) saw a Semi start jack-knifing, only to find out he hit a bike and the rider as they ran the light. DOA... was too gorey. As I called 911, the dispacher said for me to preform cpr.. I replied.. not much left up there to work with.

Then they understood.




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i saw this thing a way's back on one of the news shows like current affair or something like that on the subject of guardrails like that one. they leave the end wide open and basically a shish-kebob waiting to happen on an alarming number of freeways and ordinary roads around the map. this driver was one of the lucky ones, and to think in other cases the drivers were involved in "ordinary" accidents, not ones involving 100+ mph racing. :evil: i thought they were there to protect drivers, not potentially impale them. :?

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It's not that bad. A guard rail went through a Civic, and that is what the pictures show. No bodies laying around or nothing, just a car with a little blood from the drivers arm on the guard rail, seriously nothing bad. I guess everyone survived.


I thought all the gurd rails had that special end (can't think of the name of it at the moment *glug, glug*) on it to prevent this very thing from happening? When a vehicle hits the guard rail, the thing on the end would actually cut the posts and devert (why can't I find this word in the dictionary for the correct spelling?) the guard rail to the side. I saw a show on T.V. demonstrating this and thought it was required for all states to have this special end on guard rails?



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the law is in place in some areas, but not everywhere. even in some places where it has been put in place, the enforcement of the local areas in charge is usually pretty minimal, and in larger areas the budget isn't always there for some reason or another. i paid attention for a week or so after i saw that piece and it was amazing how many guardrails around my part of ny weren't set up like they should be. it's hard enough to get ten bucks worth of blacktop stuffed into foot-deep potholes around here much less miles of road made safe. makes you wonder what the hell's up with your tax money. :roll:

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