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Man that is a bummer....I feel for you!


I am making the big trek across country (okay well three states anyway) to MSA this year and was hoping to see your 'Goose.


I say put an ouch sticker and a bandaid on it, make it a good conversational point as people will be drawn to you car no matter what and you may a few laughs.


Before you know it, it will be all fixed and be yesterday's memory.


Hope you change your mind


Regards - Yasin

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Tim240Z said

BTW...I'm on my 5th Captains and coke

Well in the spirit of camaraderie and full sympathy from other Zheads/nuts..I would like to suggest that we HybridZ'ers join our buddy Tim in his endeavor and have at least five drinks each in his honor :)

I'll also second Yasin's suggestion to still bring the Goose to the MSA show, it's all about hanging out (unless you're afraid of my porker 280ZX with the L28et) :wink:

To Tim :cheers:

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:shock: ooooooofff!!!

What everybody said.

At least it's not like what you said, it couldve rolled farther down and did more damage to the car and other peoples property. It couldve been worse and thank God it was'nt.

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Sorry to see that, but it could have been a lot worse. I agree, no reason not to take it to MSA show. Just put a note over it explaining how the Ricer could not get out of your way even though you gave him an edge by racing in reverse :D .


- Joe

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Guest bastaad525

oh man.... :cry: I can't friggin believe it. Having been one of the fortunate few to have seen your awesome car with my own eyes... I'm feeling a pang just looking at these pics.


Same thing happened a couple years ago with my ZX... I park on an incline in my apartment and one day the Ebrake just decided to let go overnight... came out the next day to find my car had rolled and backed into one of my neighbors cars, a nice almost brand new toyota truck, and pushed it into one of the roof support poles as well, so damage on both sides for him. I never trust any Ebrake now, always put the car in gear when parked. I dont know why, but I was lucky in that the truck owner decided, for whatever reason, not to contact my insurance co. and didn't even ask me for any money. Assuming he had full coverage and maybe he just claimed someone hit and run on him in a parking lot or whatever... but damn either way that was very cool of him. The rear of the ZX was pretty screwed up which was one of the things that got me moving on trying to find a rolling 240 to put the drivetrain into. Anyways you know better than most how much crap goes wrong with my car even after as much as I've put into it... not nearly as much as you :) but enough that I still can kinda say I know that pain.


I agree that that shouldn't keep you from the show Tim... yours is still one hell of an awesome Z and the quality and detail of your work still shines thru... a ding like that can't take that away. I kinda like the bandaid decal idea....


I'm very glad bro that it wasn't too bad and shouldn't be too much of a big deal to fix.... shouldn't be long at all and just a drop in the bucket compared to how long you've been working on it, and then, just like slownrusty said... before you know it it will be just a fading memory...

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Tim, that does hurt to look at - my condolences.


But it will be fixed in short order!


I agree - put a bumper sticker on it, or after it's appraised, do a quick repair yourself (pop out the dents if you can, etc.). But it'll still be one if not THE slickest Z at MSA. And probably THE slickest that's owner conceived, designed and built!


If I was going to MSA, I'd rather see it with the damage than not see it there!


Best Wishes,


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Oh, man. I can't believe it. You must have been absolutely livid.


I'm with the others on this one. Get your butt out to MSA and don't worry about it. bring along a couple of potted plants to set in front of it, or something. :)

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Thanks for all the support guys, but after all the effort I put into this car, there is NO WAY I'm gonna show it at an event like MSA WCNs in its current condition....it would just hurt my heart too much.....after all that tail panel is the 'centerpiece' for the bodymods....

Oh, and Pete, I wouldn't spend $$ on one of those dolls....cheaper just to tell my 4 year old he can't go and buy his favorite Rescue Hero Character.....he'll stand there and sulk for the afternoon :D:twisted:



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Tim: GDMFCSSOB! We've all watched the progression of project "Mongoose". Your triumphs and challenges. It's a difficult thing to watch your energies and aspirations pressed to the point of discust. However, I would have rather the car simply roll down the drive into a parked vehicle, than have had you stopped at an intersection and someone redefining the shape of the car with you and/or yours in it! Let me know what I can do to help. Also, let me know how and when I can get your HVLP back to you. Looks like you may be using it before me. Sorry about your car. If I know you, the Goose will be back together in short order, and it would'nt suprise me to see you make the MSA.


Call me! VAN

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I feel your pain bro!!!


Just like this !#@$#@$#@&^^& oil leak I've been chasining even had to pull the drivers side head still leaking!!! Found it though...


ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!! Ooooooooooo fffffffuuuuuuuuuu


Hey you drink Capt' too...COOL I'll drink one up for ya tonight.


Sorry about the car...


Heck I was rolling mine out of the garage the other day and ran over my toes while I was wearing running shoes OUCH!!!!

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Guest bastaad525

Well then I'll cross my fingers for you, I dont know when the MSA show is, but I hope somehow someway you can get it fixed in time. I agree that if the insurance co. gives you ANY hassle at all get all over their ass like white on rice..... indeed you did give them YOUR money first now they better do what you are paying them to do.

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:shock::shock::shock::shock: I can't even come close to thinking how you felt the second you saw this, but dust it off and take it too the show. Everybody wants to see the car, and this won't amount to fly poop in pepper by this time next year. Sorry to see this......it's got to be frustrating.
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It's off to the bodyshop. My neighbor, who has helped with bodywork advise all through the project, is an estimator (and accomplished body guy) at a very reputable bodyshop, so its going there. If I did not have that contact, then I would do it myself, but I trust him and his crew. They'll probably do a better job than I did anyways, or at least definitely quicker than I could. He is going to have them work Saturdays to try get it done in time, but I am not holding my breath......



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Guest bastaad525

kewl... yeah I don't take body shops at their word for how long anything will take either... I think that's one reason I haven't had a shop give my Z a REAL paintjob, fix all the dents and such... I could have had it done, money wise, but dont want to be w/o the car for who knows how long, especially since I've already been forced to do that so many times from it breaking down! I dont see why they can't ever give a reasonably accurate estimate.... "Paint Jail" indeed


Tim, hope I'm not being too nosey here... any idea what the cost is gonna be? Is the insurance company being cooperative? Heheh... want some of us Z guys to get together and put a little 'pressure' on anyone to help speed up the process of gettin it fixed in time? :D:twisted:

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:shock::shock::shock::shock: I can't even come close to thinking how you felt the second you saw this, but dust it off and take it too the show. Everybody wants to see the car, and this won't amount to fly poop in pepper by this time next year. Sorry to see this......it's got to be frustrating.


Tell ya what, Terry....if YOU come out, I will bring the car, regardless of condition......

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