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PETA members are going to have heart attacks


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that can't be real! :?


Is this a real commercial? If so' date=' all parties involved would face litigation and arrest!




Could be a real commercial, but I'm certain it's a computer-generated effect. Nobody in their right mind would ruin a perfectly good interior like that. ;)



Member, PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals)

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It's fake :D if you look close as the cat slides off the car you can still see his head is attached and while your at it look at how the body slides off the car!! Plus the car's reflections don't match with the cat.


more or less a cg thing done. still funny tho :D

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Guest ZmeFly

This didnt go to well over at 240Z.org, I go there and post there as well and posted this ( the one with the cat) over at the 240Z.org site, it met some really mixed revues.


I still think its funny, just as funny as the one with the pigeon.


Heres the link if you care to look. Maybe there not as forgiving as we are over here.



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