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Do guns cause violence?


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We are a violently disposed nation. Just take a look at the mainstream television "entertainment". The majority of problem resolution is based on a violent solution.


Just because guns do not technically "cause violence" does not mean I will have a gun in my home. Especially considering I have kids.

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Guns are not the cause of violence, but they certainly cause more deaths. Ever see any drive by knifing or 6 high school kids get beat to a death by someone with a stick. Heck, if I had a gun in my car I might have shot a few idiots on the road myself. BTW Bowling for Columbine directed by Michael More is a fantastick and witty documentary related to this subject. I certainly recommend watching it.

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I know there is going to be a lot of division on this one, but I don't see how anyone can happily put their family in a car and drive on the freeway and be firmly against guns because they "cause violence". I don't believe that guns cause violence any more than that bus caused that motorcycle rider guy's head to split open and his brains to spill out on the road (thanks for that one too, Aux, still seeing that when I close my eyes at night). Look at the stats on deaths for guns and cars. Pretty amazing that we lose almost as many people per year in the US in car accidents (at least the last time I looked at an almanac) as we did in whole of Vietnam. Yet very few want lower speed limits or people wearing helmets in cars. Guns and cars are both tools.


What worries me is when the govt says its too dangerous to ride a motorcycle, or too dangerous to ride without a helmet, or too dangerous to drive without a seatbelt, or too dangerous to own a gun. The govt doesn't need to look out for me thanks. Bad paraphrase of Jefferson or Franklin depending on where you read it: "Those who would trade liberty for security will end up with neither".


If you don't want to own one, then don't. No one is forcing you. No one is forcing you to own a car either, but the goal should not be to prevent anyone from owning a car because of the potential damage they can cause.


The best line in Bowling for Columbine is when Mike Moore says that Canada has the same amount of guns per capita, and only a small fraction of the gun related deaths. Perfect proof that one does NOT need to get rid of guns to stop the gun related deaths. Of course Mike takes the low road and blind sides Charleton Heston in the same vicious manner as that psychotic b!tch Rosie O'Donnell attacked Tom Selleck a while back. All those attacks prove is what @ssholes they are. The only one that made any sense in that movie was the South Park guy. His assessment of high school pressure to succeed was perfect. Oh, and Marilyn Manson too. His interview was good.



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My dad who fed himself and his family during the Depression with a rifle would probably disagree. Every day his dad would give him ONE bullet, and he would head off to the hills and try to find dinner for his family.


I have a friend who's dad did the same for his family in the early late 70's and early 80's for several years.



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if you were to ban guns would that really lower the deaths by guns? this is off the top of my head, but wouldnt you agree that most people that shoot other people do a lot of illegal stuff anyways and would still own a gun if they were illegal? just something to think about.


im only 17 and i know a lot of people that really would care less if guns were illegal. its the hate between 2 or more people that cause deaths. its not the gun.


dont get me wrong, im sure without gun there would be much fewer deaths, but they are here now and they will not go away. the people are the ones that need help.


i dont know if i really have to say this, but its kind of sad that in the 4 years ive been at my highschool there have been 3 shootings. it is just a crazy world out there. and anything can happen at anytime.

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banning guns would do nothing. Last I checked cocain and herione were illegal and there are plenty of people getting there hands on that stuff. I was raised in a house with guns and I haven't commited any crimes. I have had my connecticut handgun permit since I was 18 and have been nothing but an outstanding citizen. It is all the idiots with guns that cause the violence and the idiots that have them around children and give them access and don't talk to them about them. It is also the punishments aren;t high enough. If all those dumb ass gang members were to be locked up for a minimum 25 years for commiting a crime with a gun there would be less crimes commited with guns. The dood is too revolving. Any way nice website. Rant rant rant...

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to simply put it, when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.


when those two guys robbed bank of america and had a shootout with the cops in LA, I recall them using ak47s. in full auto. while they were illegal. Draw conclusions.


besides, guns don't kill people, bullets do.

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Ah, the right wing strikes again. I didn't notice that link saying anything about the Patriot Act. Seems funny that if anyone mentions registering guns the gun lobby seems to think that registration meen banning. As for the analogy of cars vs gun deaths, lets carry it on to this. I have two cars, a Motorcycle, and a big purple Peterbilt. I had to register them all. So what if I have to register my .41 magnum? (Not only that have you ever seen any carryhing a concealed VW? :D ) Seems that the gun lobby [read Bush and his ilk] only worry about the second amendment, and are quite content to let the rest of the constitution go by the board.

Rant rant rant...
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the gun lobby seems to think that registration meen banning


The resistance to registration is a lesson that history should be teaching to all of us. Registration is the precursor to forced disarmament of the people. Right now there are guns in one of every two households. If a Hitler or a Stalin were elected to power in this country, that person would have to deal with 145 million armed people (at least) before starting a new Holocaust or Red Purge. However if the govt knows where all the guns are located, they can round them up, just like Hitler did before the concentration camps.


The reason the right to bear arms "shall not be infringed" with registration or any other BS is that the people who wrote the Constitution realized that we may one day need to fight off an oppressive govt again. Since they had just done so, they also realized that there would be no way to do that if the people didn't have guns. And I'm not talking "sporting weapons" here either. They had the same high tech muskets that the Army carried.



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I am strongly against guns. Nothing good has come from them


Oh yeah! I am totally with you... after all, the freedom from tyranny and the ability to protect my family aren't worth anything. :roll:


OK, done with the sarcasm. I just don't see anything more coming from gun registration than has already come from the laws passed to date. Criminals will always own the best tools they can find and I will find the best tools I can to defend me and mine.

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Granted Bowling for Columbine must be taken with a grain of salt (which I realized when I watched it) but I do have a question for you Americans...


How is it that Canada has as many or more guns per person, and we have significantly less shooting deaths/crimes per person? (by about a factor of 100... I'm talking PER PERSON here, so population doesn't really count in this sense)


This isn't intended to be sarcastic in any way, I am just curious to hear others thoughts on this... I have my own ideas too but would like to hear others.

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